Can we have a Cities:Skylines thread?
Can we have a Cities:Skylines thread?
dear god
>there will never be game like1 Cities: GTA
We can't with a shit start like that.
If that thing actually exist in real life people will call it an art.
Not to mention it still functional.
It's called Streets of SimCity
Been working on my city for a while, need to find some more filler to put around my financial center though.
hooray for more dlc that doesnt address traffic
What needs to be "addressed" about it
Some people just don't like that this game requires any planning or knowledge at all
I think that, maybe, just maybe, traffic should be semi-realistic and not have cars all crammed in one lane. especially when THERE'S AN ENTIRE FUCKING HIGHWAY, OKAY?
That's how Paradox rolls really. It takes them awhile to fix shit, if they fix it at all. They're too busy cramming DLC into the game. But at least in the case of their other games the DLC actually adds some worthwhile content.
>Tfw this genre is dead because of retarded developers
dont know really what you are talking about
this usually happens when you have 6 lanes with a 1 lane right turn
Is this a loss edit?
games developed by them =/= games published by them
try debris, plane parts and burning bodies senpai
How about dis
Learn to highway better m8.
Saw that this is coming on the xbone, I might get it but the only city building sim I've played is Tropico 3 and 4.
How like them is it?
Should I get this game? I do like me some city building And is it comfy?
Were those roads made by a drunken snake?
>tfw no roman city building simulator
I just wanna build rome in a day
Are you taking the piss? There are scores of them, from Grand Ages: Rome, to Caesar I-IV.
Oh boy
Who wants to do this guy a favour
I assume they still don't let the season change and it's either snow or no snow?
That stupid shit made me not bother with the DLC.
Would you live in my city?
There's a first person mod and helicopter mod for Cities Skylines.
how do I make a good street system? I never know what to do with my streets.
>on-ramps placed before off-ramps
do you even understand traffic flow?
that's now how they work
>traffic going in different directions forced to cross paths
Not too much of an issue if your traffic volume is low, but later it can cause problems. Turn off before merge wherever possible.
>makes a clover leaf
>doesn't even do it properly
there's not crossing paths
what? that's exactly how my cities has theirs done and this is a city with over a million people and no real traffic problems considering
>Every City Looks The Same - The Game
My cities looked like that as well.
>start having traffic jams
>get an idea
>start making "shortcuts" that allow drivers to skip the traffic jams
>whole city is now as spiderweb with every district having a shortcut road going all the other districts
Gonna post a couple of my fav screenshots from my city.
Which one do you reccomend?
Yes there are. Pic related.
show me TWO (2) interchanges that are compact and have no colliding traffic
Final one
>Mountain roads
Love it. Never think to do it with mine.
Assume right hand traffic for descriptions.
Stack Interchange
>cross shaped footprint
>bury two left turn ramps, have the other two cross by bridges
>square footprint
>can be shrunk further by burying all left turn ramps instead of using bridges
There are other designs, but those are two I use in my own cities.
Takes forever to place all the trees. The tree brush mod doesn't do them close enough.
I like trains.
>Not putting your trainyards underground
Do you even asthetic, brah? But it is a bit sparse around that area. Wish it was easier to make a quaint English countryside with all wee villages connected by train and canal.
>that road
god dammt' somebody hates the citizens of this city with passion and dedication
>burying heavy rail
>burying stations
>burying the central station of all places
Nah mate. Heavy rail belongs aboce ground wherever possible.
Skylines was a cool idea but the traffic in it is literally retarded. You can have a 6 lane highway and the traffic will literally only use 1 lane of it, then congest the fuck up.
As buggy and unplayable as this game was, I fucking loved it.