None can top Chun-Li
Fighting game gals
What about Marie Rose from the Dead or Alive franchise?
That twig? Please
I like Nyotengu, but I'll always have a sweetspot for Chunners because of the things she did to me when I was a kid.
She is not even top 4 in her own game anymore
I'm glad I play fighting games, because they have the thickest characters.
Put all that flash cloths, make up and manicured hands away, a REAL girl martial artist coming through
>physically strong
>hard style Karate
>practical yet femenin mane of hair
>muh awnser lies in punching swole nigga in the jaw
>no need for make up or jewelry but still cute
>traditional Japanese Gi as standard, but well worn and repatched
It's perfectu. Plus, Karate > Tai-Chi
Worst Girl
Worst character in the game
N-NO!! At least give me reasons user.
3D Makoto is actually cuter than 2D? What the fuck
Well no shit user, thats how real life works, you cannot marry a chinese cartoon. That said, the real sufferong is, aparrently girls like this are really common in Japan.
As much as I like makoto, saying karate>tai chi is like saying "I learned half the the five point palm exploding heart technique. I'M A FUCKING GRAND MASTER"
Sure, you might be a good fighter, but nobody is going to care at the end of the movie
Maybe I should start learning ju jitsu again, then actually try learning Japanese.
Karate might get a hard time, but i tell ya, those Kyokushin boys are legit. Better than any Tai-Chi i tell you that for free.
Cammy is the stuff.
I'm pretty sure nobody cared about her knowing the technique at the end because by then everyone who did was fucking dead. She killed most of them.
Unless she teaches someone else that technique herself, she single-handedly wiped it from existence.
Kolin is fun.
Go Judo! Far more practical in that they test out which throwing technuiques actually work in actual competition. PLUS because it is a competitive sport, imagine all the athlete competitive qt's you could meet from university clubs.
Also g-getting all up and close during Ne-Waza (ground fighting)
1. Mika
2. Laura
3. Chun
4. Juri
5. Poison
Come at me
The problem is 90 percent of tai chi practitioners are into it for the health benefits and know nothing about the martial arts applications. It's like comparing a few people who actually learn kyokushin for self defense to a few that learn it to score points at a tournament. Sure, they might know where to punch or how to punch, but someone who actually wants to protect their life will make sure their technique will level their opponent instead of just get a judge on their side. Even some hard style karate guys can know some fucked up mind game shit. Most of that video was just generic kicks
Sure it's a hard style, but soft principles are still important. Just like there are hard offshoots of tai chi
This is a common trope in martial arts. There's even a story about a cat teaching a tiger how to fight, but when the tiger tries to kill him, the cat runs up a tree. The cat never told the tiger how to do that. Bill was a tiger in the movie, nobody wants to teach a tiger how to kill him. Think about it, if you can build the energy for a kamehameha, but not project it out with more energy than what it would take to light a match, does it honestly matter?
>This is a common trope in CHINESE martial arts
Fixed that for you. Also, Kyokushin is nothing like the Shotokan or other "tap for point" krotty you may imagine. It's a full contact spin off sport and is loke muay thai in Karate Gi's. The only odd exception is they are not allowed to punch each other in the face (they refuse to wear gloves or head gear) so a lot of knock outs are by kick to the head.
Best example is Jin Kazama in Tekken.
Posting best Tekken waifu and best Williams sister
Oh no?
>my martial art can exploit a loophole in tournaments
Really? At least jin has a habit of going toe to toe with his father in trailers and making a serious play at punching him the fuck out
Also did you notice that the video was for okinawan karate? It was basically designed to be a killing art. No bullshit, no frills, no "oh it counts if I kick him in the head." It's about the last man standing, not "Oh I'm the winner if I kick him in the head"
>Also did you notice that the video was for okinawan karate? It was basically designed to be a killing art. No bullshit, no frills, no "oh it counts if I kick him in the head." It's about the last man standing, not "Oh I'm the winner if I kick him in the head
Yeah the problem is user, most if the most "deadly" arts are so deadly that no can actually practice them properly, so ironically, the martial arts that are just "mere sports" are often the better indicators of effective technuiqe such as boxing, Judo, BJJ, Muay Thai and wrestling. They may not be complete martial arts for the street but they are 100% refined to work under pressure. Combine these things and you get MMA.
