>this came out today
>no good threads about it
Stop shitposting for a minute and discuss one of the greatest RPGs ever.
>this came out today
>no good threads about it
Stop shitposting for a minute and discuss one of the greatest RPGs ever.
>no one cares about a shitty old meme game
Wow... can you imagine that...
how many trannies did they add?
I know they said they wouldn't but I don't trust them
What the fuck is a meme game?
I'll buy this right now if you can convince me they didnt't change anything.
He's baiting, fucktard.
Don't buy it. Pirate it.
I guess you're right. They fucked up Baldur's Gate.
le journal simulator
it would be fucking RETARDED to EVER buy anything that shitdog was involved in
They didn't change anything with the game itself. But 20 bucks is too much so I pirated it too.
just play the original with mods ya dip
Those are fine now.
Nah I'm too lazy for all that stuff.
>look at screenshot
>they make it look like fucking garbage
bwaahaha my brother!
How are they fine? Did they patch shit out?
Literally looks like S.T.A.L.K.E.R. on Medium settings.
That's obviously the shill who made this thread doing damage control. They are not fucking "fine" they are awful.
>paying money to corporate kikes for abandonware
no way fag.
Looks like they paid someone to remake the game in flash in the year 2004
it doesn't take too long to set up and it has the unfinished business patch that adds more content
that guide is more or less retard proof
you're replying to a beamdog employee but yeah modding the game is so easy that even retarded xbox fags can do it
>Zoomed in all the way
>Have outlines turned on
>Still looks better than the original
Nice try m8. You can fix the character models in settings if you dont like it.
What the fuck is there to discuss? They changed around and cleaned up the UI and added zooming/quick loot. Nothing else.
Jesus fucking crist someone should make a shootup in BeamDog for this
I don't want to mess with mods, I just want to play the fucking game.
Yeah most of the bugs have been fixed.
>advocates pirating
Pick one.
I love Planetscape Tournament.
holy FUCK do I hate shills, fucking kill yourself you piece of shit
My name is not important...
What's important is what I'm going to do. I just fucking hate this world and the human worms feasting on its carcass. My whole life is just cold, bitter hatred... and I always wanted to die violently.
This is the time of vengeance and no life is worth saving – and I will put in the grave as many as I can.
It's time for me to kill... and it's time for me to die.
It's great that there is a more stable and optimized way to play this fantastic game. With mods, the original is unstable at best. You can certainly play the original, but now there's no point.
Is Unfinished Business not a deal breaker?
Planescape came out like 20 years ago.
What did he mean by this?
does the Enhanced Edition really change anything besides important besides some minor bug fixes? why should i give a shit when I already own the original.
I'm tired and my dick hurts. I didn't want to waste time making that question sound better.
theres a bunch of shit, if none of it interest you then dont bother
The original didn't even have a combat log? What the fuck?
Not bad actually. They included a lot the original should have had.
Because they want 20 fucking dollars for a game that's almost two decades old and their pathetic little improvements that are barely better than community mods that came out several years ago aren't enough to justify that price tag.
These four improvements alone are enough to disregard the original entirely.
>greatest RPGs ever
It's a literal meme-game. Its popularity is a meme. People play this game because of its reputation. It's the one that validates the hobby by being 'smart.' If you actually fire it up to try it you'll find that it's ugly as ass, handles like an antique submarine and the genius writing is Patrick Rothfuss-tier hackery.
PST was a meme game that took off when people started following the guide which actually let you see all the cool shit the game had to offer.
If you tried to play it like a regular RPG it's just kinda cool, notice how fucking no one says "oh man you gotta do a warrior play through!" it's always
>get that 25 wisdom 18 char ASAP
Still not enough for 20$.
Nah the game is a meme, but the writing is fucking good and it captures the planescape setting well... it's just a shame that to experience it you need to follow a fucking arcane ritual.
>people who pirated the original claiming the remake isn't worth 20 dollars.
