>still no """villains""" that surpass Adachi
What went so right?

Other urls found in this thread:


Everything. He didn't do anything wrong.

>literally just a generic round eyed white guy in a suit

Why is the shading in this game so disgusting?

>Not the vilain 1
I wanted attention

>Not the villain 2
I wanted to save them

>Actual villain
It was fun, LOL!

Yeah, he is the worst part of the game.
I reallly didn't wanted to believe that this it was he's "motive".

that's the point of a serial killer hiding in plain sight

>I don't have friends!
>I was weak and bullied!
>Since I am a failure, evryone is!

Sup Forums, evryone.

Adachi was right.

If he had won P5 would never had happened.

Adachi was right. They never proved he was wrong. The MC was a Mary Sue so that's why he got off easily. In the real world he would end up like adachi. Unrewarded for all his effort.

>implying being a dick isn't fun

he's right though

the world was shit to him and nearly everyone else besides the literal children who opposed him, it would be better if the shadows took over

JYB is literally the reason I decided to play Persona 5 dubbed. He was just too fucking good in this scene.


This is what I am saying.
Weak people like other weak people.
Sup Forums, everyone.

What about Nagito?

>literally the strongest human in the game

Adachi was wrong, but the investigation team was full of retards and nobody was able to call him on his bullshit.
It basically went:
>no you!
>no u!
>s-shut up!

>Adachi was wrong
Persona 5 proved he was right, the world is full of bullshit and unfair, it would be better if the Shadows took over

Is it worth playing Persona 4 if I already know he's the killer?

Despair always wins. I wish I was more of an edgelord in highschool. It would have been much more fun.

>strongest human in the game

The game is perfect, it shows how a fucking loser, no matter how strong it is, can't stand society as a whole.

Adachi was right

If you like the gameplay yes. I can't imagine people coming from P5 to P4 though. P3 and P4 dungeons were shit already on their day.

Yeah, great argument.

Yousuke Adachi and Teddie are all better in English

You're gif proves his point though. Using sex, money or power to manipulate people isn't cool.

I don't agree, but since you were polite I want to discuss this.
He is using power to manipulate.
He is wrong.

>Troy Baker dubs Kanji.
I never knew this till now, I just saw.
Kanji in english is amazing, he really knows how to transpire emotion in the role.


He's one of the worst villains in SMT

That was back before he became too Hollywood to work on weeb games

oh im laffin

I really don't know about actors in games, because english is not my first language, but I always play in enlgish.
But to me Kanji really shine on the game.
To english speakers, it is good?

English isn't my first language, but Troy Baker as Kanji is by far my favorite performance in the original Persona 4. Followed very closely by Naoto's Anonymous VA.

Persona 4>>>>>>>> SMT4
Persona 5>>>>>dead game.

Your autism and obsession with shit games went just right, user

On a side note, should I play P3 on PSP (actually Vita)?

Did Adachi really do anything wrong?
I mean all he did was accidentally knock some girls into a tv, he didn't know.

Yes, it's great. It's one of his best roles and helps to bring the dub of P4 to life in part with a few other performances that I believe helped it shine in the west.

You are right. Many villains VASTLY surpass Adachi.

He's pretty good, not great, but pretty good.

>white guy
never played the game but I thought they were japs

>Literal shitter retard who thinks he should be able to break the law because the world isn't sunshine and daisies and people should be able to do whatever they want.

He was a manchild and nothing else. Even worse he was a shitter who was mad as fuck girls didn't want his sad ass.

hoy, check out this lawfag

If you want to play as a cute girl and have a relatively easy time compared to the PS2 version.

I don't mind the easy part.
I am going with male MC.
The VN is the part that worries me.

Not even a lawfag. Chaos man more so. But Chaos is the way of making your own path the strong. Its clear Adachi wouldn't care if he died as long as the world burned. He is the worst kind of shitter the one without real ambition he just wants ambition itself to disappear.

Well, everything outside of Tartarus except full moon missions are in VN, as opposed to having 3D models for the characters. It's not the worst thing in the world, but it's definitely a lot more immersive with 3D models.

>Can you set me free from this dark inner world?

It was only an accident with the announcer. After she die, he knew that the TV world killed people.

He straight up murdered Saki for no fucking reason at all.

I cried like a fag when Nanako died.
Just wantedd to share this,

He murdered her because he was a sociopath and mentally unhinged. Basically the only thing that would have saved Saki when Adachi called her in was if she got on her knees and started sucking his dick, and even then he might have tossed her in just to hide evidence.

The pre-normalfag infestation Sup Forums userbase liked him for that, because a lot of us would like to just murder people who piss us off even a little if we don't have to face consequences. Normalfags cry "EDGY" when they see that because they can't be honest with themselves on the internet because they never used the Internet as a place to separate their real life from what they feel.

Like fuck, I was thinking just a few weeks ago how much I wish somebody would crash their car into the girl scout stand outside my market because of how those bitches hassle me and other people to buy their shitty cookies.


I wish there was a special "episode" to Persona 4 where a New Game+ protag who is aware of literally everything takes action as soon as he arrives to Inaba to prevent Mayumi and Saki's deaths.

Explain why people dying who make your life less convenient is a bad thing if you face no "consequences" for their death.

>literally wishing death on little girls
>wtf faggots why are you calling me edgy

moral and etheical reasons

the reason someone doesnt forcibly hook you up to a hamster wheel to power their factory

Why are Persona 4 fags so sad?

>Only started P4 last week
>Nearly finished

I mean
I figured as much
but still
fuck ya OP

His philosophy was correct, but ultimately pointless.

>I can do whatever I want, morals are pointless!
>Okay, then we'll stop you from doing things we don't like because we also have that freedom
>gets fucked

It's shit, I know.
I played P4 knowgin this already and pfive MC dies.

By that logic Gun Jesus in Persona 3 was even more right