Greatest redemption arc ever

Greatest redemption arc ever

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Now all we need to complete the comeback is a new SEGA console

Frankly after all the shit it has gone through, it can only get better.

I am glad to be here to see that happening.

Now they should just improve quality control on sonic games...

thats never gonna happen. the dreamcast will always be their last console

shining force is dead and phantasy star is jp only

I fail to follow

This is how I know I was born in the wrong universe

I hope they'll port Yakuza to other consoles too

>Yakuza 0
>Sonic Mania
>Persona 5
>Future Tone
>allowed yu suzuki to make shenmue 3 without being dicks about it
>b-b-b-b-b-b-but they didnt resurrect an ip that no one bought in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!!


>tfw no Virtual On All-Stars Fighting Transformed, featuring various mechs and super robots from gaming and other media in contention with the classic Virtual On cast

It hurts to connect dots....

>unreleased games, atlus, yakuza, and barely anything else of value in the last 5 years

babby too young to remember sega's golden age

Just because they didn't shit themselves like konami doesn't mean we should congratulate them

>it doesnt count!!!

fucking lol

It doesn't

i want powerstone you asshole

>Shining Force, Landstalker, Phantasy Star, Streets of Rage, Hang-On, and Shinobi are still kill
>STILL have no means on the planet of playing Shining Force III without pirating

thats capcom you dumb faggot.

Shenmue 1 and 2 HD are heavily rumored as well

It can only get better from here

i'm still mad

explain where VF6 is

PSO2 exists
Besides Shinobi and Hang-On, those IPs are outdated

nobody outside of japan cares about virtua fighter 6

>sega doesn't make game
>people stop caring as series doesn't exist
>"sega shouldn't make game as people don't care!"

Doesn't Gundam extreme versus fit that niche

nobody outside of japan cared about it even before then

No one ever cared about VF because it's bland as hell outside of music and game play, other fighting ga,es look more fun and are easier to get into. VF needs a reboot

Virtua Fighter 1&2 ruled the arcades for a time, so people used to care.

Maybe, if you only like Gundam, the blandest type of mech lover.

yeah on the arcades not on consoles

So basically, you want SRW but with action game play? That would be neat

How would you market a new VF to casuals and veteran fighting game players?

Not just any action gameplay, the Sega arcade kind.

It was the reason to get a Sega Saturn back then in the west. So of the 9.26 million sold, roughly half of that at least should be attributed to people caring about Virtua Fighter 1 & 2.

yeah that worked out well for them

Bank on arcade nostalgia while highlighting what's so unique about its fast and in-depth combat system while sprinkling it with references to Sega's past.

Not until they bring back Skies of Arcadia and localize PSO2.

Of course, they got to play Virtua Fighter 1 & 2 in the comfort of their homes.

Graphics, simple three button control scheme.
>veteran fighting game players

yeah it was such a great plan that sega is still in the console market :)

People not buying Saturns because they lacked Virtua Fighter 1 & 2 would only have put them out of it faster. You don't really have a point, and are obviously ignorant about Sega's and just general video game history.

says the dumbass that thought sega owned power stone. and unless you provide actual numbers you have nothing.

Sega should do a new type of all stars fighting game that cross promotes VF.
Put in at least 22 characters from Sega games including VF, Sonic, FV, Shinobi, Golden Axe, etc.
Create a continuity where all these characters live in the same world, so the art direction could be focused.
Make the gameplay like VF but more exciting, combo based, less systems. Add a 2D jump like classic VF or Akuma in Tekken 7. Add a guard crush mechanic. Tag team.

There, that will promote VF by just existing and playing similarly

I'm not the same guy, whoever that was.
In any case, Capcom is pretty dumb not doing more with that series.

unless you provide actual numbers you have nothing

VF has that and yet it fails to bring anyone that isnt japanese since the dreamcast era

Don't worry. Kamachi is going to meme a new Virtual-On game into existence soon.

What sucks about VF is that despite how awesome it is to play and learn no one outside of Japanese arcades gives a shit because of how barebones everything else is.

>Small roster compared to Tekken
>No story
>No extra modes
>Mostly basic characters with terrible VA's

Numbers denoting what? How autistic you are? Virtua Fighting 1 & 2's sales numbers? Capcom's phone number so you can beg them for another Power Stone for all us?