>the writing is fucking good
At best I'd say 'pretty good by the abysmally low standards that we hold video games to.' If it were 'fucking good' I'd be willing to wade through the tedium to get to more of it.
PS:T is a very good game that is simply overrated by a community that doesn't really know all that much about RPGs, can we agree on that?
It's not a flawless piece of art but it isn't an unplayable piece of garbage either.
While it is bad game design, they had to stick to the dumb AD&D and Infinity Engine shit.
No one said you had to buy it.
Quality of life improvements for modern machines. I have tried to play PST a lot over the years and have had some game breaking bugs ruin my games. A lot of those had to do with the mods, mostly, and some extant bugs involving items and Mort disappearing.
>Patrick Rothfuss
That faggot was streaming Hearthstone the other day. Then I also learned he helped write Tyranny.
If it was a remake it would be worth 20 easily. As is, it's literally just a lazy as fuck port into their new version of the infinity engine. That's it.
As someone who's generally not a fan of CRPGs because of shitty combat and worse writting will I be able to find any enjoyment in this?
I've heard it's story is the best a CRPG has to offer.
It sounds worth $20 to me. You shouldn't be spending money on games if $20's a lot to you.
It's almost completely an adventure game with some combat thrown in. The encounters are easy as shit, and you destroy everything. There's also a story mode in this one, I think, which is like for babies or something.
They could have just not gated everything so hard.
The fact that to get the most out of the game (and the game is only okay at best if you don't min-max the full discovering everything in one play through, with all that it's amazing though)
Not liking something doesn't mean it's bad, the command of language is on point, it has stylistic flair which is coherent with the atmosphere and the context is some, while basic, something for you to chew on, that's good writing in my book. It's not fucking, idk whatever your poison is, Ulysses obviously being common. But it's not trying to be, it's still genre fiction.
This is why RPGs seem to be getting worse. These are the people in charge. Nerd culture has been thoroughly BAZINGAd. Faggotry and hackery are here to stay until they're gone.
Just read a book if you want a story. The combat is painful and in my opinion not worth it at all. Try 'Tales of the Dying Earth' or something.
Depends on how much you hate shitty combat. It's brain dead and tedious.
Play Underrail instead.
>telling people to not check out Planescape Torment
quit fucking shitposting, jesus christ. This board is abominable sometimes.
It's comedically disingenuous for people who never bought the original to go "ooh 20 dollars that's a bit much"
Especially the people who pirated it with the reasoning "well it's hard to find a copy these days and the original dev is gone"
Instead of less stat requirements there should have been more content for fighters and thieves. Choking people is fun, but there should be memories for other combat/sneaky related shit.
alright, new taunts
Genre fiction is no excuse. Planescape goes nowhere slowly and whatever style that might be there (IMO not much if any at all) is strongly undermined by the fact that most of what's being described is represented on screen, and who the hell lets their thoughts take priority over what's in front of their eyes? Prose doesn't belong in a video game.
Fuck you, Planescape is a meme and I want the 20-odd hours of my life I spent on it that one time back. Read 'A Fine and Private Place,' all the musings about being dead that you could ever want. It's not even hard reading, you could give it to a 10 year old and they'd get it.
Stop posting, fag.
I own the original. Bought and paid at original release. Good job implying though.
Story is good, combat is passable, but nothing spectacular. There's only 3 classes for the main character, while the others are fixed, though like some other RPGs, you can do quests to enhance their skills. But at the end of the day, you can just gangbang most enemies and run away from the ones that are too dangerous.
Prove it.
Then you're a retarded poorfag who thinks $20 is too much money.
Can you rebind keys for the camera?
Back when I played PST I wanted to rebind camera controls from the arrows to esdf but couldnt.
