NES classic discontinued

It's okay user, you can play Monopoly on the switch instead!

I'll be inking squids instead user, don't worry about me

And the aftermarket price for them just shot through the roof.

Nintendo's clearly doing it on purpose.

>10 mb games max that are easily found as browser games or in bulk torrents
>controller adapters exist
cant believe i missed out on this "Gem"

I already have monopoly on the NES, why would I want a shitty Switch?
I even have 2 Zelda game on the NES that are far better than BotW

scalpers paradise

and to think a company as retarded as Nintendo actually has fans

Better headline would be 'Nintendo hates money more than its fans.'

sucks for you dumbasses that want it for "collector value"

The worst part is that lately they weren't THAT hard to get if you stayed glued to your computer all day but most people were just waiting since Nintendo gave the impression they'd be pumping them out.

>Novelty collector's item gets discontinued


Monopoly on the Switch is fucking tight as fuck though.

What the fuck? I never even saw one of these but wanted one. This is fucking retarded.

So monopoly will have online, but you have to pay?

If only I had as much money as Scalpers to buy all those fucking things I would've.


I wouldn't be upset if not for the fact that we'll probably have to wait 5 years before we can get a snes classic.

Why don't millenials understand how to use emulators and instead want to buy hipster shit?

They dont hate money. The NES Classic is giving customers 30 games for $60. Selling them on the Virtual Console instead will make them $200+ while not having to deal with manufacturing costs.

NES Classic was just a gimmick for the 2016 holiday season.

Giving up guaranteed profits for potential is still hating money.

I'm sorry, people actually bought these?

You're missing the point elitist PCbro

I wonder if they just didn't want to renew the licensing for the 3rd party roms?


They released more after the initial launch?

NES Classic was just a Collectors Object to be bought up by scalpers to prey on manchildren with credit cards willing to pay 3-4x more than what the scalperfag paid. What Nintendo really wants to do is sell hipsters those 2 kb games for $60 on the Nintendo Switch.

So far I buy the supply chain theory more but honestly it's a stupid decision regardless of what their logic might be.

I can see how a low cost Nintendo would threaten the Switch's Christmas sales. Low cost used to be the advantage that the new Nintendo consoles had over competitors, but now they are as expensive as anything else.

what pisses me off the most at this point is nintendo doesn't acknowledge the secondhand market, but everything they release lets scalpers go nuts.

>tfw I just bought one at retail price because it just came out 2 weeks ago where I live

I'm predicting damage control tomorrow.

Fucking duh you idiot. It was the normie gift of the holiday season, or at least it would have been had Nintendo actually properly stocked the plastic piece of shit. Regardless of how you feel about it, casuals don't know how to get into emulation and a $60 TV box with 30 games in it dripping with nostalgia at every turn was a very attractive device to a lot of people. Even some of the more tech savvy consumers took to it because it's a fairly powerful device with all the hardware preassembled in a nice NES case, it was like a pretty cheap raspberry pi box premade that could do a lot when hacked.

Oh no, now everyone will be forced to either pay out the nose to scalpers, buy the ROMS on nintendos eshop or use the barest knowledge of emulation to just pirate the damn games. All the the value here is in the collector's appeal of having a physical console, outside of that, no-ones gonna buy ROM files at Nintendo prices. It's a lose-lose for Nintendo as far as I can see.

Why aren't Raspberry PI and the kind flying off the shelves? Because you don't really need to be tech savvy to use those.

I actually gave my friend a ton of shit over buying one.
His rationale was "I want to use the controller" and "I prefer to have the actual console" and "its just better."
Now he has to hunt down cartridges that may or may not work all over town and blow even more money, especially if it's a relatively rare game.

Because they don't look like itty bitty NES consoles.

Since the thing's been hacked wide open to run Retroarch it's a lot cooler than a pi is since you don't have the fugly etsy case.

user I don't think he's your friend

Seriously how petty can you be?

Most raspberry pi kits do not come preassembled, are not laced with the nostalgia from when you were a kid, and require you to put your own software on it. It's asking for a lot more than the NES Classic did. A lot that people aren't willing to jump on. That's if your average consumer even knows about it in the first place, in which I would highly doubt because they aren't advertised anywhere unlike the NES Classic.

Question: Who the fuck buys NES VC games?
Question two: Are those types of people not the kind of dedicated consumer who would pour that money into some 3rd party games? Like the umpteenth Cave Story Plus port?

Introduce him to flash carts ?

>console sells out everywhere
>Discontinue it

For what purpose? Do they think this will help Switch sales? How many dimensions of chess are they playing with this moce?

