All I gotta ask is...why? The internal battery already lasts far longer than the vast majority of people play the console.
All I gotta ask is...why...
better grip?
All smiles
Looks like it makes the controller have a little something to hold onto.
I'm just glad there's an option, I guess
This and the charging grip have to be the most redundant console accessories possible.
Nothing to complain about really.
In addition to a better grip you get more battery life.
It's also speculated that arms will eat up the battery way more than something like bomberman
I mean, unless you're a dumbass who doesn't put the joycons back in the system to charge overnight
Yeah, I supposed you have a point, we don't know how high the power consumption goes when all the bells and whistles on each controller are enabled becuase nothing currently out uses them
The way you hold the joycons for arms would make the grip fucking terrible
Motion controls assumedly are more taxing on the battery, plus isn't the reason the portable mode has little battery is because the joycons are always draining power from it?
>nothing currently out uses them
what is 1 2 switch?
Oh right that game exists
The switch has little battery because it's basically a beefed up Wii U with a battery. Joycons last 20 hours a piece and drain from the unit when it's low from what I can tell.
Because Nintendo can literally get away with it
People have too much money.
It's as thick as holding a wii remote.
A game that at most uses the rumble+motion controls in small bursts. With arms you're going to be making actual physical inputs alongside with rumble/motion controls if you choose those.
>This will probably be a less expensive way to charge a spare set of joycon than buying the charge grip
I doubt it. Probably going to be sold in a two-pack for $30-40.
Gives a better grip. Still not worth it.
>it also has the grip that comes with the base console that people keep fucking up
>they literally stealth redesigned the grip so no one would riot and ask for a refund or compensation for having a poorly designed grip
Motion sensor controls will drain that battery pretty quickly m8
Does Nintendo make video games anymore or are they just making accessories now?
im not trying to be a nintendo drone here or anythin but i don't understand why people complain about standardized batteries in their electronics. It's a good thing and it's why I like the x360 controller better over my ps3 for PC gaming, unless I need the dpad.