Fuck you, stop contributing to the debasement of western culture.
they posted a comparison on their site
too big to post here
Great. I know for sure that most people haven't. (obviously assuming you aren't just lying on a Mongolian tapestry weaving forum)
desu I dunno, I don't think that actually really fits, some stuff from lives where he was more like that absolutely, but TNO pontificates about changing himself all the damn time, which only really fits the WIS/CHA build.
Maybe locking WIS/CHA and having some STR/INT/AGI based memories to go along with that would have worked.
Wut, in PST the visuals are bare bones as fuck because it's a 2000 infinity engine game, when they're describing the smoke in the room as wispy we don't see that at all. Especially not character actions. In today's world yeah you could do that without writing it, but not then. And even then planescape would still have good writing because the dialogue and content is good, it's full of subversion that fits the themes of planescape.
It does interesting things with the deck it has, it gives you something to chew on, and it uses language well. Those things are generally enough for me to call a book good.
I read better books and appreciate them in ways greater than you ever will, dick-weed.
If you're playing for the writing I have to wonder what you're doing with a video game at all. There will always be better writing in books, better visuals in movies and better gameplay in other games. I don't see the point in playing Planescape. I don't mind video games having a serious go at storytelling but I prefer them to do it as video games. Nier I really liked for playing off of the expectations that come with a video game, also it looked and sounded incredibly and played very smoothly. Planescape is an ugly, janky pile of ass with a 6/10 piece of genre-fiction duct-taped to it.
t. owns a signed copy of Wise Man's Fear
Can you zoom in?
Can... can you zoom in?
It's an 8/10 series of short stories with fun exploration. Interactivity is quite cool still.
I'm not playing PST for aesthetic pleasure. You CAN find cool fucking writing in games. It's not gonna be prose put down by TS Eliot or something, but you'll find cool ideas and cool dialogue. I say "cool" because it can appeal to you in ways that saying "good" will only be obstructed by.
Infinity Engine games do not have good exploration.
Wew, there's pushing it and then there's this. And exploration consists entirely of clicking around brown-mudscapes while interactivity is a choose-your-own-adventure novel.
>I'm not playing PST for aesthetic pleasure
So what are you playing it for?
How many nazis and tranny niggwrs did they add?
I already explained. If you can't understand, then that's your problem and not mine *closes my collected poems of Pound with a concluding thud*
Enlighten me as to what rpgs you find good, you seem so cultured so I'm curious as to what you find good.
oh my god, you're such a tool if this is a sincere post.
>. And exploration consists entirely of clicking around brown-mudscapes while interactivity is a choose-your-own-adventure novel.
Yeah, yeah it does. And it's still kinda cool, kinda fun, kinda nice to immerse yourself.
>no good threads about it
I played this game and discussed it to death 15 years ago.
Blame yourself for being underage.
No I'm one hundred percent serious
If you're really interested in playing a video game with good writing, then I'd recommend the Myst games as they have a level of interactivity and cohesion with narrative that hasn't been nearly achieved since, like, Bioware RPGs like KotOR and Jade Empire. Don't waste your time with Planescape though; you're better off reading genrefiction based on books than playing PST for story and writing.
How much does the original currently cost?
How can you immerse yourself in an isometric game?
$9.99 - it might just be removed for sale like the OG Baulders Gate games were.
What about Baldurs Gate 2, I heard that's pretty good.
No its shit. Read DFW.
It's been gone for a while.
So I literally can't buy the original. Why are idiots saying to buy the original instead?
that game came out like 2 decades ago.
it is like the best.
writing is a major drop off from torment.
The writing.
og comes with the EE game from memory, you just need to choose it
Oh, seems it is no longer available. Only been a few weeks.
Cause they are idiots, but there is a GOG executable still out there you can download I am sure. It's just a less stable, mod-requiring game.
Did someone touch you too hard with a stick in your childhood?
BG2 is like, a mediocre salvadore novel, it's worse than a greenwood book (but that's just because I like greenwood's style of making everyone kinda an asshole)