>even on old PC

You know Bayo is a 2009 game right?

>PCbros get to play a 8 year old game

bayonetter... sucketh!

I can run the game almost constantly on 60fps at 4k but some areas drop, even in 1080p.
Iustitia boss fight for example.

>the PC gaming Highlight of the first half of 2017 is a 9 year old 360 port

Let that sink in for a while.

PC always wins.
Just a matter of time.

Yes but it's bullshit anyway becaue I am using an old PC, even after minimizing all settings and putting the game in a small window mode, I still get below 30fps most of the time

really cause i thought everyone was still sucking off nier

mods when?

>crossing the finish line nearly a decade after everyone else did
For fuck's sake, you stupid bastard.

Lead platform is not that thrilled about Nier:A anymore because they realized what PR bullshit means.

Most people play Nier on PS4.

lacking AMD CPU support makes the game suffer even when you have a CPU equivalent or higher. There's also a strange lag from whatever DRM solution they used given people report better frames in offline mode.

>Bay - Yonetta
Tell me you guys don't read it that way.
It's Bah-Yonetta

I'm still playing Automata and enjoying the shit out of it, however it saddens me that even when Automata runs flawlessly, Bayonetta takes a dump because lack of AMD CPU support. Despite every other platinum game not, every other action game, and every other modern game to come out in the last 10 years to not do this shit.

>Catching up with 7 old years release
I know you lot are delusional by default, but come the fuck on

I wonder how the sales compare to the console version. Could be another Dark Souls scenario.

Does Bayo have Denuvo?

>PCfats literally celebrating over decade old scraps

""""""""master""""""" race

>so many years passed and grew jaded and out of time for vista since bayo was originally released
>PC only now has it
It is so fucking irrelevant.


>Spend thousands on gaming PC
>wait for decade old console port of game
>open it at 4k resolution
>download some epic "ero" mod
>take screenshots
>shitpost on Sup Forums about it
>literally never play the game

Whoa..master r.. .race.. ?


Fucking retard

>always wanted to try it but only had a PS3
>now it feels kinda pointless since I won't be able to play the sequel anyways and it will just leave me feeling unsatisfied and wanting

>Take screenshots of a game
>Without playing it

Wow user you really made me think

The fact that it's 60fps when the console originals were only 30fps is really all the validation they need.
I mean, we're talking about the same place where kek-a-thons occur over the smallest issues found in the Switch.

>>always wanted to try it but only had a PS3
>only had a PS3

>i-it will b-be an exclusive, you PC-c-cucks won't ever g-get your hands on it

Yeah I wouldn't call an old game a win but maybe it's a sign that more console devs are noticing that people like their games on adult computers, like with the BotW emulation.

Bayonetta was on ps3 you tard. Also google cemu.

For the next time can you please put Bayonetta word somewhere in your OP so I don't have to filter this crap manually?

Yeah I'm not playing that thing.

I got it for PS3 and it runs like ass

>opening an exe and pressing print screen is playing

Wow user.

>smallest issues found in the Switch.
Jesus, people are still trying to downplay all that shit.

>Playing the game only counts as playing the game when I say it does

Many thoughts are being thunk

The first one is better in all ways except for the bad QTEs and minigames(Not Angel attack but things like the bike section) and the kicks being so slow after playing 2

Otherwise it has better enemies, better bosses, better story and better weapons.

Try it out, it's worth looking at.

>60fps when the console originals were only 30fps

Except that's pretty fucking wrong. I played the x360 version and it was smooth as fuck

I'm not playing a fast paced hack and slash game in sub 30fps.
And I don't have the CPU to play Cemu games.

Was fine post patch until infinite climax.

>offline mode

what does it use online for anyway

Reminder that majority of pc mustards are poor brazillians

>nier still runs like shit
>still no 2 on pc

>tfw dying to the first "Press X" qte

>'muh exclusives' mentality

All games should be available on all platforms, honestly. PC doesn't even have exclusives in the same sense as consoles.

>Hey user have you played this game?
>Well I opened it then closed it right away, so that counts right? Yeah I played it.

Whoa, Sup Forums meme about thoughts being provoked right now.

Who takes screenshots of a company logos and title screens?

user, the big issues happened to like a dozen people and the others happened to idiots who don't pay attention. There's nothing to downplay.

Nothing except a DRM check it seems.

user only the ps3 version was 30fps. 360 and wiiU is 60 with some minor dips

Implying a screenshot of the Bayonetta title screen at 4k resolution paired with a "thanks 4 beta test lmao" shitpost wouldn't result in multiple 500+ post threads.

You're a fucking liar the patch only decreased load times. The fps was a locked 30 on ps3 even with the patch

>minor dips
That's probably why I misremembered 360 being 30fps.