I know Nintendo has been anti-consumer with their stock, but this is a tad overboard. I remember having to wait 2 years to get a Wii because of stock issues, and I didn't even get a chance to buy an OoT Link amiibo which holds the costume I want the most in BotW. Fuck you Nintendo, just fuck you.

Don't you mean kids?

this is murrican tier laziness

>get raspb pi
>put it in case
>connect a pad and keyboard
>install retropie on sd
>put it in raspb pi
>configure pad and let it set up files
>copy some roms
>play games

I think the majority of people wanting one of these are people who don't buy consoles at all.

One of my coworkers wanted one and he never got an Nintendo console since the SNES. He literally wanted one out of nostalgia and wasn't going to get a Switch anyways, and I bet the majority buying the NES mini would be people consisting of him and others who would buy the NES games 7 times, each on every individual system. Nintendo literally hates money.

>sells like hotcakes, but instead of increasing production Nintendo decreases production
>was the most demanded toy of the holidays, would've sold a gorillion but only sold a couple hundred thousand because Nintendo is retarded
>Reggie "We really didn't expect anyone to buy it other than 30 year old nostalgiafags"
>people still want it since it doesn't exist
>"We're discontinuing production"
I'm bewildered and confused as to who at Nintendo hates money THIS much.

He's also in the throes of divorce and is headed for a financial crunch, so I was trying to convince him not to waste cash on extraneous shit.

That's the majority of consumers. You could get a device that you need to put together yourself, install your own software, add your own games, configure everything yourself, or for the exact same price get a box that does all of that on its own and all you have to do is plug it in. Most people are going to go with the latter, even if the former can do more.

Going by their track record you can probably just chalk it up to being dumb.

He's right. Emulation does not compare to the full experience of playing games on the original hardware.

>are not laced with the nostalgia from when you were a kid
Where can I buy that?

maybe they planned to do it once as a novelty for nostalgiafags and underestimated how many people want to play classic bing bing wahoo games

Yeah, it's actually hella better cuz you got save states and 16:9 aspect ratios.

>save states
If you're a casual bitch.

>and 16:9 aspect ratios.
Which are entirely wrong.

Then in which case they should increase production of it, much like they didn't expect anyone to buy the Switch and now they're doubling production.

I halfway believe the idea that they don't want to stop production on the 3ds or Switch due to projections but I don't know if I can believe a company as big as Nintendo can't manage more than two products on the market.

Maybe manufacturing costs with wages raising in China are becoming a problem.

Or they're just being greedy.

inc VC full of NES games.

Granted I just us a Raspberry Pi, but still its a nostalgia box, they can't sell you nostalgia and make you buy their more expensive box with it around.

Nintendo makes good games but fuck they are dicks.

Hey...psst.. user... I think he was joking.

they have almost no appeal though
if you just want to use an emulator you can get one for free
if you want the "authentic experience" you can just get an everdrive flashcart that plays the games accurately on native hardware

They've already admitted that much, apologized and promised that they'd be meeting demand. Then came today's announcement.

Nintendo is literally allergic to money.

They stopped making games for the Wii after only 4 years, and only even made a few after 3 years, despite the Wii being the fastest selling system ever. They literally killed the fastest selling system ever because they're slaves to arbitrary business practices that don't even take into account profit.

Now they're discontinuing the NES Mini despite the fact that it's still sold out.

This company couldn't go out of business faster if they tried.

>Majority of Sup Forums calls out Nintendo for releasing this
>Now several threads calling out Ninendo for discontinuing it

>full experience
It's not the full experience if you don't get a ROB, the ROB stacking blocks and a duck hunt gun.

I'm 99% sure they're pulling it because there's a ROM manager that can add pretty much every worthwhile NES game ever onto it, and they need to sell the same games they've been selling ever since the Wii for the Switch

Just in time for them to sell you all these games again through the Virtual Console on the Switch.

Reminds me of when Reggie said the Wii U would no longer face game droughts
Or when the Wii wasn't going to be replaced soon when the Wii U was announced 6 months later
>Inb4 this E3 won't be big despite Reggie saying it will be
What a bunch of assholes.

>they have almost no appeal though

If they had no appeal people wouldn't be paying absurd scalper prices for them right now.

Because they don't want to play NES games, idiot, they want it to sit nicely on the shelves

Still given the time of the year and the current demand for this thing you'd think they'd opt to go a little lighter on the 3ds' instead but I don't follow shit that closely so maybe those are fuckhard to find too and I just don't know it.

More likely they see the money flowing in but don't like the fact that its so easily dug around so to avoid another 3DS, they're going to rerelease a DRM version with the ROMs being digital so they can jew people out of more money.

