Wtf is this and why did it win a Sup Forumsga

wtf is this and why did it win a Sup Forumsga

Because it's shit.

It's a fairly decent visual novel with a stellar soundtrack.

Sei a best.

>Sup Forumsga
Probably because someone bombed whatever strawpoll it was in

>Sup Forumsga
You act like that reddit shit is worth mentioning.

>wtf is this
a piece of shit
>why did it win a Sup Forumsga
the voting was overrun with redditors and shills

It had more than the title screen theme and the default song that plays in the jukebox?

>Sup Forums hates Walking Simulators
>meanwhile a literal weeb game is hailed as GOTY by Sup Forums

ebin straw my dudeman

Prove me wrong instead of meming in your reddit speech. Where's the difference between Gone Home and Valhalla.

The problem with Gone Home was that it was praised for the story, but the entire story was "muh lesbian" and filled with silly PC fantasies like women getting in the military with neon, pink hair

Also, Gone Home was "mysterious" as you started playing, some if not many people expected it to have actual activities other than listening to stuff back then. I remember some reviewers even pointing this out as a positive in interviews, calling it "playing with the player's expectations". So a few people felt tricked by the game

Also Gone Home is much shorter

Also waifus

Because it's good.

because virgins will vote for anything with unrealistic cartoon women they can fetishize

People felt tricked by Valhalla too. You see it in the threads all the time. There is no difference in agency between gone home and Valhalla and that is what gets criticized most in gone home.

>lifebars don't fill

You set the music tracks every day.

But Valhalla was always advertised as a VN? There was even a demo to set people's expectations. And there's still more player agency than in GH, you can get drinks wrong (which will potentially ruin your character's income, making the next days harder as Jill will stop giving you tips and reminders on how to proceed) and you can often alter the level of alcohol to get the other characters drunk, triggering different dialogue scenes

With GH some people expected a damn survival horror a-la Amnesia, and the first few minutes kinda set up to that

But again, even ignoring false expectations (which i guess aren't the game's fault), while being just a 2D VN Valhalla is still more interactive

The creator is from here, and actively shills the game VERY hard here in many threads. It's turned me off from buying it completely and I sage every thread involving it.

It better have won for soundtrack or art or some shit, because that's all it's worth.

good man
Because it's not very good at all

>a thread is allways saged when some lonely faggots press the button
Ok user.

The trailer set that up prerelease, but you still get "story exploration" right on the store page. Failing in Valhalla btw requires the level of retardation that not playing at all in gone home does. You can also look around further in gh, triggering different information bits. Even as a story walking sim, you're talking out of your ass not even having played gone home. It's shit but it's not more interactive. You need to get items, explore and get code combinations to progress, not just "click together the same fucking drinks and watch the bad writing unfold"

Because it's good and made by fellow anons.

>game takes inspiration from oldschool visual novels and PC-98 games
>the developers are VERY adamant about this, even before release
>it was never meant to be anything else than a visual novel with some very slight gameplay elements
>it comes out
>it's pretty decent
>Sup Forumsirgins still sperg out

I'm not saying the game doesn't have flaws, even when it's trying to be a specific thing, because it certainly has some major ones. But expecting gameplay from something designed to mimic an oldschool visual novel is fucking retarded.

>inb4 dating simulators and YU-NO on PC98 had more gameplay

No doubt, it has so many shitty references, I would be surprised if the creator didn't shill it here.

I have played GH actually, although i haven't finished yet

I guess you're right about the puzzles, but they weren't particularly compelling, weren't they?

And going back to the original question, GH isn't liked here because (ignoring shitposters) all it's selling is a story but the story isn't particularly good or original, and it's short. The arguably excessive praise from the press didn't help, people naturally reacted to the overblown love with overblown hate, as Internet tribalism dictates

Valhalla instead has more compelling writing. At least imo. Maybe it's just because i like cyberpunk settings, but yeah, i like arguments about honesty of the press and bottled up feelings to be more interesting than "i kissed a girl, my daddy is a failed writer and my mommy is drunk". And don't get me wrong, i like environmental storytelling. GH's just isn't compelling and failed to make me want to hear/read all of it

>writing and humor is uninspired and filled to the brim with memes and references
>you very literally click a few drinks together from the same exact screen
Dating sims and VNs tend to have actual routes btw.
Tokimeki Memorial blows this the fuck out

Not all of them do, though. Tokimeki Memorial is a game that had more of a budget, planning and experienced developers behind it.

Besides, it's not like you have to copy the exact same fragment of the older games if you're taking inspiration from them, right? VA11 might be less complex than some more complex VNs, but so fucking what? It wasn't advertized as anything that it isn't.

>writing and humor is uninspired and filled to the brim with memes and references
Having references doesn't automatically make something uninspired, right? I do agree that writing is mediocre, especially in the second part, but it's good enough to keep someone interested. And it's certainly better than fucking Gone Home.

>The problem with Gone Home was that it was praised for the story, but the entire story was "muh lesbian"

Va-11 Hall-A's story was literally "muh lesbian."

The art and music were good, I'll give it that. But as a visual novel, it was awful.

How compelling the puzzles are isn't the issue. The issue is that you are doing much more gameplay simply by exploring the house and finding how to proceed than clicking less than 20 times every 20 minutes.

Valhalla does nothing with the cyberpunk setting and says as much at the start. The setting is compelling but it takes a backseat to boring characters like Jill and meme-stuffed writing.

If you copy aspects, why the fuck would you not copy any good aspects? It takes the aesthetic from them and that's it. Budget and planning doesn't excuse shit in the modern day when you have one man teams cranking out games like Cave Story and Braid.

It's not exclusive but it clearly relied on the references and memes instead of polishing up some of the lines.

>Budget and planning doesn't excuse shit in the modern day when you have one man teams cranking out games like Cave Story and Braid.
There can be a number of reasons why they shit the bed here, from experience to bad living conditions. Another point is, not everyone is Pixel or has his talent.

>It's not exclusive but it clearly relied on the references and memes instead of polishing up some of the lines.
Agreed. Still, I think the art and the overall atmosphere they've managed to create make the game bearable and take everything up a notch or two.

But the quality/fun of the puzzles does matter, if they're only points on a checklist for me to say "hey, that makes it more game-y!" i can't consider them a positive, only an obstacle in the way of the story. But since i don't care about the story i can't care about puzzlesolving and exploration either

What can i say, i find Valhalla's characters to be fun. Let's agree to disagree, i guess?

I judge things on what they are. This isn't good as a VN from any perspective except the music and some of the art. I got fucked into buying it probably from the Venezuelan making it out to be a good VN.

Sucks to be you, then. Most people find the game bearable due to the things mentioned in the thread, so it must be doing something right.

I was saying I wasn't arguing that, only player agency. But the puzzles aren't bad. They're not great, but they don't impede the story. GH has a nice level of interactivity and background in the environment and it felt more or less natural to progress through the game with its puzzles and exploration.

And yeah, sure.

People can like whatever, it doesn't give anything merit. And clearly the people who played it are divided on the game judging by EVERY THREAD on it, so I have no idea what you were trying to say.