>Critics hate Yooka Laylee
>Everyone else loves it
Why the discrepancy?
>Critics hate Yooka Laylee
>Everyone else loves it
Why the discrepancy?
shit taste
Its literally exactly what they promised it would be.
It's Banjo Kazooie reskinned, with all the good and bad parts. Critics cant into games that have even the slightest amount of jank anymore.
>spend all your money shilling on Sup Forums
>dont spend any of your money making yooka a girl even though it has a feminine body type and color scheme including eye shadow
male mascot characters a shit. A SHIT.
Critics have never played a video game before 2007 so they didn't realize what they were getting into.
I actually want to play this now to see for myself
>wasted your money on a shit project
>pretending to be happy with what you got
>trying to get other suckers to suffer the same fate you did
what is steam refund
I think you mean Video Game Journalist.
3D Platforming games that aren't Mario don't review very well. There's at least a 15 point difference on Metacritic between the BK and BT games on N64 compared to the exact same games being reviewed on XBLA.
Not that this game doesn't have a lot of problems, it does, but the part it was getting shat on for the most doesn't apply to the people who actually want to play it.
I'd buy it if it were a fourth the current price. $40 is a total rip for this game.
It's a lovely game with a targetet audience and it's a damn good fun time.
Unlike most autists I actually didn't back the game nor was hyped for it until March.
I wanted a fun platformer that reminded me of my childhood playing games like Crash, Spyro and Jersey Devil.
I got exactly that with a modern look and feel. I absolutely love it, it's addictive and my only gripe with it is the fact it's sooo short (only 5 worlds) :C
This, it's got it's jank in places, I mean are you surprised, it's a kickstarter game that's set in a massive open world with Team 17 publishing.
If you can get over that then it's pretty good.
Stockholm Syndrome. They already lost the money, might as well fool others into loosing their money.
>Steam reviews
They like anything and your only options are yes and no. Is a simple "yes" enough of a merit for you to purchase a game on? Might as well just say it is "fun".
>steam refund exists
b-but tortanic....
it doesn't help the idiots that kickstarted this garbage, chief
80%~ on Steam is like just above average in real scores.
>"Donate" $1000 to a kikestarter campaign.
> Game is awful a technical mess with shitty developers who betrayed you.
> Try desperately to not let the fact you've been jewed sink in. Give it good reviews to prove "It's not that bad, I'm enjoying it".
This. It's incredibly easy for indie games to get 9/10s on steam. It doesn't mean the game is actually good. Fans are much more likely to post positive reviews so their favorite devs get a boost in rating
>using Steam reviews to gauge reception
>when Steam reviews are always blatantly weighted towards the positive side of the spectrum
>when half the reviews are not "Steam Purchases" (i.e. Backers with buyer's remorse)
>when the front page is filled with Negative reviews, which are also the most-agreed reviews
>exact same image on all Yooka Meme shilling threads
Are you assuming my reality, shitlord?
Does the game only have 5 worlds? Man, i already hate the one with the casino theme
can you stop saying kikestarter please?
I know it's a meme to be anti-semetic around here but that's going way too far.
Now this is projecting
>steam refund
>yeah you get your money back if you didn't enjoy the opening cutscene, play any further and you've exceeded your time limit
>no you don't get to refund a game whose servers shut down on release year and is now literally unplayable either (Breach)
its not a meme, the kikes really run everything
is there any actual criticism for this game besides that Jontron incident which has nothing to do with the gameplay?
I didn't buy YK but I've seen gameplay. The game lets you play within 5 minutes so you should have enough time for a refund.
>using steam
that's a fucking crime
That sounds about right actually. Anyone who liked tooie will probably like YL and those who didn't wont.
No one loves that piece of shit. It's just buyers remorse.
1) if spending money on something makes you more likely to enjoy it, if they make someone else buy the game, they will enjoy it more as well
2) reviews from people who activated a steam code of the game no longer count towards the average score
really activated those neurons
>It's not a meme. The kikes really ruin everything
You had a couple typos. Took care of them for you.
Tooie is a game that gets better the further you get through it. The beginning is legitimately terrible, but it rewards you the more you're willing to invest in it and understand what it is doing and I'd say that ultimately that it is equal to BK once you understand it and how its constructed as a whole.
Delusional fans and backers. BK was great, this on the other hand is Unity jank.
They were too broke to also pay critics.
How do I activate the Toybox? I got the preorder code.