Persona 4 vs. P4G

>PS2 version, $10

>PSVita TV + Vita Version, $70

Is the $60 premium worth it?

don't forget that you also need a vita memory card and PS3/PS4 controller which puts it well above 100 bucks

I mean *eventually* I would like a Vita, as in the handheld, but this is the only "killer app" I can think of for it. The rest are "oh that might be fun" not "I need this console like yesterday"

Get the ps2 version then, P4G has mostly quality of life changes, not worth recommending you drop $70+ if you aren't a big persona fan.

Are the quality of life changes as drastic as P3 vs. P3P were?

I actually am a growing SMT fan. I have P3P, TMS#FE (>inb4 not a real SMT), SMTIV, and P5. I was looking for more to play.

Actually PSTVs have USB loading now so you don't need to get those shitty memory cards

The PS Vita version changes the game a lot.

Going out at night, more social links, a new area to explore, reworking summer vacation, persona fusing that isn't random.

All sorts of quality of life changes.

2 new s.links, more costumes, minor story events, more control over persona fusions, added voices to scenes that used to be silent

it's the definitive version, so go for it

Seriously? You just pop in a USB thumb-drive and that's that?

Considering it's a long-ass game, the little quality-of-life things really add up

Yeah but you have to be on firmware 3.60
Brand new sealed PSTVs are guaranteed to be 3.60 or lower though, since they were discontinued

I got P4G for 20 and the PSTV for 20.

Then I got to play it with a DS4, as well as a way to play all the PS Classics with a DS4.

Why the fuck Sony couldn't get the DS4 to work with the PS3 the way it works with the PSTV is beyond me.

Actually the DS4 is compatible with a growing number of games on PS3

So it's officially supported, this isn't some sort of firmware 'hack'?

I'm getting one in the mail soon and would like to avoid having to buy one of those expensive cards

I got DS4 to work with Demon's Souls, for instance

P4G is the superior verison

even with the shitty addition of marie the rest of the addons are actually really fucking top notch.

unlike FES which is shit

Yes, it is. But it's NOT compatible with PS Classics, PS2 games, or PS1 games (got a launch console).

Get a Vita, hack it, enjoy P4G with Japanese audio.

Yeah, it's official

No, it's a hack/homebrew. But you must be on firmware 3.60. if you update, you're fucked

FES was technically just The Answer. There was just a special bundle edition with minor availability changes, backported extras, and the ability to save a character.

>Shadow Kanji was probably the boss that gave me the most issues
>his man sluts were given fire/ice weaknesses and the boss fight was trivialized

I mean to be fair I would say the fight was a little overtuned at the time (Nice Guy was Strong vs Phys and Fire, Drained Ice, while Tough Guy drained Phys and Fire) but I think that giving them straight up weaknesses to exploit and keep them down was too much

Oh well that sucks

P4G also made Yukiko weak to ice

feels like they went a tad bit overboard

The best change about Golden is making Naoto more relevant

>was the last party member to join
>barely any time to develop their character
>Specializes in Light/Dark Magic (useless) and almighty (expensive as fuck)

>Extra time and events given which can be spent with Naoto
>gets all single target -Dyne spells so her coverage goes from shit to through the roof
>gets Invigorate skills to deal with Megido costs, along with Mind Charge and Heat Riser
>Megido spells are cheaper in Golden anyways

Went from Chie tier to one of my favorite party members.

They also gave Kanji Power Charge so Chie became an even more busted bitch

Exactly. It shouldn't take anything more than a firmware update to make it work, but Sony isn't doing it, for whatever reason, leaving it in this sort of bastardized state.

It's been discontinued for over a year and Vita is not for sale from any authorized retailers in the west. They have no incentive to support the product.

There's a lot of things Sony could do but haven't for reasons

>Spyo and crash games can't be put on a Vita for whatever reason
>Sony fucks up and accidentally puts them on the Vita PSN for a time
>removes it shortly afterwards

Like there's nothing hardware wise stopping you from playing those games.

>It's been discontinued for over a year
The fuck are you talking about? PS3's haven't been discontinued yet? DS4s have FULL compatibility with PSTVs, and some sort of bastardized compatibility with PS3's.

PS3 is actually listed as being discontinued on the Japanese site now.

Stop moving goalposts. I'm not even going to check, and presume what you said is factual. It was still for sale a year ago.

The DS4 is fully compatible with the PSTV, yet they couldn't be assed to make it compatible with the PS3.

The problem is that a lot of PS3 games used the built-in gyroscope or whatever it's called, Uncharted had it for tossing grenades, Folklore used it for certain attacks etc. Which is a real bummer because original ps3 controllers are a bitch to find in Europe, the german amazon site only has a handful listed and they're all in the 80€+ range, which is absurd.

I think I prefer vanilla overall. Golden added some neat stuff but a lot of its additions are either just fluff or actively hurt the game like Marie's everything.

I thought the DS4 had sixaxis, as well? Even if it doesn't, why would that effect PS Classics?

Well, thank fuck that they included the useless light bar on the DS4, the touchpad that, when implemented, usually turns into an annoyance, and that they got rid of the sixaxis so that it can't play all PS3 games, and said "fuck it" as far as playing PS Classics on the PS3, but made it doable on the PSTV.

Seems like that controller was thought through really well.