Claim your favorite waifu streamer

Claim your favorite waifu streamer.

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Do you post these not-vidya threads to fit in or something? Fuck off, Reddit.

Please explain to me how streaming is "not-vidya".

>Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.

Leave, fucking underage Reddit. Hurr durr, let's start another le epic mental illness thread. Totally vidya. So clever. Kill yourself you unoriginal child. You have high school tomorrow.

You don't get it, threads about people who stream and discuss vidya take away space needed for non-vidya waifu threads. It's how Sup Forums works.

That doesn't explain why streaming is "not-vidya"

Its like saying that NASCAR is "not-auto".



You know what you're doing. You're trying to fit in by posting another hurr durrr look at this mental illness thread. Fuck off, Reddit. Stop trying so hard to fit in faggot. Also, that analogy is garbage. Those aren't anywhere near comparable. Besides, do you talk about NASCAR driver's personal lives and how much sponsorship revenue they get? No, because it has nothing to do with automobiles.

What's it like being the cancer of cancer? Being so shit and unoriginal that you're the smelliest piece of trash in the garbage dump? Unable to come up with an original off-topic thread?

I want to talk about game streamers, there is no need to project your insecurities onto me.

rose. hahahahaha. :(

on another note. am i delusional or PUBG is being shilled everywhere right now?. i mean even the unknowns streamer with 2 viewer are playing pubg

Of course you do, user. You're so clever. Why not start a thread saying

>Who's your favorite video game developer?
With a picture of Brianna Wu? You'd be the first person to do it! So original. So clever. Man, I can't believe you're the FIRST user who has ever put a picture in the OP as their actual topic while the text is but a ruse. Wow, never seen that before. I look forward to your quality work in the future.

Try being subtle next time. Put some effort into it.

Its not about shilling, its about fads and what people want to see, right now BR games are the popular thing and PUBG is just the shiniest one right now, like H1Z1 was before it and ARMA BR was before it.

Stop projecting this hard, its not healthy.

>Brianna Wu

>No more arguments
>Y-you're just projecting!


It's only a matter of time before he an heros.

>thinks that his feelings are an argument

So cute.

We can hope, lets pray its on stream.

Why don't you try to argue why your thread is video games again while it's on autosage :^)

Thats not how burden of proof works.

The fact that your thread is set to autosage is proof that your thread isn't Sup Forums material. How dumb can you be? Fucking retard.

You seem to be upset about something.