Does Dark Souls count as a Berserk game?

Does Dark Souls count as a Berserk game?

No. What a dumb question.

too slow, too few enemies

Tarkus is Guts

Or maybe Artorias is, I dunno

Gael is Guts. He even has a damn crossbow with a crank on it.

Artorias and Tarkus both use a greatshield.

Why not, user?

If you've read Berserk you could fill a book with the references in DaS

Is World of Warcraft a Lord of the Rings game?

If you've read LotR you could fill a book with the references in WoW.

Artorias entire moveset is also from the armor

I haven't played the new DLC yet, but Artorias in the DS1 DLC is basically Guts

Too slow. Also Guts doesn't die from one hit.

Nice strawman you got there. Just because you can fill the x and y in my original statement with different medias that contain references, it doesn't make my original claim automatically false or yours automatically true. Poor way to argue, m8, and your comparison isn't good anyway.

Every piece of fantasy adventure type fiction that came after LOTR is somewhat influenced by it, because LOTR was massively influential. Even Berserk and DaS to a degree. However, if you had actually read Berserk, you would know that there are tons, TONS of things that are directly lifted from it in Dark Souls. The whole idea of bonfires is just one example, which is not only a massive game mechanic, but an interesting part of the lore.

Playing Dark Souls is almost like traversing through the Berserk universe. To deny this is just retarded, but then again, you play WoW.

it's grimdark like berserk and miyazaki has a massive boner for miura's work. that's about it.
from a mechanical gameplay standpoint, no

No getting angry is a terrible idea in this game

i don't remember a boat in dark souls

dead Guts simulator
lack of emotions kills it for me

Okay, first of all that's not what a strawman is. Don't use words you don't know the meaning of, it makes you look retarded.

Second, it doesn't matter if there are references or not, it is not a Berserk game.

I don't agree with that, user.

Are you just going to disregard the bombs, crossbows, swords, armors which make you feel like Guts? What about the fucking Abyss Greatsword that literally gives you one of his attacks?

I mean you don't get an arm cannon, but you get like everything else

Doesn't matter, still not a Berserk game. It's not the same universe, not the same story, not the same characters and not the same lore and most importantly NOT the same franchise.

Dark Souls =/= Berserk

The only way it would count as a Berserk game would be if it said "Berserk" on the box.


Dark Souls is too fucking slow to feel like Berserk
inb4 the manga release schedule is brought up

yes miyazaki really loves berserk. I just started reading berserk until child arc and literally I often thought, oh look there that´s like the thing in dark souls.

But I also must admit, that with weapon arts they try to make it more berserk like.

Does Berserk count as a Souls anime?

Please stop posting, you absolute retard.

wait was guts sword always like the MLGS?

Jesus christ. Yes, we know it's not LITERALLY a Berserk game. The question was "Does Dark Souls count as a Berserk game?" Like, in your opinion.

The point of the thread is to discuss all the crossover (because there is a lot of it) between two pieces of dark fantasy media that many people, especially on this board, enjoy. Instead you're over here arguing semantics like some fucking autist. What the hell is wrong with you?


No, it doesn't count as a Berserk game, because it's not a Berserk game.

Yea you can cosplay as Guts, but it still doesn't make it Berserk. What, is Dragon's Dogma Berserk game too because the console release has literal Berserker armor and pre-eclipse sword in it? Besides Dark Souls lacks a berserking blood thirsty main character in it. Also Berserk didn't invent dark fantasy.

I wasn't trying to say that, I just don't know what you mean when you say >from a mechanical gameplay standpoint

I wouldn't consider shitty musou to be an accurate portrayal of Berserk combat but theres an official one of those

Ash lake

Dark souls is obviously influenced heavily by berserk but it's not really anything like berserk. There is no game that really does berserk at all. Only aspects, like MH and it's boss fighting or Dark Souls and the mood.

So I'm not the only one to notice that.

Wasn't the original guy going >muh mechanical standpoints, but I can still say it isn't even mechanically fitting. Like where the fuck is decapitation in Dark Souls? Yea you can cut one or two bosses tails off but it doesn't fucking count if you can't slice bitches in two. Also nothing in Dark Souls series comes even close to emulating Berserk armor's brutality. Guts also likes to cut many fuckers in one swing or go on a 100-man killing spree but Dark Souls usually throws just very few, but tough, enemies at once at you.

>Like, in your opinion.
>types up a fallacious paragraph immediately when someone has an opposing opinion
Become an hero, underage filth

>I wouldn't consider shitty musou to be an accurate portrayal of Berserk combat but theres an official one of those
Well then you'd be wrong because musou is exactly what the combat is like in Berserk

Is English not your first language? Pick your words better you mouth breather. Dark Souls definitely draws inspiration from Berserk, no one is denying that, but that doesn't 'count' as a Berserk game. Does a racing game 'count' as an Initial D game? Does a mecha game 'count' as a TTGL game?

No it counts as copying the fuck out of it and not having a original bone in it's body

Jesus fuck i thought this was a bait thread but op seems pretty fucking retarded

No Dark souls is nothing like Berserk other than from an aesthetic point of view. Other than that, the only characters that move like Guts or anyone out of Berserk is the enemies and bosses, while the player is more like a tiny version that instead of flipping 10 feet across a room, they go 3.

Never make this thread again you dolt

but I always thought guts sword was black or something like that and not blue-ish?

I heard from software might make a berserk game since they met with some creators of berserk

It is just an effect from the slashing in the scene. Normally it is black/ gray

ds2 pirates cove? do you even play games?

Unironically, Witcher 3.

>Neutralfag Monster slaying loner taking odd jobs in hunting demons/ghouls
>Dark High Fantasy setting

Obviiously nothing alike in terms of combat but in terms of tone, thematics (religious fanaticism, powerful entities/demons, preparations prior to fights etc). I would say they're surprisingly similar.

Dragons Dogma is also similar but it never really explores any themes similar to Guts. It's resemblance is purely superficial.