Rate the direct

Rate the direct.

I give it a 4/10.


The fact that they had panels for stupid releases of 20 year old games and fucking monopoly for Switch just proves how fucking dead on arrival this console is. Probably won't see an even halfway decent library of at least 4 good games until late 2018

it was a 8/10 for 3ds owners

I thought I was watching a Mattel show


old shit sandwiched in between amiibo peddling, as theyve done every direct for 6 years now

Metroid fags everyone

>inb4 I couldn't give a shit about Metroid toddler

Yeah ok.

only thing i might consider getting is monopoly if it's less than $15

What they showed of Arms and Splatoon 2 got me super hype for both, but even though they were the theme of the direct they barely talked about them.

>implying it wont be $40 just like street fighter hd remix which was a $10 digital game 11 years ago

DQ11 and the new kirby were great.

3ds owner and i literally dont care about a single game they showed

Eat shit, blind fanboy wallet emptier.

What they showed of ARMS completely killed my hype desu. I was pretty excited when it first got announced but somehow this match they showed today looked incredibly fucking dull and clunky

>Announced an AMRS and Splatoon 2 Direct
>Showed off a new character for ARMS and a new mode for Splatoon 2
>People are somehow disappointed

I don't understand

I'm excited for Ever Oasis

Gives me a major Crystal Chronicles vibe

What do you guys expect from these directs? Honestly.

This direct got the job done. It talked about upcoming releases and we got a lot of release dates. Why do people always go into directs expecting mini E3s? They're just newsletters.

7/10, ARMS and Splatoon 2 looked great but there was a lot of stuff I wasn't interested in.

I will say I love the new fast paced format of the direct


They showed the game they showed before. There's no way it could've decrease your excitement unless you weren't actually excited to begin with.

Just glad I now have a date for Bayonetta so I can know when to start saving up glue.

Only a few games I'm remotely interested in.

Wait, I thought is wasn't until tomorrow.

Disappointment as usual?

Too little Arms/Splatoon for a "Arms/Splatoon direct", too little interesting other stuff for a regular Direct/

Literal retards who overhype themselves over things that don't exist, when they're clearly told what they are going to expect

>switch niggers got BTFO


I expected more than a 6-minute segment for their most successful new IP in like 15 years.

I've got to agree with this.

Can I get a quick rundown?

Why did you expect that? It showed it off just like you wanted it to.

>splatoon and arms direct announced
>more than half of the direct is spent talking about 3DS games and last-gen ports on the switch


I knew they weren't going to throw out anything major, but the stuff that was there exceeded expectations a bit.

Was also a nice "last hoo-rah" for 3DS owners.

fate/Extella looked interesting and Sonic.

It got the job done. They said it was going to talk about Splatoon 2 and ARMS, and it did. Spent a longer time than I would've liked talking about 3DS games (why the fuck is Kirby's 25th Anniversary game going to be on the 3DS and not the Switch) and ports, but it did what it set out to do.
There was no surprises, but with E3 coming up, I don't think anyone expected any.

I give it 2 arms up

8/10 considering I knew what to expect

>waiting for SMTV release
>only reason I'm going to buy one
The wait is a pain. Probably gonna release it in 2018.

someone explain what was shown please, I was at work


11/10 if nintendo actually pulled their head out of their ass and made all those 3ds games cross platform with Switch. So fucking stupid.

>Supposed to be about ARMS/Splatoon
>Say jack all about them
>Everything else was just ports and confirmations of games we already knew about
>And Monopoly

that Mii RPG looks like a GOTY contender tbqh

New character for Arms, she's a Chinese girl with dragon hands and noodle arms. She has the ability to kick projectiles away. Each character seems to have some special ability unique to them. Also there will be 2v2 play. Release date is mid-June, don't remember the exact date.
F2P co-op Kirby game on 3DS. Another game coming later this year.
Pikmin 3DS is still happening.
Bye-Bye Box Boy is out in the west.
Monopoly on Switch using HD rumble for the dice.
Payday 2 port.
Minecraft coming in May
Yellow joycons
Battery pack for joycons that takes AAs.
Splatoon launches July 21. They showed a horde mode, grants some sort of a reward but they didn't specify. Amiibo can be given gear to wear and you can take pictures with them in the plaza.

Switch is dead

you the best, thanks user

>Payday 2 port.
now that's interesting

8/10 very good

Vitafags are shook and Sonyfags are threatened so bad. MH was just a preview. Sony better not make another handheld because every weeb dev will be Switching.

>Disgaea 5
>Fate Extella
>SK Shinobi Refle Definitive Edition

Culdcept. Revolt.