So what does Sup Forums think of videogamedunkey?
So what does Sup Forums think of videogamedunkey?
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desu i actually love his videos, not even memeing
Dunk Souls 3 and the Super Mario maker one always make me laugh.
End of year top 10s are also pretty good.
I've watched his recent Zelda video and found it really annoying, so I won't be be watching his other videos.
>reddit spacing
opinion discarded
Desu goes at the end of a sentence.
Dunkey's pretty funny. Don't like that he works with H3H3 from time to time.
Has anyone ever heard a person that talks like Dunkey irl
Inevitable black joke spotted
I like his videos.
I just now noticed that the donkey's eye's are gong separate directions under the sunglasses.
>Don't like that he works with H3H3 from time to time
he does? is that stuff on the H3H3 channel?
The guy played League for years. That says everything you need to know about his videos and his opinions: Worthless.
>Desu goes at the end of a sentence
I don't like him because he is black.
Dunket is the true master.
Who fucking cares and why do you keep bringing him up?
Fuck off, cunt.
>line breaks are reddit now
god i fucking hate this place
He gave them a Switch.
I think this shit should be deleted and anyone who likes him is most likely under 18.
u cared enough to reply :^)
friendly reminder!
Understands the importance of editing in videos.
His review videos are dumb. he'll write a game off for the most asinine reason while trying to pass it off as some objective fact.
I understand that opinions are just that, opinions, but when you call a game bad because you love Troy baker and he isn't in it, you're clearly just adding fluff and making it seem like you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Sometimes all I think as I'm watching is "he should just stick to funny videos."
Best non-lol vids include:
Top 100 games
Postal 2
Draw me horse
His self promoting cs:s video
he used to be funny but most of his jokes fall flat these days and he's more serious overall. plus he has the most generic (nintenigger) taste ever. 0/10 hope he dies
>Sup Forums is one person, and he is a faggot
>literally does a double space in his shitpost
Sup Forums in a nutshell
I enjoy his videos
>Don't like that he works with H3H3 from time to time.
Why? that seems kinda autistic.
>if it's not my obscure weaboo trash channel that most likely uses a voice changer then its trash
But where is JonTron.
its kind of hard to take him seriously in his "serious" game reviews
I don't care for his review videos but I find him amusing
He can be pretty funny as far as streamers go, but his reviews are a fucking disgrace.
That one list of his with CSGO on it was gold
>I'll help your mother have another baby
I unironically enjoy game grumps, dunkey, PDP, and markiplier.
he's okay
>Sup Forums hates review videos
gee who could have seen that coming?
>but you have to be 18 over to post here
>getting this mad over dunkey dissing one of your favorite games
holy shit its almost as if this user is a big fat baby or somethin
Unfunny nigger with a grating voice
it's a Sup Forums approved not Sup Forums approved
Why so mad, lad?
>Oh shit guys, the calm dudes who can be ok with things are being overrun by the shitheads
He's a fat white guy desu
This is putting Sup Forums in a nutshell, this thread.
It's Sup Forums, you can't escape the autismo onslaught
not incorrect
He is actually of Porta Reecan decent
>Heard you was talkin shit.
How is not liking someone autistic, user? I really want you to explain that.
>disliking one party because it associates with one you don't like on occasion
>being unable to overlook this
>somehow not autistic
halo series is best
Watch out for the red guy
Probably gassing jews.
I think this guy's reached some sort of review enlightment where he just doesn't even care anymore, all of his reviews are laughfests.
I wonder how many of those here complaining about his reviews are Yooka Laylee backers.
No that's actually super normal.
you're a faggot
>hating someone because his opinions don't match with their own
>hating someone because his humour doesn't match their own
>hating someone because they're jealous jews
Gotta love Sup Forums
He's a funny bitch
t. Jontron
>Unironic E-Celeb Threads
It's ironic that he quit league complaining about how his teammates were children when he was a giant manchild in game.
Literally got banned for spazzing like an autist and raging at people, then quit the game complaining about how people were babies because he got a two week suspension.
His videos are funny but you can just tell he's a manchild. The man mained Wukong so I guess it's to be expected.
Alot of italians
is he really?
i saw him irl at the switch release. dude's like 5'6 and looks like a generic WI bro.
dunk is actually ok though
Just listen to his review on yooka laylee
Vinny "Pizzapasta" Vinesauce is legitimately great
never understood what FH is doing there. It's not like they focus too much on games. Well, at least not like in the IG days.
>best gamers aren't even on neo Sup Forumss list they use to troll neo neo Sup Forums
Been here too long boyos
Vinesauce is the only Sup Forums approved streamer
people complaining about e-celebs are far more annoying than the e-celebs themself
they are a part of videogame culture now fucktards
Funny as shit, but not a reliable or trustworthy reviewer. Come for the jokes run from the biased criticism.
t. Banjo-Tooie shit eater
>I just now noticed that the donkey's eye's are gong separate directions under the sunglasses.
this time 10000
he has very little substantial input when it comes to game reviewing, throws out bland nothings like "sloppy controls" or "just isnt fun"
like goddamn dude, go into detail, does the analog stick lag behind the pivoting? is there a delay on the jump animation? dude's funny but his reviews are total shit
turned to shit
I honestly don't understand how someone like him could like a pretentious non-game like uncharted 4
even going as far as discarding his old opinions
was he forced? was he paid? is it because of his gf?
either way I can't trust his opinion anymore
>Hating someone whose opinion doesn't match
>Not a core part of most people out in the world
Not video games.
I knew somebody would realize this for the first time.
That's why I made the image extra big.
is video games
But it literally says videogame in his name.
leah is ugly as fuck desu
probably sucks a mean cock and has a cute little butt, but jesus christ is her face unfortunate
Then why don't you go back
literaIly reddit along with FF and H3
>muh culture
Fuck off
Good entertainer.
But I'm mad people take a comedians criticism as gospel, this applies to more than just dunkey, but it's annoying.
When he's actually being serious is when he's at his best. One of the few youtubers whose passion for video games shines through in his videos. His humor isn't really for me but his videos on Banjo, difficulty in games, and his reviews are top notch.
His League videos were funny, I even watched it after I stopped playing league. But then I found out he records the audio later, and it felt like I was swallowing ash.
Why the fuck do Americans script everything god damn faglets.
t. "cultured" African
Global rule 2
Fuck off
I don't want to go with this meme
but almost everyone here leaves one space between lines
what the fuck?
As OP, allow me to provide a slight correction.
Indeed, most of it is pre-recorded.
However he will often use ingame audio he says while playing as a buffer, making it a mix of both pre-recorded and 'natural' audio.
He sometimes has some pretty solid opinions, but he's mad casual. His dickriding of OW is sad and it's pretty clear he couldn't play CS well so he dropped it.