Vinny "Smokes in the house" PizzaPasta
Are you upset that this white neet is living a better life than you ever will?
>blood bagel
>muh creativity
Well, he is the Sauce Boss.
How come he will never marry?
I've never seen someone act like such a fucking faggot over the existence of titty games
Granted, I'm sure he was playing it up for his chat, but it's bad enough that he garnered that type of audience in the first place
>titty games
Coming from someone who doesn't watch anime and isn't a weeb, I'm sure that's a reaction that most normies would have.
He got mild aspergers.
What did he do?
Post clip
clips twitch tv/SaltyRefinedSandwichShazBotstix
Okay so I avoided the zelda streams because I myself had it but whats the deal with the korok "jokes"?
Hes pulling it left and right, did he get raped in the ass by one or what?
You guys really are slightly autistic. You realize that to the population of normal human beings, it's weird as shit, right? You getting pissy over it makes it 20x worse.
Yes, titty games, he is streaming right now and someone just linked him to the Senran Kagura JP direct video, he pretty much acted like the very CONCEPT of such a game was completely alien and abhorrent to him
I don't think most normies would advocate for a second video game crash just because of the existence of a game where you can feel titties with HD rumble
twitch dot tv/videos/135166047
Just skip to 4:07:30, he gets melodramatic over it for well over 30 seconds
Vinny is incapable of not running something into the ground
Post yfw some madman gives him this game to play on stream
vinny a cute
Koroks are everywhere so the jokes get made often. That is literally the extent of it.
Havent watched him since he beat Earthbound. He hasnt played anything good since then
Was vinny always such a normalfag furfaggot in denial? Wasn't he a Sup Forums fag at some point?
hence Sup Forumssauce idiot
I'm still waiting on that Mario RPG stream he promised almost a year ago
Good taste
He was an oldfag who left Sup Forums. Nu-Sup Forums are turbo weeb faggots.
Joel is better
I know and thats why im confuse. How can someone get this triggered over anime titty when he used to browse a literal anime site where anime titty are post all the time.
I go to sleep every night listening to Vinny.
He still seems to be since hes pulling some hot memes now qnd then.
Then again, could be mike, hes a confirmed Sup Forumsedditor.
im a grill btw
no, he was a newfag that virally marketed his stream
>I don't think most normies would advocate for a second video game crash just because of the existence of a game where you can feel titties with HD rumble
I don't think most anyone would get so booty blasted over an exaggerated joke.
fan service ruined anime
You should be ashamed of playing your anime porn game you loser degenerate.
I remember when people (or him idk) would post his stream around here, 2009-10ish. I also remember fans of Dopefish (or him idk) advertising his stream on here.
Anyone else misread that hat as "Sausage Boss" at first glance?
He was exaggerating his reaction. He knew damn well where that guy was going the moment he saw the catgirl
He'd either give it back or just not stream it most likely.
I miss 2013/2014 vinny
The difference is that senran kagura looks less like a game and more like some autist releasing a shitty 3d model editor of a musou game that he worked on for three years. And then you realize its a series with like 8 titles in the past 5 years. Anyone who enjoys anime that isn't absolute garbage hates the 0-faceted characters whose personalities constantly change in order to create the path of least resistance to the next lewd joke, and anyone who enjoys games that arent absolute garbage hates the 0-faceted beat-em-up gameplay where you mindlessly spam one button until the next cutscene starts.
shut up Angie
i don't watch e-celeb shit, but i always thought he was a bit of a qt
>missing quiet/sleepy/borderline suicidal Vinny
At least he can be happy these days.
Is it really that weird though? The majority of drama shows on tv now-a-days have at the very least bare tits at some point in them. There's no reason for people to act so shocked when they see something like what was shown on that direct. People always talk about sex positivity and body positivity and senran kagura is the most body and sex positive game I've ever seen.
You know he's just making a joke, right? He doesn't even know what the fuck Senran Kagura is.
Watching Vinny play games in silence gets old fast.
It offends the SJW feminists. That's the problem.
dude please listen to my band please check out my band did i tell you i have a band
He quit smoking years ago
>you have morals you must be an sjw
>watch autistic streamer
>complain that he is autistic
what did Sup Forums mean by this?
Yeah I guess that makes sense with their whole shtick of treating blacks, hispanics, and asians like 'precious cinnamon rolls uwu' until they disagree with them, then they're basically white people to this hypocrites.
I swear he shills every damn stream.. It's fucking annoying.
>Tame ecchi game with balloon tits
>Weird as shit
you see worse things on daytime television
Every streamer on Twitch shills.
Crying when you see references to boobs or anything Japanese isn't morals.
vinny this is some nasty ass music i hate it so much but the streaming game ridiculous
>bandwagon fallacy
>high school debate team champion
It's pretty sad it took this long to post desu senpai
are you really this fucking dense. his reaction, while annoying, was obviously exaggerated. get yourself checked please.
like immediately after he said "they should bring them over, yeah. I don't know the market but i'm sure they're here"
vinny is a friend to your senrans, my friend.
Are you just gonna argue or list shit you read on Wikipedia so you can feel like your smart?
dude scrungus bungus lmao
silly voice
hey guys have you ever heard of the ricky gervais show? i'm just gonna repeat all their jokes
KAHRL, KAHRL YOU TWIT haha do i sound like ricky
have you guys ever heard of "curb"
You're just a baby boy, you don't know any better.
>not allowed to talk about the things in you do off stream
Im sure most of his viewers actually want to hear about his life and the shit he does.
you mean when he had the deppresion?
fuck man, he is happy now, you can feel him more active and alive, I like watchin his zelda streams because he is enjoying it non-ironically, you can feel the happiness on his voice
At least Vinny plays the game, most of the time Joel stops playing because some video he found on youtube
>spends 15 minutes acting out a joke in mspaint that wasn't even funny or worth the time in the first place
Does he listen to anything else besides Gorillaz and Bowie? Seems to be the only music he plays on stream.
>normalfag furfaggot in denial
How does one be a normalfag furfaggot?
What was the reason for his depression again?
His happiness doesnt matter ad long as Im entertained fuck him
why do you guys know so much about what he does in the stream if you hate him so much
just fucking stop watching, why are you torturing yourselves?
dude pink floyd lmao
dude tame impala dude lmaooo
He likes Blur and Pixies a lot I think