VF has pushed graphics in every new iteration

It's always been incredibly deep

>Three button controls

Would you guys like it if Sega continued making consoles if Sony and their PS2 died in Sega's place instead?

so you have nothing? thats what i thought.

yes becuase ps2 was a normie pandering machine while the dreamcast was for hardcore gamers (like myself)

Instead of roasting PCbros (since, like white people, they can't handle it), I should instead congratulate them for getting Bayonetta. If it sells well enough, then that means I, as a Sonybro, will get to play a localized Yakuza 6 sooner, and MAYBE Initial D will get that PS4 version soon.

So thanks, Master Race.

Well, if you don't ask for anything, I can't give you anything.

obviously i meant virtua fighter sales numbers, you fucking retard!

VF isn't strongly marketed. I was asked how I would market it, so those would be the driving points.

I vaguely remember vanilla VF5 getting a TV commercial, but Final Showdown sure as fuck didn't.

VF literally has three buttons. Punch, kick, and block. Everything else is a macro.

Well, at least I'm a fucking retard, unlike a virginal one that can't be specific enough to spell out what specific Virtua Fighter sales numbers he's asking for.

lol you are doing a good job of dodging the question ;)

Well, as long as it annoys you.




it doesnt, it just proves that i won the argument

Congratulations. But no, it just means I don't want to give you any satisfaction by googling the answer for you, because at the end of the day I don't fucking care what you think.

i fucking won!

Not until they port Vanquish and JSRF to PC

I know, that's exactly what I'm saying.

Redemption would be them actually trying to claw their way back to their former glory instead of coasting on 2 and a half IPs and port jobs.

So, how isn't that marketable to casuals? Easy to learn, hard to master.

Because it clearly hasn't worked since it's always been that way.
Now you could have been implying that the marketing should have focused on that aspect in particular, but I doubt that would have ever worked.

The casual market buys fighting games because of pretty graphics and cool commercials.
Whether a game is hard or easy to learn hasn't ever been much of a selling point one way or the other.

PSO2 is worse than vanilla PSU and PS3

>Make otaku trash outside a Yakuza or Sonic game here and there
Only PSO2 is good in the pile of otaku trash and it's already getting stale

Microsoft still have a partial hold on those two, so they'd have to play ball as well.

Also some of the soundtrack for JSRF is trapped in rights hell, so it's unlikely.

Sega's always been hit and miss. For every Vanquish, there's a Binary Domain. For every Bayonetta, there's a not-funding-Bayonetta-2. For every Yakuza, there's about an 18 month wait time to get it in English.

They're the least consistent developer/publisher in the world.

Also don't forget what they spent the money from VC's PC and PS4 ports on.

What exactly was wrong with Binary Domain?

Nigga binary domain was good.
I would say it was way more consistent then vanquish.

Nothing, specifically. Which means everything.

It was a third-person cover-based shooter, and the reason I put it next to Vanquish is that Vanquish was ALSO a third-person cover-based shooter, except that should've changed the way that genre worked forever. Binary Domain was the gaming equivalent of a piece of plain toast.

>the money from VC's PC and PS4 ports on

That was squarely funded with the PC port's money, and made because the PC port was successful. Wanna take a guess what platform won't be getting this game?

Does it even matter?
Just look at that garbage, it is nothing like the first VC.

>sonic and yakuza and fuck all else
>Let's all their great IPS rot and won't even outsource them


user do you really want that fuckin game?

PC isn't getting ignored. It's getting spared.

It does. Sega only uses PC as their means of financing their console games. Bayo's PC port is really just a ploy to amass money for another console game Sega is working on, like Daytona USA 3.

PC gets all of the shitty weebshit games regardless, this would fit right in.

They tried that last Gen and the only good game to come out of it was Shinobi and SASR games

Great console commercial or greatest console commercial?

>bought yakuza 0
>see sega logo
made me smile, thanks Sega.

I'd like it if Nintendo died instead. They are a regressive force in the industry and always were.

You're a faggot. Binary Domain was pretty fucking good.

>Sega STILL aren't making another F-Zero for Nintendo even though GX remains the best racing game of all time

>what is ACE

>Sega still aren't remaking Chromehounds/Metal Wolf or making a sequel

>Sega is currently publishing or is a parent company to those publishing:
>Hatsune Miku Project Diva
>Total War
>Football Manager

They have their hands on opposing spectrum of niches ranging from waifu simulators to Sup Forums simulators

And they are still making money mainly off of Pachinkos

It's actually kinda impressive what Sega became.

To be this good takes ages. To be this good takes SEGA

Oh my god, you're right.

W-was Al Gore really supposed to lose? This is all wrong!

Illbleed was fucking great at the time. Could have tackled Resident Evil's franchise in Silent Hill's place if it just wasn't so kitsch at times.