Other than here, where does Sup Forums get their vidya news and info?

Other than here, where does Sup Forums get their vidya news and info?

Other urls found in this thread:


user your p-pic... pls go


fuck the dog?

Reddit. You actually talk about vidya without racism, misogyny, console wars, porn, trannies, SJW panicking, etc.

Inb4 butt blasted anons tell me to.go back.

>vidya news

Sup Forums is good enough.

she thicc!


Why is no trannies a good thing?

Please delet this

>click on thread
>everything going well
>hey Sup Forums, girl (male) here!
>thread goes to hell

gee, i wonder


But those are the best aspects of vidya.


wtf Sup Forums

I swear to god. Weird shit starts happening after clock hits 3 AM

the hell is that? a weird shop of a dog and a hairy ass dude?

Trannies don't derail threads.

It's 9:31AM, retard

This looks like some serious uncanny valley, wtf is going on in this pic?

No, but I'd like phoneposters to fuck off.

who is she?

On my side assholian.

Yes they do you shitter.

All Games Delta

>he's not into trannies

You're pretty gay tbqhwyf

>bastion of SJWs has no SJW panicking

causes one to ponder

>reddit is a bastion of sjw's

t. retard

Are you literally retarded? It is 11:34 AM

What a bunch of pansies
4:36 AM master race

>living in flyover country

lamo. west coast, the best coast

>tfw you lived to see the day reddit is more vidya related than Sup Forums

>not 5:38 AM
git gud

>seven (7) years of Sup Forums freaking out about reddit
>bored one day
>finally decide to check it out
>wow, actual OC and people actually staying on topic

Don't know why I keep coming here. Guess it's out of habbit.

6:39pm masterrace here.


you're not very subtle

You need to go back.

What is this?


but I'm already here

Why boner. I thought i was only aroused by furry cartoons.


>not taking the beastpill
it's not even illegal in a lot of places

Am I the only one who unironically prefer Sup Forums than any other place ?

They all have that treacherous and fake humble aura around them. Add to that the general shit taste and intangibles criteria to justify them.

Youtube channels GameCross, gameranx, and CultofMush....who just alerted in his newest vid about $5 Mad Max and $12 humble Monthly for Inside/Dirt rally (more as month goes on).

Sup Forums is just a pile of stinky shit. You see and take what you get.

it's still better than shit with febreeze on it

I would if the shitposting here weren't completely out of control. If you don't mind at all the permenent stench of diarrohea that infests this place there is something really wrong with you.

Well I guess I could try that not like I will get a girlfriend anyway. Is it legal in Texas?

/r/games, at least the mods keep most reddit stuff out of the way so it's mostly discussion and news

> intangibles criteria to justify them.

Sup Forums's "I hate and shit on everything" is too "tangible" for my taste.

It sure is. Just do a bit of research so you know what to do to avoid discomfort and such

r/games is basically Sup Forums-lite

Pretty low quality b8, but it gets the (You)s all the same.


reddit is Sup Forums without people calling each other out on shit and the random porn dumps in otherwise Sup Forums related discussion
i like the banter

I don't think so really. I found better things to talk about here and far better justified opinion than most what others place have to offer.
Yeah I would love to see Sup Forums in a better state. shitposting bother me but less than off topics and false flags thread.

>wow there's no way all these people could be retarded and/or trolling, I should probably check out reddit
>it's the biggest cesspool I've ever had the misfortune of viewing

mainstream reddit certainly is.

False flags threads are shitposting.

What about the Sup Forums garbage that parades around pretending to be video games?
>attached image is some random fucking news article or some fuckhead tranny on twitter complaining

Mods need to do their jobs better. we got plagued by those fuckers for too long now.

yeah exactly
all the shit talking and crap spewing
i mostly just like how it's more real time and less like a forum

I rescued a greyhound who was as bald as that, fed him good food and oil supplements, now he's got a gorgeous coat. I love my dog and video games

even if the last few days have been incredibly dry and shitty for some reason, there still are those good vidya threads popping up where it counts. Reddit just reeks of circlejerking and fake politeness. I used to go to the dota subreddit because /d2g/ died, and I couldn't stand it at all.

that's a cute cat, user

your doggo is a cute

>I like the non-video games shitposting
If you could just fuck off and/or kill yourself that would be great

I bet there will be at least 2 Sup Forumstards replying to this post with either "go back to re.ddit" or calling you liberal. They really can't understand that nobody wants to hear their off-topic ranting about shit. I don't give a fuck about what people believe in but you don't have to shove it down to everyone elses throat

i mean then hear me out
if you want moderated and completely positive video game discussion why don't you just go to reddit

God that dog is THICC, is it wrong that I wanna put my dick in that?

>fake politeness
I can't stand this, something about it annoys me. I don't post on Sup Forums shouting 'faggot' etc but there's something nice about the vibe Sup Forums and other boards have.

man, that doggy got a Thicc butt
B-Boner no

What breed?

What about genuine politeness?

Brittney Kade

what an awful thread this is.

lets roll

If he would've rubbed baby oil on that dog's ass, every person would've tapped that

letting the days go by


>completely positive video game discussion
These threads aren't fucking video game discussion you retard that's the problem.
Fucking mongoloids holy shit.


Gamespot and Gematsu. Mostly the latter.

Of course it's nice to see like if someone helps another person and they're grateful. It isn't hard to tell between the two especially in text.

They see me rolling

>this thread



This guy is right fuckers, just look at this fucking thread you idiots

why did i even do this

>Muh soggy knee
You didn't even try.

I hear about a game hear, then I search for it and check it out.
I do not read some vydia websites and I do not watch reviews.

>waaah muh dad is raping my ass again

- you


The jerk store called. They're running out of (You)

>literally everywhere other than 3 boards on Sup Forums has no SJW panicking
Fixd that for you smartposter-kun