Literally every JRPG Cast, prove me wrong

- Bland protagonist because of self insert
- Attractive male carácter that is your rival
- The old man
- The mascot
- Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl

Prove me wrong

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I'm about to blow your mind

Cecil Harvey isnt bland

Here we go

>Didn't have a "He's fast!" scene

I'm actually disappointed.


Shulk isn't bland and Melia isn't a loli but other than that it checks out.

>Main character wins
>...but at what cost?


Dragon Quest never shined for being original.

im glad that this beauty is in the party

>- Bland protagonist because of self insert
>- Attractive male carácter that is your rival
>- The old man
>- The mascot
>- Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl

Damn, you're right.

You forgot the flamboyant faggot.

Isn't that just Dragon Quest VII?

There are a lot more stereotypes that get used too, but you've probably listed the main ones.

I like the mandatory evil teammate too.

Final Fantasy XV ya dingus

Persona 5

> Bland protagonist because of self insert

> Attractive male carácter that is your rival
Not really, Akechi?

> The old man

> The mascot

> Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl

lol list the cast then


Everyone is bland, no one is attractive, no one is old, no one is the mascot.

There is a girl.

>dark souls
>dragon's dogma

The only lacking thing is the mascot

Does NieR Automata fall under that?

> - Bland protagonist because of self insert
Neither 2B nor 9S feel like any kind of self insert.
> - Attractive male carácter that is your rival
You don't really have a rival, maybe A2?
> - The old man
Pod 042?
> - The mascot
The pods, I guess.
> - Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl
2B, 2B, and 2B? She's the only girl in the "party" not counting Pod 153.

Someone post the JRPG one
>I'm the coolest sidekick ever
>but I won't be in the sequel

yes, because the character traits you listed are incredible vague and basic

A lot of JRPGs don't have a token loli though. FF had no loli since FF9.


Tales of the Abyss. Luke may be a lot of things, but a bland self insert is not one of them. If you don't want to murder him before the first hour is over you have the patience of a saint.

Final Fantasy IX
>Bland protagonist because of self insert
>Attractive male character that is your rival
Depends on how you attractive you think Amarant is I guess
>The old man
>The mascot
>The main girl
>The boobie girl
>The loli girl


Who was the loli in FF8?

This is true if you played only Dragon Quest games, because they're all pretty much the same.

he said *since* FF9, dude.

boobie girl is freyja.

FF6 came before 9.
7 and 8 had no loli, I just pointed out the last FF with a token loli. 4 5 6 9 all had loli(s).

Steiner isn't old desu

He's not that old, but he IS the oldest [I think] and fits the position of grumpy old man of the group to a T.

Ryudo, Yuri, Cecil , Aya, Fei Fong Wong bland?

here let me tell you the one about WRPG, usually an old or bald man who goes most of the game solo, cause he is a hard ass, there is a hot chick for him to bang or even a guy if he chooses.

According to japanese if you are in your thirsty you are old, in Tales of Graces f you can see Malik (30 years more or less) acting like he was in his 60s.


Sorry, I read it wrong.

I was really confused I thought they said there wasn't any lolis until 9.

Tomato isn't a JRPG tho.


>Bland protagonist because of self insert
Big ugly muscular dude who just wants to keep his daughter alive and happy

>Attractive male carácter that is your rival
Big ugly muscular dude who just wants to keep his daughter alive and happy

>The old man
Is a snarky floating book (or maybe it's the little gay kid?)

>The mascot
Is a gay floating skeleton (or maybe it's the snarky floating book?)

Little dying girl, raging hermaphrodite girl, hot twins

Nier is pretty cool.

>my only WRPG experience was The Witcher

Just FYI most WRPGs have a character creator.

Well that'd be wrong. I mean they ditched lolis since 9. Hell most SE games have no loli at all apart from a few DQ.

Steiner is 33, Quina is 89

Thousand Year Door:

>Bland protagonist because of self insert
Mario is a self insert but he isn't bland
>Attractive male carácter that is your
>The old man
The mascot
Yoshi Kid?
>Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl
Gombella, Flurrie and Vivian the trap

Huh. Fit better than I thought it would.

Well that certainly puts Quina's marriage with Vivi on a far more interesting light

I assume that's just a Tales of running joke, since it's the only example I can think of that right now and it's a recurring theme in the series. Hell in Phantasia Klarth, the "old guy" of that game, wasn't even thirty.

