Does it get any hardee? First souls game and I've beaten cleric beast and father g on my first attempts, and I don't even know the party button
Does it get any hardee? First souls game and I've beaten cleric beast and father g on my first attempts...
No. It's the worst Souls game by far.
t. pcfag
oh and I killed the werewolf at the start with my bare hands
>party button
a little but not by much
if you can beat those guys nothing else will give you trouble
GG then, although I must say that I have died numerous times to stupid mobs (especially those fuckhead brute guys) because I get a bit impatient.
paarl might, if he fights him right away
I figured, that scene is what I thought of when I read it though. It does get more challenging. I'm not sure how much more for you though if you've gone through those encounters that easily.
Game's either super easy or super hard depending on if your a decent person or a shitter.
No its really easy throughout.
I was convinced by Sup Forums that it was some kind of hardcore game but I platinumed it in 10 days.
/10 DAYS/ user, it's good to c u again
Sorry you fell for the "Soulsborne is hard meme" spouted off by brain dead casual faggots of todays generation. I love the series, but the difficulty is way overblown. I grew up on NES and these games aren't nearly as punishing as games from back then.
The OP was just an attention grabber, I actually struggled with Father G, he took me down to like 10% when he went beast mode but I managed to spam heal. Used like 16 blood vials in the fight so wasn't easy. Still did it first try though.
Cleric beast I just threw molotovs at when he was at 40% that was easiest boss of my lyf
If a game being hard is the only thing you look for in a game to jack off your zero achievements in real life- ego, then maybe you should do a level 4 run right off the bat. Other than that, I oneshotted cleric and gascoigne on my first run too and still spent hours on ludwig and 20+ tries on orphan of kos
Hold up buddy, I'm on 200k a year and fuck models at least every fortnight. This game is easy and that's that.
>I love the series, but the difficulty is way overblown.
Same here. I'm pretty sure its the same people who always say Water Temple is hard
Aren't you the scrub that overleveled and lost to an enemy that isn't even a boss? That scrub.
Yes I admit it user, I did die more than once in the entirety of the game.
That's what every souls game, including BB, is. It's made to tilt you so you rush. Soon as you go slow and take a moment the game becomes piss easy.
Then once you're good you can speed run it in like an hour. The series really isn't that difficult in the long run.
go kill yourself
soulsborne games were never hard. Just spam roll and take a hack or slash every once and a while if you have stamina
The Souls games are hard, but not nearly as hard as they are given credit for. But nonetheless they are still great
It does get harder, there's at least two way harder bosses than Daddy G in the main game, and 2 in the DLC
Its not supposed to be hard, its supposed to be fun. If difficulty is the only thing youre looking for i would recommend a job in the coal mines
Lol sure user, you're so amazing
>Using the tools the game gives you, in the intended way
Cheese is getting Flamelurker stuck behind bones and spamming magic missile while he can't move.
shut up noob, bet you played with your eyes open too, wow way to cheese the game fag
how does time correlate with ease
To be fair, a lot of the items in bloodborne are stupid good and can take a lot of difficulty out of fights if you think to use them. Beast blood pellets turn you into a boss melting machine, bone marrow ash can be used to get rid of the last fifth or so of a boss's health risk free, etc.
You don't have any weapons when you face him, so it's not like you have much of a choice.
Go brag at /bbg/ fagget
I can't get past the bonfire in Yharm, am I retarded? This is my first souls game.
I beat it blindfolded left handed behind my back earplugged without hands 100% platinum in 2 minutes
P-please user suck my e-cock already ;____;
Its the hardest strecht of the game, so not really.
That's normal.
The game is challenging, these autists just want you to suck their e-dick.
Have fun user, enjoy the ride.
Is the community dead yet ?
I do mean across all level ranges not above w/e the agreed upon max pvp level is.
I feel it's too late if I want to coop with people.
/bbg/ uses 98-117 reddit uses 150.
Honestly, I'm a PC fag, I'm a huge fan of the Souls series but haven't been able to give Bloodborne a try. You can always try NG+ or adding self imposed restrictions, but if you are not having any trouble with the game I'm not really sure how to fix it.
> (you)
Welcome back, faggot. Guess it's true, you're here forever
It has a learning curve for noobs and you can always grind a few levels. Hard is og ninja gaiden
>above 70
Good luck finding nobody. You'll find people every 1-2 minutes if you stay below 70, because that's the level a casual player has when finishing the game and the DLC.
You can suck my dick user