Is this worth 3 bucks? ! ? ?

Is this worth 3 bucks? ! ? ?

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Its everything good about Persona without the highschool bullshit and grinding, so go for it.

Definitely, but there aren't too many other games to compare it to. It's a real time puzzle game basically. If I had to pick one it'd be Tetris Attack.

It's worth way more than that

>3 bucks


It's worth full price.

seconded, don't hold out on us OP

it's okay

This is unironically the best game of the last gen.
Wish it would come out on PC since I don't have my 360 anymore.

Went in with no expectations- great game. Worth more than $3.

yes op, where?



360 and that's with Gold. It's $5 regular.

i REALLY want to download it, but i share my xbox with my parents and nephews and i feel like it would raise too many questions and would reveal my power level if i had that in my library...

Do i need an xbox live membership to download it at the $5 price?

>share an Xbox with my parents

That's okay, this isn't a game for children anyway

I don't think so. I thought everyone had Silver which is just basic. Gold is when you can play with other people? Shit's confusing.

xbox one/xbox 360

it's $3 if you have xbox live gold because it gives you a further 10% off.

they regularly use it for netflix and hulu

such is life being a NEET...

xbox 360/one
d-dont bully pls

Thank you OP, you have truly been a service to anons today

Yes, but gold membership for 1 month is 1 buck right now. So you can essentially get catherine and the month for 4 bucks rather than paying 5 for silver. Just remember to cancel the membership after the month.

I'm not even OP, just someone who loves the game. I hope you can enjoy it too.

Small reminder that:

Neutral ending > ____Erica___ > __Catherine__ > __Katherine__

There's also EU PSN Easter sale, It's €2,95 there.

reminder to not let your favorite game die