Dragon Quest 2 was probably the first JRPG with more than 1 party member and it had
-Cool sword guy
-Cool princess mage girl who is your cousin so no romance
-useless zombie cousin who won't stop dying to everything

Loli makes every game better though

>Mario is a self insert but he isn't bland

Oh yeah, goody good guy whose only motivation in life is beating the bad guy and rescuing the princess is not bland. Please.

exactly, so they are bland, basically most wrpg characters are self insert boring character, you meet up other characters but you don't usually have a party since you work mostly alone.


>According to japanese if you are in your thirsty you are old
Firstly, that still does not make them actually old, and secondly, basing the legitimacy of one stupid thing from a game on the same stupid thing from another game is hardly an argument, or japan would be 1/5th effeminate men in women´s clothes.

Not to mention that 30 year old japanese would very much object to the stupid notion of kids to treat everyone who is older than them as "wow so old".

>Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl
To expand on this for you

>main girl
The nice girl. Characterized by being nice and sweet, or in other words boring. Comes in three flavors; princess, mysterious and childhood friend, though the three can cross over.

>mature girl
The mature girl. Is one of or either a combination of being sexy, tough and/or an ice queen. Typically much more appealing than the main girl.

>the loli
The token underaged girl. Usually genki as hell and maybe a bit bratty, though she can also be an emotionless girl. Kawaii desu.

>Bland protagonist because of self inser
Hate playing as normie-kun

Neptunia games prove this wrong

You may be confusing bland with generic.

>- Bland protagonist because of self insert
>- Attractive male carácter that is your rival
Your love interest
>- The old man
Kinda, middle aged
>- The mascot
Olivier? No, just a fabulous motherfucker that serves as comic relief most times
>- Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl
Girl is the MC, others are there though yeah

Got about half of those I guess.
Also retarded thread. Tropes are always gonna be there. Its about how to make them feel right instead of lazy and boring.

>The token underaged girl
Wrong. She's not necessarily underaged. It's basically a girl who looks like a little kid.

Oh boy here we go.

>so they are bland

That's on you champ, any WRPG worth their salt will give you enough dialog choices to act out your desired character's personality. Likewise on the "old or bald man".

>you don't usually have a party since you work mostly alone.

Come on now, just admit already you haven't played a WRPG besides The Witcher.

If you mean the 1000-year-old loli, no that's still the underaged girl for all intents and purposes. Though alternatively there could be more of a teen genius if there is a shota instead of a loli.

>japan would be 1/5th effeminate men in women´s clothes

It isn't?

in this trailer, is the little girl related to the girl at the start or maybe there's a timeskip? they have the same design

or maybe she's de-aged?

Worst cast ever

Nah I'm saying "underaged" is a wrong term because it seems to imply 17 or 16 also count. They don't unless she looks like a kid.

Not every game has the self insert MC. Sounds like you need to stop playing SMT games, Atlusfag

But yeah everything else is pretty much spot, except the loli girl. Its usually a girl that is flat as a board because "thats the joke!"

The blonde loli in ridding hood outfit? She's a new character. Gematsu had some infos on her a few days ago.

No, I don't think I am.

yes but look at them both, they are wearing the same thing minus the hood

> Bland protagonist because of self insert
I have my doubts that Sup Forumstards would self insert into Papa Nier though Nii-get's_fucked_in_the_ass_for_money-chan Nier is probably good target.
>- Attractive male carácter that is your rival
>- The old man
There's somewhat grumpy old book.
>- The mascot
>- Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl
There's one girl with some male parts but that's all.

Ah, well I said 'underaged' instead of loli because I was trying to compensate for the younger girl that isn't a loli like the geen genius. I guess "younger girl" would have been better?

His coat litterally makes him look like a lvl 1 protagonist in the starting zone.

I agree. Everything but the girls should go.

I like it when the mascot is actually playable in some form. Usually, they're just the parrot on your shoulder that feels the need to talk in every fucking piece of dialogue.

>The great adventure of four faggots

Yeah, NO!

9s adam emil pods 2b?

I forgot you actually have a party in Mass Effect, I did play some Morrowing, Oblivion, Skyrim, Witcher 1,2 and 3.

but yeah the reason I don't play many wrpg is because I find the characters or story boring most of the time.

> Mass Effect
>Morrowing, Oblivion, Skyrim, Witcher 1,2 and 3.

