Where to buy the potions that reovers my SP?

Where to buy the potions that reovers my SP?

Make coffee in Leblanc's
Buy from vending machines (even though they give 5 sp, 10 at best)
Haggle enemies for item drops

Is there a way to make more than just 1 coffe a day?

SP Potions in Persona are a sacred treasure. You are supposed to use them for boss fights and not all the time. Coffee is the only source for easy ones. Do not fucking waste your Soma... you get like 3 total without a NG+

I used one as early in Komashido's palace and I wasn't even fighting the boss.

Just get the SP regeneration accessories from Tae

Death confidant at later ranks lets you buy an accessory that gives 7 SP per turn. They're expensive though, like 100k per one (Later discounted to 40k through another rank)

Max teacher

Have her make you coffee every night while you do other stuff

Don't think so.

I usually just keep haggling enemies for item drops and hope to get lucky with an SP item. Buying from vending machines isn't all that bad if you have a lot of money and they all stack up anyways. Occasionally make coffee from Leblanc's when you have the time.

Oh, and NEVER use SP items when you don't need to. I never use them in Mementos (unless doing a boss) or when I know a safe room is coming up in a Palace. It's just a waste of items. I'm still pretty early in the game but since I've been doing this I've stacked up quite a few SP items, because I haven't been in a lot of situations when I've needed it the most.

quick question, are most people using jap audio on their first playthrough?

user please.
Don't do this to me.

Just be careful, almost the entirety of the background talking is not subtitle... and a LOT of it is important. News channels, megaphones for later segments that build characters, so if you do not understand Japanese at all and care about the story and the character building just keep that in mind.

Or you could cry about bad dubs and do it anyways, I don't care.

>that fucking feel when you never have enough money

>he hasn't learned how to be a happy merchant
Rank 3 sun, user. You'll thank me later

P5 is my first Persona game and I was naive and stupid back then. Sure I had a feeling that SP restoring items were going to be rare and that Soma's effect would warrant it to be really rare, but I didn't think it'd be THAT rare.

Get the confidant from the politician, it lets you haggle enemies multiple times for more money.

I'm at Rank 4. I've been beating niggas up for money in Momentos. I'm at 60k but the instant I dive into whatever the next Palace is going to be and I take a trip down to the Gun Store that all that shit is going be drained. Doesn't help that Kawakami takes 5k from me every time.

Starting to think I should tell these monster drops that don't appear to be doing anything.

That is fine, I made the mistake in the first one I played. SP is the games way of making you "tired". At least it isn't like fucking 3 where they ALSO get fucking tired and aren't usable the next day like fucking pricks.

don't buy guns. only buy weapons and armor

Yeah, I'm kinda pissed that the background audio isn't subbed, I'll probably play it in English in my 2nd playthrough


Makes a lot of fucking sense. Thank you. I kept going higher and higher and getting mad that they never fucking really do anything beyond securing knockdowns. If ammo magically replenished after battle then I wouldn't mind too much.


You can easily get Persona's that do bullet damage. Guns are like the biggest waste of money in the game.

There were some voices in English that got on my nerves, but the majority is pretty good... I mean I am saying that on Sup Forums so I understand what you will tell me.

Literally go and bully fucking high pixies. They drop insane amounts of money for the beginning of the game. You can easily get up to 100k from one if you bully her enough, they'll constantly resummon more useless high pixies and all they ever do is sleep your party so they even regen health / sp.

When I find them I totally will. Thanks for the tip, man.

Just make sure you get the sun confidant to 3 or whatever it is that lets you ask for more money. They're in the bank palace, first area. They're weak to guns and wind I think.

As an ESL, I think the english dub is pretty decent. Especially for Mona.

That cat is really super adorable.

I was pleasantly surprised by how charming Morgana is. I still headcanon that it's a chick, though.

>Not selling your Soma for 50k so you can be fucking loaded in early game

Ann and Kawakami are probably the weakest out of the english dub

Coming from someone that played P4 dubbed I just couldn't handle it in 5 and had to switch to animu voices.

I did this

I need help. I got about 3 days left to steal the first asshole's heart. I just stopped the scythes. But I'm on the day it says "treasure room deadline", yet there is like 3 days left. Was that the medal I already got or? Am I okay?