The problem with "killer" martial arts like Krav Maga is that they are always situational. For example:
>the opponent stabs like this
>you block the knife arm with your forarm
>you kick him in the groin which WILL cause him to double over (i can't do this to my test student for obvious reasons)
>while douled over you can now punch the side of his bent over face and run away
They then practice this supposed situation until it looks very real. Rather than say Judo where they show you:
>here is very real throw that works
>here is counter throw that reall works
>you two, try making it work when the other person doesn't want you to throw them for real and wants to throw you instead.
that is how you refine a good technuiqe.
>not "just" Oh I'm the winner if I kick him in the head
You are if it knocks him the fuck out user and he doesn't get back up again. Kyokushin is full contact, not point scoring.
>what is a cup
>shit even soccer players use
>what is a wooden knife
At least the judo explanation has a reasonable example of applying flexibility and technique with a real world confrontation but I don't even
Not cute enough.
Yun and Yang are the better SF chinks anyway.
Thoughts on this?
Put this way user, there is a lot of money in pro fighting and all you got to really do is turn up and win. For some reason we don't see a lot of chinese martial arts like crane style and shoalin making big winners, we see consistent effective martial arts.
I would never fuck with someone who has a blade in their hand if i didnt't absolutely have to, but a lot of self defence martial arts are working on a "this should happen" basis.
I have done Krav maga and aikido knife dissarms and i am here to tell you they are gonna get you stabbed to death. One i did i lunged foward fast, got blocked, he locked up my shoulder and bent me foward so i did a magic thing! I dropped the knife into my other free hand and still stabbed the guy sith the rubber knife before he could take me to the ground to restrain me. Its bull. There is a lot of fuckery in the martial arts world and the best we csn hope for are the ones with bits of physical, real world working technuiques.
Cutest fighting game girl.
And if that kind of video was what I saw in what he'd posted I would agree. Everything I saw was basic punch punch punch kick combo to the point where I closed the youtube video Somewhere around 3/4 of the way. It's barely even an art at that point, it's just beating the shit out of each other until they can capitalize on a weakness in technique, or just beat the shit out of him by pure brute force
The simple fact is if you train long enough in one style, it's like a rock/paper/scissors for something else. If you want to fuck up some drunk in a bar, sure, karate is great. If you're on a battlefield thinking you might get shot or stabbed if you take too long, krav maga is better. But every martial art has something you should be paying attention to when it comes to saving your skin. Just because you can pull some bullshit move in the heat of the moment doesn't mean that same move won't save your ass when you least expect it
I just wish they'd give her tits.
Lizards don't have tits silly.
Do you actually do a martial art user? You sound like you don't.
Neither do snakes but if devs know whats good for them they'll add some tittyballs.
If that's what make you feel better about your (you) then you can believe whatever you want
But do you?
Okay, I practice some tai chi once in a while and a little bit of korean martial arts. Happy?
Asuka is hungry
wu? Is that you?
Is this a tekken reference, because I haven't played enough to get it then
>best Tekken waifu
No, you're wrong.
>I'm the cook.
jesus christ user, my sides...
>Liking anyone from KoF Impact
>Liking Falcoon OC's
Nigga, I like SF EX characters, and even I'm not this dumb.
>we see consistent effective martial arts.
Under what the rulesets favour
Clearly not then. It was actually an old /asp/board refrence back before it became a wrestle drama board. I thoighy for a second you were him, he was a well known poster and tai-chi practictioner.
Very true, but the thing is we then see these "rule set" martial arts kicking the shit of 2deadly4thestreets again and again.
My opinion is, if you cant even beat a bunch of sporters who learnt their martial arts by "da rulez" how can you do anything?
That demo reminded my of just how fucking cool Garuda is.
i just bought KOF Impact recently and i don't find it super offensive.
hell, it has rock howard, and terry has his Garou jacket alt costume.
the best thing about it is Mai's Alt costume though
>if you cant even beat a bunch of sporters who learnt their martial arts by "da rulez" how can you do anything?
