Find a flaw

Find a flaw.

Nuclear throne is the highest tier.


all of them should be retard tier, desu.

what are some more games where the rng hates you?


>rogu elites

Nigga wut.

You're not elite enough. Please leave this thread.

>a month or two before necrodancer comes out
>literally every faggot on twitch is sucking the games dick nonstop 24/7 and acting like its literally the best game ever made, game of the year all years
>it comes out
>no one that matters streams it ever again

In fairness it was by far the best game of 2015, and if it weren't for Hollow knight its DLC would be the best game of 2017 thus far.


If it was the best game of the year, they would have continued playing it for a while at launch to further be giant whores and garner more followers/potential subs because of said launch of "popular" game that they caused because they are huge sellout whores.

But no, it launched and suddenly no one fucking touched it.

necrodancer sucks

Given that the most streamed game for-fucking-ever was (or IS, I dunno) League of Legends, I don't think Twitch streaming/viewing is an indicator of quality.

All games with rng hate the player.

I'm not talking about quality at all, I was merely making a statement that the game is trash and the only reason people were sucking that games dick before it launched was to get attention and be sellouts.

Both the faggot sellout streamers benefited as well as the devs.

The game is average at best and gets really fucking old really fucking quickly but these people swore it was the best game ever made juuuuuuuuust before it actually launched.

Then no one touched it.

Those faggots played that shit and praised it until they didn't have to anymore.

It was sickening really.

>Nuclear Throne not elite tier
Highly recommend it, frustrating as it can be.

>I'm not talking about quality at all
>I was merely making a statement that the game is trash


>ha hes no rythm

Why do you give a shit about streamer faggots? Do you watch that shit?

It's a roguelike ...

What craziness will they think of next!?

FTL is easily the best game there

Muh 30 fps though
Feels pretty bad

swap ftl and darkest dungeon

I dunno my dude. Maybe they'll make a walking simulator where 90% of your gameplay is spent watching meme grass while you wait for rain to end so you can spend 15 minutes of your life climbing a cliff for a worthless consumable.

That'd be pretty funny, imagine if Sup Forums actually became cancerous enough to enjoy that shit.

It doesn't suck, but it isn't great either.
It's really fun in the beginning when you actually have to get good to clear all zones as Cadence.
But once you can do this comfortably, things get shittier.
Your only endgame options are doing low% runs which aren't fun at all, or playing characters like Aria or Coda who are pure cancer.

It was fun for about 30 hours or so.



Also, the highest tier should be Teleglitch.

30 fps

Battle brothers.
fuck im angry
fuuuuck FUUUCK

where does binding of isaac fit?

The tickrate of the game is 30/s so why does it matter.

>80% chance to hit
>Literally never hits

How did the designers of math get away with such a glating flaw?


>The bread of the shit sandwich is also made of shit

True intellectuals such as myself play only real roguelikes

This is a better list tbqh

Gods will be watching.
RNG hating you is actually the point of the story and people bitching about it didn't get it.

Be luckier.


lmao double crossbow headshot on your mighty frontliner behind a kite shield dude

FTL is better than any of those. By far.

those are the shittiest games in the genre though



Every MH game except X and double X

FTL is fucking trash

FTL is barely a freakin' game
Just roll a dozen dice and decide that you win whenever you get all sixes


In the dumpster desu. I've played it like for 100+ hours, but after all, it's shit. FTL is much better. Your mileage may vary though.

Git gud my man. If you play well and don't pick a challenge mode ship you'll win most of the time.


just ascended my first ogre. Only 3-runes because fuck extended.

trying to get a troll of xom started, hoping to amass enough mutations to switch to zin and faceroll extended just for fun.


ToME sucks


Blood Bowl

you must really like grinding

Perfect list

the source is released and it's slowly getting worked on

it may take ten years
but it will get there

is that third one IVAN? Haven't played that hilarious bullshit for ages

Tales of Maj'Eyal. Sometimes you will encounter unique creatures which randomly roll abilities from player classes. Sometimes you get some really unfair shit like a Skeleton Magus Archmage. I met one of those and just one of its spells took out nearly all of my life, not to mention that I was a melee class and it was a good ten spaces away from me.

>enjoying FTL with it's incredibly shallow list of events, poor UI, and mediocre gameplay

>implying that a roguelite can be better than second tier

Invisible Inc is too intelligent to be around those games designed for troglodytes.

i would say that darkest dungeon should be at the top or bottom
the other rougelikes on this list atleast require skill and isnt fully rng dependent
darkest dungeon is literally watching fancy coloured dice rolls however and praised because it looks cool

Darkest Dungeon's atmosphere and narration are what makes the game enjoyable. I do agree with you though, the actual game part isn't fun.