If they really think they'll be that much crossover between a 60 buck novelty and the Switch they are even stupider than most give them credit for.

no appeal from a gameplay perspective rather
I doubt anyone is buying these at absurd prices except nerds that collect nintendo hardware

Your "full experience" becomes less important when you remember that emulation gives access to games that are inordinately difficult/expensive to get in physical form.

Fucking hell it's nearly impossible to buy nintendo shit unless you fucking preorder a year in advance within 5 minutes of preorders going up.

the Nintendo premium xd.

Good, one less useless trinket on the streets, now 1 billion more useless trinkets to go.

Some 3DS SKU are impossible to find in certain places.

Not the case with games though.

Well any whiff of piracy DOES make Ninty go full retard.

Of course they could just fix the hack with a new batch and not throw away money.

Just be glad you don't have to do that once when they announce a new console at their E3 presentation.... yet. Only "secret club" members will be allowed to enjoy the latest Nintendo games.

You're an idiot.

You're only thinking of it in your terms, from your perspective. You aren't considering the average gobshites who don't even know what the word "emulator" means.

Its a nostalgia box, at a relatively cheap price, that is massively convenient for the typical idiot who doesn't know any better. And it sold like gangbusters because of this.

Unfortunately Nintendo is even stupider than you and decided to pull this shit.

Probably said it off the cuff thinking no way in hell Nintendo would do the polar fucking opposite of what any sane company would do.

I work at a Shitmart electronics department and the 3DSs have been just as rare as the NES classics lately.

Our shelf for them has been empty more often than not pretty much since Christmas.

Thank god. I need to pay rent and I had one lying around.

I love scalping so god damn much. Can't wait for them to come out with a SNES classic so I can buy five.

Probably but it'll hurt the existing demand while simultaneously making the existing ones even more valuable.

I got one after waiting 3 hours in line and I've played it no more than twice.

Guaranteed the logic of the top brass went like;

> We're still selling the NES Classic?

Just another bullet point on the long list of why Nintendo is legitimately one of the worst company's in the industry.

He's the President of NoA, he's supposed to be one of the very first to know about things and have a general good idea of what's going on for the next fiscal year. You can't possibly tell me he didn't know the company was preparing for a new console to be released and know how many games are being developed and close to being store ready. He should also know what fans are expecting by now, so if this E3 turns out to be literal shit it's clear he's just trying to get people to cling to false hope.

I bet that's it then. They have a hard number they want to reach with both the 3ds and Switch but shit you'd think they'd at least try to recoup.

I dunno people keep rebuying the same VC games.

Except for the fact that as business their goal it to make money.


The normies on my fb feed were all abuzz over the Mini when it was announced. Fucking EVERYONE wanted one, even people who haven't played a game in 20 years.

Then it released, and people found out that you cannot buy one anywhere. People who aren't hardcore gamers were never going to camp out or refresh instocknow websites all day in hopes of finding one.

This is a device that could have sold tens of millions of units over time as an impulse or nostalgia purchase, had it been properly stocked on shelves in Walmart, Target, TRU, Walgreens, etc.

Now they've lost all that potential revenue forever. Those who know how to emulate will take that route, and those who don't no longer care about Nintendo. They failed to capitalize on that window of frenzied nostalgia.

>it's a "Sup Forums knows Nintendo's business strategy better than they do" episode again

You've no idea how much it costs to produce, distribute, maintain these things. You've no idea if a mini snes is on the way and it's increasing interest pre-emptivly.

Perhaps it's a strategy to manipulate people into buying VC releases on the switch when it arrives?

But user they could have sold TENS OF MILLION! I know this because I'm very smart and I have a very good idea of the industry.

Its totally a strategy to force people into Switch VC and buying a Switch.

And I can promise you a PCB with enough power to output 720 and run a few roms from 1986 is costing lunch money to produce. Its not exactly Ramps board cheap, but the components are pretty low.

>NES classic released
>NES classic discontinued

Not labeled collector's edition.

If a company is releasing a product, they'll work out how many to make with lowest estimates and highest estimates on how many will sell. At worst: the lowest estimate breaks even; at best: a profit is made that is acceptable to the business.

If the product is sold out then the best estimate was correct. Anything extra was not factored in and is a risk. You're working from the principle that more = better, but that doesn't hold true if they don't sell. It's logical to assume that Nintendo don't think the risk of over producing is worth the potential return.

I know one thing though, if a product is still in very high demand you don't just discontinue it. Disperse it conservatively if you're worried about making too much for the market, and once when sales start to dwindle that's when you discontinue it. If you're discontinuing a product when even the avid fan hasn't seen one on the shelves you're doing something wrong.

Wot? For what reason possibly??