PC exclusivity falls under MMOs and MOBA garbage and even that is going to console market.
>ESO console
>Tera coming to ps4 and xbox one
Not like they're missing much, you get a PC for reasons other than gaming.

is anyone else getting weird framerate drops when the cutscenes end?

Console shits are 720P only

PC is 1080P, 1440P and 4K 60FPS master race

So then why download an ero mod?

I'll have to keep that in mind when I buy it

Most pc exclusives are either indies that don't have the budget to get onto consoles yet - such as stardew valley which sold a shit ton and is now ported - or games that simply wouldn't work very well with a gamepad.

PC doesn't need to try and win over buyers with anti-consumer practices like exclusives.
The fact that we've got to the point that people are celebrating that other people can't enjoy a game is astounding to me.

At some point you'll run out of time

jesus christ i hope youre from some third world shithole

PC still has the strategy games and management games.
Which coincidentally is some of the most enjoyable games.

I was just watching Maximillian_Dood stream it and cutscenes straight up FROZE for him.

Gotta give it to the gaming marketing machine. They have done amazingly well to cultivate a cult like following.

nintendo jews aren't letting go of bayonetta 2.

Those aren't exclusives though. They merely just released on PC due to the money and work required to port over to other platforms. Exclusives are when a company purposely lock a game to only work on their system, so people have to buy them.

And yeah, people actually bragging about buying a Bloodborne/Zelda machine is just crazy. Meanwhile Oculus tried to do the exclusives shit and people just hacked past it.

thankfully I dont have that problem yet, but for example when a cutscene for me ends, the game just decides to run at 10 fps or less, so I tried to change the resolution and sometimes it worked and somes it didnt, in the end I changed to borderless window and somehow that fixed it

also Im getting some stuttering, but I guess thats just my shit pc at work, but from what I know at least its better than the ps3 version, aside from that the game is fucking awesome

*PC port comes out

Like fucking clockwork

Are you enjoying Bayonetta on your PS4/Xbone?

The better thing to say about a PC port is who's left who cares/hasn't already pirated it and played it to completion already?

That was Bayo 2.
Everyone with a brain knew the PC was getting the first game.

>tfw you have too many games to play anyway and just wait for the cheaper patched / all-dlc-included versions that are released months or years after

i knew i didn't need to play the ps3 version back then.

>Great port
>of a great game
>will still sell like shit because PC's audience are the biggest plebs of all time who would rather play the latest early access DayZ ripoff
>"Master Race"

Have literally zero fucks about this game, but I am glad the port was successful.

>Great port

by old PC people usually mean 3-4 year old rigs not something for the early 2000's

Works on my machine :^)

>7 years later when everyone has moved on


>Sup Forums piraterace is indicative of all pc gamers and don't buy games
>even though Nier sold 200,000+ copies
>even though PC is responsible for 40% of dark souls sales
>even though Witcher 3 sold more on PC than both consoles combined

Good meme Sup Forumsirgin

>this is what single-cell organisms who play consoles actually believe

>have some of the remains which inexplicably looks and runs better than my McDonalds console feast I just had

Such highbrow shitposting, Sonegros are truly gifted.

>mfw consolefags ruined their first bayonetta play through experience

>ps3 runs it at 22 fps on 720p with no AA
>pc has stable 60fps on 4k
It was a mistake that it was ever even released on consoles. People actually enjoy playing on that garbage?

I bought it on wii u already, I'll probably buy it on PC later on when my backlog isn't so full

People say the wii u version is good but it suffers from framerate problems too, apart from the genre shifts in bayo 1 the framerate was my biggest issue with the game.

I am one of the people who, like clockwork mentions they pirate shit games to piss of console babies, I will however be buying this for full price later today because it's a decent series I'd like to see on PC.

Get bent nerd.

>implying it looks worse on PC

you retard.

>pc has stable 60fps on 4k
>only on windows 10 creator update it seems and not with an AMD CPU unless Ryzen
>on a 7 year old game calling for a low tier i5

tfw currently have a large backlog of games so I'll wait for a couple of months and get bayonetta when it's on offer
I'm a poorfag

At that point you won't be shitposting about it here.

Because marketing told them they do. Same way console graphics are always ten years behind the PC but if they just tell consolefags it's new, they'll believe it.

Can somebody elaborate on the 'bad AMD CPU support', I mean how does a developer fuck such an integral part of their game up like that? Even the shittiest PC ports ever made managed AMD/Intel parity.

>more people get to play a fun video game


As in zero AMD CPU support, but somehow AMD GPU support.

Its very nice. 970 and i5 3470 at stock and its 4K with barely any drops.

AMD cucks BTFO

ESO & Tera are dead games, stop acting like they are WoW or even Runescape level