According to casuals, every game with RNG elements.
Biggest offender is the new Xcom games.


It's hilarious

Grinding doesn't help in Darkest Dungeon, which is why I like it so much.

Funny how people fuck up and then blame the random numbers.

>The front cover and blurb are what makes this book enjoyable, but the words part isn't good.

You can see the fucking percentages and plan your strategy. Failing to use your goddamn brain is what's killing you, not the rng.

Well it does help to some extent in that it gets you the best loot and is required to get to the end-game but the idea that higher-level heroes can't enter low level dungeons was a brilliant addition

>you have a 30% chance to kill the enemy this turn
>or you can heal the team
>if you don't kill him, you will permanently lose a party member
>party member is permanently killed

anyone play hand of fate? That shit is pure RNG cancer

>ayy lmao what do you mean taking 90 damage from your 9 unavoidable curses isn't good gameplay? Guess you have to start over!
>You randomly picked the 25% chance to instantly die. Game over! Try again!
>Surprise! You picked a dead end and now you're going to die for it.

also never see anyone talk about endless dungeon. Probably because it sucks and is barely better than a tower defense game. Still pretty comfy though.

No. There's a lot of replaying the same shit over and over again, that's for sure, but the game is about risk management. Sure you can get rekt by bad roll, but all fun is about preventing it, and game gives you many tools to achieve this.

Gungeon is truly awful and utterly, utterly boring

which is a real shame because I feel like a few minor changes would turn it from boring shite to fun-filled alternative to nuclear throne

>I don't like thing and will post like an obtuse faggot about it

the gameplay is pretty fun but these sorts of games are supposed to shine on interesting pickups that change up gameplay, a lot of the weapons feel very samey and don't drop nearly frequently enough. Limited ammo is also a stupid addition

This expanding brain meme has never been funny or even made any sense, ironically or not.

Since your higher level team refuses to do lower level dungeons, yes you are absolutely required to 'grind'.

What kind of unique special snowflake situation is this, you fucking nigger?

Necrodancer is kinda... bad.


That's exactly the kind of decision you had to make (and fucked up) the last time you played and you know it.

More like
>Enter fight
>Enemy crits a guy
>Enemy crits a guy
>Enemy crits a guy
>Death's Door
>Your characters turn
>Fails death's door check

But why would you ever want to go to lower level dungeons again, you douche? The game lets you grind if you really want to, but it doesn't require grinding.

You're trying to use grinding instead of your brain, and when the game kills you you get upset at the "rng". But the truth is that you have to understand the mechanics and create strategies to win.

No it isn't because a team heal would get the wounded guy off of death's door so he can't be killed by the enemy next turn.

So tell me which enemy except the final boss ignores the death's door mechanic and straight up kills you


If an enemy has a 5% of crits and you know you will fight 20 battles, that practically guarantees at least one critical hit. That means you have to be ready for it throughout all of the 20 battles. Not being ready and losing a character because you bet on luck instead of strategy and foresight is your fucking fault and not "rng"'s.

>The game lets you grind if you really want to, but it doesn't require grinding.
I can tell you didn't play the fucking game past maybe the first few hours.

You need to upgrade your hamlet and A-team equipment and skills which requires way more gold and heirlooms than your first team is able to bring in.

Not when it is the first fight.

You sound unintelligent, so I'll oblige.

A character is at death's door.
A healer is the last one with an action this turn.
There's one enemy.
You can heal the DD'd character or attack.
Attack has a 30% of killing the enemy, all things considered.
Do you attack and hope to win or heal and risk complications (e.g. new enemies appearing), but make sure everyone survives this turn?

This has nothing to do with the final boss and can happen on any level of any location.

Then again, your first team even is extremely unlikely to survive. And by the time you learn the game and start advancing, you have enough heirlooms to do everything you need.

Dungeon of the endless was pretty alright my dude

You said
>if you don't kill him, you will permanently lose a party member

man everyone loved Isaac until Edmund and everyone at Nicalis fucked it up by making shit expansions and being huge assholes. real shame things panned out that way



Dear user,
Signed, Humanity.

It didn't start with expansion. Even before that, he was consistently patching out all the most fun item combos.

Yes, that's what I said. If you attack instead of healing and fail to kill the enemy, he will kill the DD'd character. Looks like you've almost grasped one of the most basic situations in the game. Hey, you might even be able to finally tackle that scary-ass rng villains one of these days.

You have to be ready for that happening in all fights from first to last. If you failed to account for worst case and worst case happened, it's your fault and not "rng"'s.