Come on son. Go play the Baldur's Gates, Arcanum, maybe NWN 1/2, perhaps some Fallout 1/2, then you can talk about knowing your WRPGs.

I say good cast

I did play some fallout 3 and 4 too, started out interesting but got boring.

my problem with wrpgs is that, I don't self insert into characters neither when I play vydia nor when I read a book, I was never interested in those games you listed user.

Generic is a subset of bland. If a character is complex and interesting then he isn't generic

WRPGs at heart are/were trying to be computerized D&D sessions, which is why your character is left up to you. But just like in a good D&D session you're not supposed to self-insert, that'd be extremely boring. If you ever saw it, there's a screencap that's always making the rounds here where a guy talks about his D&D session where he roleplayed as a mexican luchador and wrestled a dragon to the ground. That's the kind of thing you should be doing, imagine a cool character you would like to play as and then do it, though it does require some creativity on your part.

Also just FYI Fallout 3/4 are completely different games, made by completely different companies, and are vastly inferior in terms of writing and one could argue even gameplay.

Valkyrie Profile
Drakengard 1 and 3
Tales of Berseria
Neir Gestalt/Replicant

There's plenty of JRPGs with great casts, you just are seeing what you want to see, or you only pick shit jrpgs to play

>not liking an old man in your party
what is wrong with you?

Doesn't really work with twewy, unless you take some massive leaps in logic

well that's the problem user, I don't self insert at all... actually I did once.. it was playing Etrian Odyssey but in the end I just used the personalities or characters from movies/animes so I didn't actually self insert, nor I want to self insert, I did however play some Dungeons and Dragons back in the day.

making characters to self insert to me feels like they take away from the story or makes it feel more generic, you are doing things just because you have to, in a more controlled environment like a jrpg the character has a story/motive/goal to do the things he is doing and gets to meet other people with whom he must interact and work with to take down a common enemy or shit like that, in wrpgs I feel like someone tells me, DO X thing cause you should and since you don't have a character with backstory to fallback on it feels like I'm just following orders and giving answers which might amuse me the most instead of having a serious motive.

but that's just my pov

Even in something as formulaic as the SMT mainline nothing of what you said can be applied, not even in most spin offs like Devil Summoner, same thing can be applied to games like Seventh Dragon, Etrian Odyssey, SaGa or whatever.
If you wanted a rec thread you could have asked though.

It always baffles me when games like Blue Dragon, Mega Man Battle Network, or Monster Hunter Stories get anime. Do they just assume it's going to be popular and make the anime without seeing the reception?

you tried to counter him by listing some RPG's with even blander characterization and stories (except Fallout)

Tales doesn't really fall into these cliches apart from the loli and old man, but I reckon thats for the sake of diversity.
Would be pretty lame if all the cast were good looking 18 year olds.

>Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl

But you are wrong.

None of these girls can be categorized that way.

And the mascot.

I mean, I love twewy, but it does fit the OPs thing pretty well.
- Bland protagonist because of self insert
I avoid social interaction and that's my entire character MC
- Attractive male carácter that is your rival
- The old man
He's middle age but it counts.
- The mascot
Shiki's bear
- Girls: the main girl, the boobie girl and the loli girl
Shiki, I guess there's no real boobie girl, and rhyme.

Akira wasn't that bland but okay I agree with you. But Sojiro is pretty old man to me.

>massive leaps in logic
Joshua is the only real party member that kinda fits and even then that's ignoring over half of his character and influence in the story.

ARPG, not a jrpg

It's a dating sim with RPG elements.

but all the big shounens have some logical reasoning how the main characters got their bullshit powers

and when it comes to some deus ex machina scene it's 90% of the time just the power of will and only 10% of the time the power of loved ones.

>neku is a bland protagonist
Bull shit. If he was bland, people wouldn't quit the game after week one because they disliked him so much. Plus, he has a clear arc and strong opinions the whole game. Plus the subtext of being antisocial after the death of his friend, pre-game
>Joshua is a rival
Characters not getting along =/= rival. They don't compete and Joshua likes Neku
>Hanekoma is old
He fits the role, but he isn't old, especially with the billains being the same age
>Me. Mew is a mascot
It's not a party member if it is just a stuffed animal. And it's a cat
>shiki is main girl
>Rhyme is a loli
Rhyme isn't really a party member for obvious reasons

Like I said, it doesn't fit