Should I get Yakuza 0 or Persona 5?

Should I get Yakuza 0 or Persona 5?

pic unrelated

You should get both.

If you can only have one right now though Persona 5 is the better game.

Yakuza 0. It's a real game. Just watch an anime if you want the persona experience

why is he blocking my path


Would you say Persona has better gameplay than Yakuza? Is it challenging at all on harder difficulties?

did someone photoshop his arms longer?


Its pretty casual by the series standards but I'd say it's easy to get your shit wrecked at harder difficulties

Persona 5.


Heres a better question

which one is more kino?

I'd say get both eventually but if you had to pick one Persona 5 is probably more bang for your buck. Also depends on what kind of game you like more, ultimately this question is fucking stupid.

merciless is available from psn store. absolutely challenging and feels so good. but you can't really go wrong with either game

>Using metacritic scores to judge games
How much of a cuck are you?

That's photoshopped to make his arms shorter than they actually are, right? Nobody's arms are that short.

Persona 5 but go back to Sup Forums

>merciless is available from psn store

W-what? I have to pay to get the highest difficulty?

its free

>Who is John Cena?

Yakuza 0 if you want to experience ダイ・ハード
