Overwatch Uprising

So how's your progress on legendary? I just completed it after hours of shitty randoms.

I haven't touched this game since I got my Mercy halloween skin. Do they have any more cute skins or should I just wait?

Mercy got another one, widow' s looks okay.

Also dva got a selfie intro

Can't even do it on hard with randoms. They are completely retarded.

You gotta talk and lead them. Cause it takes actual teamwork

Got the good ol' 3 whites 1 blue on 5 boxes in a row,fuck this game

git gut, i have 2 skins already

Anyone on SA wants to play with me?

Something Awful?

>It's a "Widowmaker without blue skin" skin

want mercy and widow skins but event is so fucking dull that i can't even force myself to play it after 2 finishes

South America.

I'm missing 2 legendary skins, I've got all the victory poses/voicelines/sprays etc.

Good thing you dont have to do the uprising content to get boxes if youve alteady beaten all heroes and regular once

well i'm also bored with qp/ranked and brawls so fuck me right? saddly overwatch doesn't have much longevity for me anymore, that tf2 had for 3k hours

I keep coming very close to finishing on legendary with zen, orisa, mercy, and bastion. We survive the payload defense but halfway through the payload push we dont even die, the load just takes too much damage and dies. Any tips on keeping the damn thing alive at that point? Those stupid fucking slicers get away with so much damage on it while the bastions bombs and shield bots are being focused on.


Drives me fuckin nuts. The hero choices they make are terrible. Even when they make the right choice, they still fuck it up.

Get a better bastion or switch zen for Ana.

Change Mercy out for D.Va
Self detonate whenever you get too many tangos on you

That's how I did it on Legendary

>game mode force you to always have a healer
>no first aid pack or random heal drops from robots

did they really think it was fun to stay a healer for the whole damn game?

does the legendary achievement work for non-standard?

>2017 people still playing OverMeme

got lucky with a bunch of dimond randoms where we did well enough to consider partying up and finishing it after the third try.

torb is the real mvp in the final stage so he can snipe the turrets

Zero success playing with strangers. No one uses Mic on console either to coordinate :/


it got boring after my fifth game

I dont get it. who is this guy? why is he a meme now?

Kendrick Lamar, a rapper. He released his new album and called it DAMN. That pic is actually the cover of the album.

are you autistic ?

>Logged in to get my usual white and blues
>It really was as expected
>Two free boxes in arcade
>One round seems to last 15+ minutes and it's boring as sin
>Open the first box before attempting the second one
>Big surprise, more white and blues!
>Quit and never plan to get the second box

The game itself isn't that fun, the rng box giving me naught is not helping the game case.