I don't actually think you understand. It isn't that they can't beat them it is about how the rulesets awards people. It is like having a professional footballer and basketball player compete at scoring a goal, the fact the footballer will do better doesn't mean basketball is shit. You can even see within a sport where certain rule changes will favour certain types of play.
Nah, I never even visited /asp/. I just find it dumb to expect that a hard style is the end all be all of fighting.
My father even told me about someone who was an obviously trained boxer hit him in the face and he knocked the boxers ass out with a tai chi punch in one move
You can practice for years for someone to punch you in the face, but if bruce lee breaks your fucking kneecap with a jeet kun do kick, you probably aren't winning that fight bruh. Range, nerve strikes and other weak points matter. I don't want to shit on karate, my brother took karate. But you can only punch so hard, and kick so fast. In a basic sense of fighting, it's better than nothing. But you have to train your reflexes to do more than just wail on some poor sod when it really counts
I hope they find a publisher soon. I grew up on SF EX, and even though I know most people hate it, I'd really like to see what Arika could do with the same mechanics without having to worry about Capcom licensing. Also, I just want a remix of Strange Sunset. One of my favorite video game songs ever:
> It is like having a professional footballer and basketball player compete at scoring a goal, the fact the footballer will do better doesn't mean basketball is shit
But that is exacty what it means user. For "the goal" the footballer was better. "The goal" in martial arts is you, my oponent, and i need to maximise defeating you with the least effort possible. And we have found some martial arts are better at acoring such a goal than others. For example, grappling is far more fundemetal tham striking in most evidence.
there is a reason why, if Connor Mcgregor ever has a fight with floyd mayweather it HAS to be a boxing match only, because if Connor were allowed to take him to the ground and shoke him or armbar him the fight would already be decided. Floyd would get murdered.
I want to Kung Chun Li's Fu
>But that is exacty what it means user. For "the goal"
So footballers are just better than basketball players, no you avoided the point. The goal here is arbitrary, especially cause it rarely means actually defeating them in combat so really says nothing about which is overall better or useful thus claims to such like
> if you cant even beat a bunch of sporters who learnt their martial arts by "da rulez" how can you do anything?
Are dumb
If in a fighting game we took out health and instead rewarded wins based on number of hits without changing the characters at all, who was good and who is bad would change. Now if you say combos don't count it changes again. The way they play didn't change the rules did and the same applies here.
All you prove is that with an arbitrary set of rules that favour one style that style will win. Which is pretty obvious and doesn't actually say which is the nebulous idea of being better.
>If in a fighting game
Real world user. Your point user was what if the goal was a football goal, does that mean the footballer does better, well im afraid real life physics and movement have a "goal" and not every style fucking fits reality my man.
We actually had a freakshow competitiom that did its best to dump a bunch of martial arts atheletes of differing styles tpgether in one place in the early 1990's. It was called the UFC and it used to be knock out tournament style vs style. You could even actually hit the nuts back then but you got fined for it, but you fucking could (and they did)
Point is, we verty quickly saw what buckeled under presssure and what did not.
I can top her.
In other worlds you can't deal with the comparison even though it deals with the exact same thing.
>Your point user was what if the goal was a football goal, does that mean the footballer does better,
No my point was that just cause different rule sets favour certain things does not mean a certain skill set is a better or worse one in a general sense like you have been saying. Explained that twice now yet you don't seem able to get passed thinking about the situation not the implication.
>It was called the UFC
Which even back then had rules that favoured certain styles, even you admit that here.
>You could even actually hit the nuts back then but you got fined for it
So if you did so you got punished, that means you would avoid doing so. Now say you have a style based on that, maybe it is actually an amazingly strong style but now has been fucked cause of an arbitrary rule. Yet now you would say nut fu is bad cause it can't win at UFC.
You make valid arguments user, but at the end of the day sometimes its just the way it is. I can guaren-fucking-tee you that of i put say, 2 grappling styles together even, say Judo and Aikido, that the Judo guy is gonna fuck up the Aikido guy for sure. Some martial arts just are not up to scratch, and i started as an Aikido guy, so i know. Some stuff really is just trash.
Were it not for Ehrgeiz and Dissidia, you'd be correct.
Hibiki-chan !!
Yuri is fun