You need to find the treasure room. It's past the scythes. The reason why the deadline is so early is because you then proceed to end out the calling card and the next day you steal the treasure, which means you need at least 2 additional days for stealing it.

This, and do it once you reach her rank 7 so everything she sells is 50% off

Ann only got grating to me during the affair with posing nude for Yusuke. But she was being a girl and I feel the actress nailed her whiny bitching just right. Beyond that I'm not very far into the game (only 6/13) and she's not bad at all.

Though I may be biased. I've been wanting to put my dick in Ann since her character reveal.

Fuck. Thanks.

user, you need to bust your ass with that. Get up to needing to send the Calling Card in the next run, or else you may be fucked.

Do High Pixies spawn in Mementos? I just took down the 3rd Dungeon and have like 16 days left before the deadline.


Dungeons need 3-4 days minimum to clear. One to reach the treasure (some take two), one for the calling card, and one for the boss. If you already left, you fucked up.

>I just stopped the scythes
You were almost done too.

>Though I may be biased. I've been wanting to put my dick in Ann since her character reveal.
I'm with you on that. I really liked her Awakening and anger towards Kamoshida though.Favorite Awakening so far has to be either hers or Yusuke's. I got Makoto's last night and finished up the Bank about an hour ago I also don't mind/like the dub.

Where is everyone getting this Soma from

I hate that SENDING A FUCKING CARD takes up an entire fucking day.

Free DLC.

I mean it makes sense for some palaces but others it really doesn't. I think it even took a whole day for you to give futaba her fucking card.

Just use confuse on bosses in Momentos, they will drop shitloads of money. Onmoraki or whatever the onion head chicken carcass in the 2nd dungeon that you can get learns both the single target confuse move and a passive that boosts it's success rate. Also, the money they drop scales with your luck, its around 15k at 12 luck and 25k at 19 luck

>Kaneshida's palace
>Only a single safe room in the entire dungeon before you get to the end
>tfw got to the end and got fucked because an Oni hit a crit during a rampage and then did another rampage and Joker got hit 3 times

t-thanks hard mode, at least I saved after getting the two keys.

Use Shiki Ouji you fucking dork

I think i used it

Please can someone help me with this bullshit. I'm at the 7th of October, with the dungeon and calling card stuff being finished. 4 days until this segment ends and I have 6 mementos requests piled up.

But when I go to go to mementos at the hideout, this little cunt says 'theres a target we need to get information on'. All my requests have been ID'd though. I can't find shit anywhere online telling me how I can do this

Dude. Same. And I only did that because I went into Kamoshido's Palace completely fucking unprepared--and it was far, FAR too late for me to exit and then come back in and try on another day. I went through that whole thing at level 10 and wasn't fucking happy with getting crushed by Berith's and that one fucking enemy that can deal over 100 AOE damage on the first turn. Like what in the fuck.

Persona 4 babied be like a motherfucker. I wasn't prepared to have my anus stretched like that.

It depends on who your target is. Some require you to work part time and one guy in mentos constantly evades your shit until you find the gamer kid.

I've worked and found the one for the bar, convenience store, and flower shop. As for the kid I've talked to him in the akihabara arcade but he tells me to fuck off. I've found the name of the cheating gamer, what do I have to do now? This is bullshit

Seeing Anthony Burch complain about the writing when he has no right to be talking about shit writing got me thinking; What would Burch's shadow self be? What's he repressing that he can't face?

Did you fight the cheating gamer already? After that you talk to the kid, tell them you know the phantom thieves and then you talk to futaba to hack the website of some online game. Also you can't go to mementos when haru is busy dealing with her fathers death.

You can make thieves tools the night you sent the calling card.

Burch has got to be a self loather.

It'd be an allusion to Kamoshida's. Burch, like many beta feminists, see themselves as the bastion of women everywhere. The one to shield their fair maidens from harm when all of their efforts is just a different form of concentrated lust. His Shadow would be a glorious winged faggot.

>>Oh, thank fucking God.

You can customize guns, mostly for other characters.

As far as I can tell, there are 3 vending machines that sell SP recover drinks, one for each area.

1. In the backstreets outside of the public baths
2. In the arcade in Shibuya
3. In the courtyard at school

I saw the Soma went for 50k so I managed to scrape by the first dungeon without using it. I'm working on the Death confidant to get the SP regen accessory. I remember in P4G I did something similar by fusing a Dis that had two invigorate skills, I had hoped I could do something similar this game.

