Rest in piece deus ex franchise. It's a shame you will be shelved by square forever

Rest in piece deus ex franchise. It's a shame you will be shelved by square forever.

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deus ex 1 and human revolution were some of the only good things in this world.

Rip Deus Ex. You had one good game, but boy was it great.

Yeah I loved Human Revolution too

What?! Mankind Divided was bad!

you're gonna burn alright

I think HR fell shirt in a number of ways but was a legitimately great soft reboot. MD was a disaster because the gameplay and level design were fantastic but the story was so obviously gutted it hurt. It felt like 1/3 of the game Eidos had intended, carved up into microtransactions, DLC, and shitty bait for a sequel that would never come due to seedy anti consumer business practices.

I'm honestly livid at what Square Enix did to the franchise. Eidos made many mistakes for sure but seemed to have really learned from them, until SE fucked them again and then killed the series for it too.


This guy gets it.

It's such a shame that so much potential goes to waste.

>human revolution

Explain yourself

Adam VA is Wolverine now.

Maybe one day Square will take a bunch of crazy pills and try to remake Invisible War. I mean they can't possibly fuck it up worse than Ion Storm did.

why are you locked in the bathroom?

Why do japs have to ruin everything good?

even invisible war was a better game. overall im really depressed of what became of hr and i would've preferred it never to have had additional games

RIP Deus Ex
2000 - 2002

>human revolution

It was a complete fluke that SE didn't butcher the franchise from the first reboot entry. SE is one of the most cancerous publishers to this day.

Deus Ex series beatifully illustrates the different game design philosophies from 2001 and 2011.

>To knock out a guard, you have to manually sneak behind him with the baton, aim at his neck and if your attack box connects with his hitbox, the knockout is successful

>to knock out a guard, you approach him from any angle in any situation, press a button and automatically succeed

It's not just knockouts either, every area of game design exhibits that 'toolbox' vs 'context sensitive action' contrast.

At least we got HR.

If you shit on any of the deus ex games you are not a deus ex fan.

t. utter retard


I know how could anyone shit on The Fall, that game's a masterpiece

>considering a mobile game part of the main series


It's still a Deus Ex game

You can blame the anti-denuvo people and those that never forgive a game that had some performance issues at launch.

DX 1 >>> MD > HR >>> IW

Let's not pretend that MD pre-release material made it look remotely interesting.


Do you have a single fact to back that up?

First person melee combat has never been good.

It's unironically not bad if you play it stealth only and don't allow yourself to use projectile weapons.

It's better than context-sensitive melee combat.

No, it's not. It's better to have a simplified system that works perfectly than a more complex jury-rigged system that doesn't. It is impossible to exactly gauge with melee weapons in FPS which is why first combat has never and will never be good. Having to risk a guard discovering me because I have to physically fucking be pushing him on him before I can be sure my batonswing will connect sucks, and swinging at blind air and having to move forward an in-game inch and then doing it again to connect breaks immersion BIG time.

gauge reach*, first person melee combat*

How do you know their won't be a sequel?

SE reassigned the team from finishing out the DLC (and eventually, logically, the sequel, which is what happened with HR) to some other piece of shit they're making. I forget what it is. I think it has a female protagonist or some other critical flaw that makes sure I'll never play it, it's out of my mind in any case.

At least Cybernpunk 2017 is still on its way.

[The bum screams at you]

Eliminating the failstate entirely is not a video game system that "works perfectly".

Yeah, RIP

You talking to me?

Pretty great how MD became a vehicle for the things the first game warned about.

The real shame is that Square grabbed the rights to begin with and turned it into nothing more than an allegory of racism.

it's a shame it wasn't shelved before square gave it more embarrassments, rather

It's an artificial failstate caused by how shittily the systems of first person melee and stealth fit together. The fact that you physically can't fucking gauge the effective length of your baton is a bug, not a feature. Once again, no first person melee system has ever been good.

because Canadians

I'm with UNATCO. Start talking.

I played DE1 for the first time last year and it was legit one of my favourite games of all time. I then went to play invis war and could only stomach a level or two but it wasn't too bad, just lacked polish and was jank as fuck.

Then I went to play HR and it was polished as fuck but dumbed down to shit and I couldn't even make it past the first firefight it's so fucking bad compared to the first game.

> It is impossible to exactly gauge with melee weapons in FPS

Are you paper mario or something? Do you completely lack depth perception?

>no first person melee system has ever been good

well, he's right to an extent. you can make assumptions about the damage ranges of melee weapons in games all you want, but in most games the first-person view is completely dislocated from its behaviour in the 3d space, since unless the game uses a world camera mounted to your player model it's going to instead just use a viewmodel overlay on your camera.
games like killing floor 2 have very very odd damage zones in your swings, and it gets disorientating the longer you sit there trying to account for it. i actually do have very bad depth perception on moving objects in reality, but games with viewmodel-based melee will always be flawed and ridiculous probably to most people.

>proper depth perception in an FPS
This isn't really an issue of opinion, user. It doesn't fucking work. There's a reason shit like Dishonored went another way with it too, where they went with a choke that won't trigger if you're not in range instead of a baton. Deus Ex HR mitigated it by making it cost energy pips, Dishonored by making them struggle and pass out slowly. But the swing/shimmy/swing thing from the early days of stealth FPS is thankfully gone.
Nope, not even that one. The closest any game's ever gotten is Butcher Baby, and that's just combat was so fucking plodding and meatheaded that emphasizing heavy, wild blows did a good job of justifying how imprecise it was.

You are the only person in the world who had ever had a problem with measuring the distance at which you can knock a guard off. It literally didn't happen to me even once, even at my first playthrough, to sneak to a guard at a proper distance. You are a fucking causul.

Git gud or don't discuss video games anymore.

>I think it has a female protagonist or some other critical flaw that makes sure I'll never play it

You didn't actually play DMMM did you? Especially as you called attack&block shit from Riddick to it.

its ok though because now were getting a marvels avengers game developed by the same people isnt that great haha?!?

>being so desperate to prove you're le hardcore that you just straight up ignore facts
Hey brainlet, give a read to understand why depth perception in FPS is objectively wonky.

deus ex should have been a one-off anyways

human revolution was a dumb game pretending to be a smart game and people ate that shit up and im glad the series is dead if it means not having to put up with that anymore

Not him, but explain it to me too. I felt like i was playing that before but downgraded.

HR is the best game in the series tbqh.

you aren't being honest at all

not one bit

They should remake original Deus Ex desu.


I don't think i've ever experienced this in any game with first person melee combat.

I think you've spent too much time drinking the bile that modern devs spew forth on their forums to justify their shit design choices.


>but games with viewmodel-based melee will always be flawed and ridiculous probably to most people.

I think you may be in the minority, you admitted yourself you have bad depth perception. I don't disagree that these systems shouldn't be improved on but to replace it with scripted animations is boring and lazy.

Do you guys by any chance need glasses or something? I've played games for years and regularly play games with view model melee and i've never struggled or had a problem with it.

Redditors are disgusting.

>Human revolution is bad.
Is this a new Sup Forums Meme after Accursed Farms made a video where he said why he disliked it?

Good thing in the example he gave there it wasn't actually melee combat and is rather a silent takedown that takes more effort than HR's

But he had a lot of good things to say about the game along with his criticisms

>breaks immersion

So does retarded mini cutscenes every time you take down a guard. They should have just removed melee and it would have been better

>Accursed Farms


It sucked in both. Dishonored did it right.