Stop buying amiibos, funko pop and nerd crates.
You're an adult. You don't need to play with toys.
Grow the fuck up.
Stop buying amiibos, funko pop and nerd crates.
You're an adult. You don't need to play with toys.
Grow the fuck up.
Other urls found in this thread:
>tfw couldn't buy toys when you were a kid because you were poor growing up
>tfw have money to buy toys now but you can't because you're an adult
Only one I'm subscribed to is Indiebox, because I like getting physical vidya. And the games are for the most part up my alley.
Since I only pay once a year, it doesn't feel so bad if one month isn't a game that is fun for me.
What're you gonna do about it, Varg? Gonna burn down some more churches?
I'm not an adult. I am a 24 year old NEET manchild who hasn't mentally matured past his mid teens.
But user, to stop I would have had to have started in the first place. I think the last time I got a toy was the big daddy statue with the Bioshock collector's edition, because it was $10 more than the regular game and it was a big honking heavy piece of shit. He now proudly stands next to my Ambassador Kosh action figure and my Sting replica above my bookshelf full of RPG books.
It's best to have everything looking like a normie so you can get a woman to enter your house, and then she enters The Room and suddenly breaks out into a cold sweat and starts stammering and trying to get to the door and escape but it's too late, you have her.
>looking like i'll be forced across the country for a job to live on my own and have to be a fucking adult practically cold-turkey from post-college fucked-sector job-searching NEETdom
help me
If I didn't play with toys I wouldn't play video games, fuck off retard
Are you me?
Although for me it's moving to another country.
Sort of... I mean America is technically a different country from Canada, even though seattle is closer to Vancouver than any other major city.
Video games are toys
oh jesus christ dude you're going to seattle? for what?
i don't know what to say about that city man i went there once for some form of vacation and jesus man, the poverty.
it makes me really off-put thinking about it
why aren't there more black metal games
Software Engineer, not that exciting but it's a job.
The poverty in Vancouver is pretty bad, I assume it's worse down there. The weather is what does it.
>tfw I never got suckered into this garbage to begin with
Anyone who buys funko pops is a cuck.
>Stop buying amiibos, funko pop and nerd crates.
Glad I don't have to stop buying Nendoroids.
yeah people can get by living on the street for much of the year and many bleeding-heart municipalities are all to willing to accommodate. not to say many of them really have much of a choice but it's fucked from all angles. as a canadian who lived around vancouver for some while i can confidently say that america is its own special brand of hell in this regard one way or the other so best of luck. i'm aimed at the far-strung outskirts of the GTA from alberta for an automation technology position so it's all chill
kill me
thx varg
only normie buy Funko Pop and only retards but need crates. Sup Forums buys based nendoroids
but op, video games are toys
how about you fuck off, murderer
“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
― C.S. Lewis
The fucking crates make me hate western society. Idiots buying boxes of stuff they have no idea what, like rebranded head lights from the dollar store, or burlack sacks with an xmen decal, and then they think they have a deal. So many bullshit trinkets that people consume
Amiibos are the same thing
>nerd crate
>not Nerd Box
>Nerd Box
Very cool.
>Buy scales, articulated figures, and amiibo
Oh well
>Nerd Box
>Not Dork Cube
Hey me too only I'm 35
This. Where else can I get a quality product that caters to my nerd needs? And it even says "Nerd Box" on the Nerd Box.
pretty sure CS Lewis would have called you a fuckin manchild
Your reading comprehension is astounding.
Spot on
"You said you don't like comics. Why did you spend $15 for a box of Thor figurines? Are you retarded?"
― C.S. Lewis