Customize? How?

There's two in Akihabara.

Hanged Man social link

Shit I'm far from having that be available.

so how rich are you

Guts 4 is a pain in the ass. Need 5 for past rank 7.

Give me a couple of hours, I have a mementos boss to fight, an SP adhesive, and Pulpina on Isis.

Just wish I had something with confusion boost, but it still seemed to work about 50% of the time on the last boss I tried it on before I ran out of SP.

Good to know, I'm not up to that point and I hope to unlock SP regen ASAP

Not that rich

Game did have me rolling on the floor when I demanded money and they gave me 15k. Then I asked for more 3 times and made 70k in 20 seconds

Just a tad under you, like 1.28mil or something. Haven't sold junk from the last 3 dungeons or momentos yet, so it probably is piled up nicely.

Oh shit thanks for reminding me. Just cleared 7th palace in one day and havent sold my shit yet. I'm probably about to be rich

Are there any downsides of not using all out attacks and just recruit shadows or jew them for money and items?

always jew them so you can be like this guy

I have 1.5 mil and I'm not even doing anything.

Jewing them too much too early on will starve you for EXP. I learned that the hard way, unable to one-round enemy groups and getting slaughtered in return.

If you can leave one shadow alive and kill the rest, jew it. Otherwise, AOA.

>see people online saying that it took them over 100 hours to beat the game
>took my time with it, and my playtime at the end was just under 77 hours


Did you max everything? Because watching every cutscene adds up.

Took me just under 90.
What was your completion percentage? There are a lot of fluff missions that can bloat your game time.

I did everything I could. Whenever I got a Mementos request I did it ASAP, maxed out social links, etc.

>Iwai's max link bit for when you're sent to juvy at the end
what a bro

So do I, the VA sounds like a chick, and both Morgana and Mona are female names.
>Ann and Kawakami are probably the weakest out of the english dub
I'm in love with how Kawakami says "weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeell" over the intercomm when she gives you free time.

>loading screen wearing lei
You glorious bastards

>6 dungeons in
>Still using Arsene
I just cant help it
Thank god for gallows and skill cards

>loading screen when you're maxing a romance
this fucking game

>50 hours in
>Just find the restroom at Leblanc

this is bait

>there's sometimes a quiz show on TV at night
>answering correctly gives you knowledge

didn't find this till NG+ when I already had my knowledge stat maxed

Anthony Burch admitted to having a porn addiction, which he claimed gave him erectile dysfunction with irl women. So he swore by the nofap subreddit

The reason he's semi-impotent has nothing to do with how he views porn, it has to do with how he views himself, i.e. completely oblivious to reality. Observe that this guy wrote an article, under his own name, about how he can't get an erection with women because he watches too much pornography. Take a minute. He thinks this is such a universal problem that far from feeling any shame, he should be applauded for exposing the dark secret of American men.

Run through it: does he want it to be true that he's impotent? No. He wants to be true that the reason he has sexual problems is the porn, in the same way that I have no doubt he believes the reason he can't find a job is Sarah Palin.

It is for this reason that I can make the following prediction with 100% certainty: if he never looks at porn again, if he never masturbates again, ever-- he will still have chronic sexual dysfunction. Pornography is a scapegoat.

But feminists and Anthony are reading this the wrong way. Porn is not causing him to be disconnected from women, he is *already disconnected* from them, and the only person that will have him is online. He's not retreating into porn because real women don't measure up, he's retreating into it because he doesn't measure up. He's not porn material. He doesn't expect or want that women will naturally act like porn stars in bed, he expects that he will be able to turn them into porn stars in bed, with his massive dong packing her into a creaming pliancy. It is his failure to be able to do this that drives him back to porn.

You don't buy them in this game. You're supposed to reach level 7 s rank with the doctor and then buy the SP-3 patches from her that give you SP regen.

>space palace

Jesus Fuck my heart was pounding. I HATE timed battles in rpgs

>So do I, the VA sounds like a chick, and both Morgana and Mona are female names.
Fucking exactly right. I can't buy that it's a guy explicitly for those reasons.

Get maidwatch high, money farm, have her make coffee anytime you can and not advancing her social link.