>knowing your key demographic
>somehow bad

I've been playing for 90 hours and not once I've seen this.

Because most people here are huge weebs, not just reg weebs

>Japan does it
Localization does it most probably. I'd love to see what the jap script had there.

It was 2ch memes in the original

>fatlus weeaboo newfags defending pandering
why are you even shocked?

iirc the original was 2ch-esque

Persona is for normie numales desu

Its fine then, localization portrayed the memery of japs in the best way for gaijins to understand.

stop shitposting (lol

Then it's fine and the translation is accurate
It was probably full of wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww in the nip version.

I though the kek word was only in that one futaba dialogue so I ignored but it seems that the dialogue with keks only keeps piling up.

Because as long as it isn't done by this cuck I don't care.

>tumblrinas triggered because they associate it with Sup Forums retards
>meme savvy upset because it's packaging and selling what was once funny, making it even less funny and grating to see
>people who speak japanese dislike it because it's a big change of a localization, since "wwww" has a MUCH different context than "kek"
And the people defending it are dummies! WoW!

>Japan does it
>It's inoffensive, suit the character since they're built around that culture (2ch in the case of the Japanese version)
>West does it
>Shoe-horned in memes that don't belong


I can just picture the annoying retard that forced kek into the dialogue. I know enough of these people irl they make me want to tear my hear out.



Atlus is the new gearbox of gaming. Why do Fatlus fans defend this?

i can't read english ;_;

because it's actually appropriate to the way people talk online

>what is localization

I guarantee you this shit isn't in the original script.

"I never asked for this" pops out in every negotiation with a demon you have already registered in the Compendium.

because I've never seen a western game say "kek" and Sup Forums freak out

>People complain when X company does Y all the time
>Someone who doesn't read those threads buys game from X company

Every time

>that message that says never heard of 'em


okay seriously, what the FUCK is "I never asked for this." supposed to be "referring" to?
that is such a broad sentence it could be referencing literally fucking anything.
Am I being the butt of the joke here? Am I being memed?

>people on this very board think that this is best girl

Everything is ok when X does it, cause X gon give it to ya


The small child thinks it's a reference to Sup Forums memeing about Deus Ex, when in reality it's just something someone would say when faced with an awkward situation.

>yfw 100%

Jesus christ you people will bitcha bout anything.

Futaba's a fucking ex-hikki now neet 2channer, of course she speaks like a shitter. The "Phan-site" is a japanese anonymous message board, of course they type like fucking shitters.

Why are you so asspained?


She's leaves her house, she's not a hikki anymore. She's just a neet.

Memes trigger me everywhere. I don't give a fuck if it makes sense.

Either people who don't realize Atlus localizations always do this or people reading this without context.

I don't remember any lines like that in the japanese version so I'm pretty sure it's memery. If you happen to know exactly when that line shows up I can go check.

>OP confirmed for uneducated newfag
"kek" is a commonly used phrase in south-east-asia just like our "lol"

>feels bad man

Just saw this one after Kunikazu Okumura dies

Just because it's not a machine translated line from Japanese to English doesn't mean it's supposed to be a fucking meme reference

Someone post Anne's "my feet hurt"

Given how rigid the rest of the game's translation has looked from the screenshots I've seen, I'd say that changing it would pretty obviously been done for the meme.

Even though I knew it was coming it was still pretty damn hype. While the final boss itself was pretty disappointing I have to say the buildup to the final shot was pretty fantastic. Definitely beat the shit out of DOOR-KUN USES THE VAGUELY DEFINED POWER OF THE UNIVERSE and YU REACHES OUT FOR THE TRUTH SO HARD HIS PERSONA BECOMES EDGIER

Worst final boss music though, what a nothing track.

>Given how rigid the rest of the game's translation has looked from the screenshots I've seen,

It stops being rigid halfway through the first dungeon.


how much of a retarded fat weeaboo neckbeard do you have to be to believe this? it says fucking "user:" for fuck's sake. it's pandering. it's meme pandering to fat weeaboos like you

How do jobs work in this game? If I get a job will I be forced to lose some of my nights or can I choose with nights I want to work on?

>Literally it's okay because Japan does it

putting the p5 battle menu on the party of p4

user your filling me with despair

>implying that her lack of social graces doesn't make her even more best girl

You need to step up your game.

You just choose whenever you want to go to work. You'll eventually want to do every job at least thrice for various requests so you can just wait until that to do them if you're worried about wasting days.

Post the one with the JoJo reference.

>Westerners know their key demographics as well but you'd call them fucking memers for the same shit.

I haven't seen too many screenshots of the later stuff so it might get better along the way, but I know I've seen some pretty rigid translating even in the second dungeon.

To be fair, that is Yusuke speaking, that dude just speaks stiff as all fuck by design.

Dude the phan-site comments were chan as fuck and it was done on purpose. I thought I was here for a second after seeing some of them, and they're pretty accurate too. They got the bitter cynicism down.

If that was thrown into some other context it would be bullshit. But since its a faggot like Mishima and anons online saying it then its fine.

People wouldn't get 2ch memes, translating it this way honestly makes sense.

She never was a neet, she was doing an education course online and she's trying to go back to actual school.

Sojiro isnt that bad a father.

What's wrong with the translation?
Also >bitching about a game you didn't played

>Sup Forums is retarded and a hypocrite
Tell us something new

Nah, japs use (笑)instead of lol, lel. kek whatever outside of NND.

glad i didnt get this game

I'm not bitching about the translation? I'm just saying it's rigid, aka they stuck to stock phrases and word for word translation as much as possible, so the "they took a liberal approach for that line" that claims is unlikely.

Frankly I don't really care about the whole translation debate. I'm not in vidya translation, so I don't have an axe to grind. If people are fine with rigid unedited translations and they make money, might as well do that.


>complains about a western made translation
Well, Japan didn't. This wouldn't have been in their version, unless you believe that everyone in Japan speaks english.
There's a lot wrong with your post.

But user its a great game tho

>Supposed to be a shitpost on the internet
>reads like one


The only thing I don't like about it is during the day transitions.

Those red and white aircraft lights slowly coming in as the light of day slowly envelops the city is a comfy transition, and that meter kinda absolutely breaks the composition.

explain the difference between 'kek' and 'wwww'

no, it said a 3 letter word I do not like, so it is shit.

>posts a realistic shitpost you'd see in a forum
>somehow this is triggering to actual shitposters
You cucks will complain about anything.

Source please.

>He immediately gets made fun of
Lampshading is not the same as doing something unironically. The game is pointing out that he's so much of a loser that he uses “kek” in real life

Native english speaker here and it sounds absolutely fine to me, I don't get what's supposed to be stiff or rigid about it

Which Persona has the best opening?

kek is the cultural western parallel to wwww, fuck off

Innocent Sin with Unbreakable Tie.


p2 eternal punishment


"kek" literally means "lol"

Anonymous, I'm not talking about the stiffness of a line, I'm talking about a rigid translation. Aka, the japanese counter of the line is こんあ物まであるとは that got changed into "To think there even exists a thing such as this here" which is, if you know japanese, basically the clunky stock way to translate it.

I don't want to get into an argument over whether it's a "good translation" or not because frankly I don't really care, I'm, again, just pointing out that it seems like most of the translators for p5 took the literal and stock route most of the time instead of taking the more liberal approach to avoid word salads. Therefore, 's claim about the translation just being a "liberal" take is probably bunk.

I had one lockpick too few doing the second Palace and didn't open the last one. Any point in taking an extra day to do so or do I miss absolutely nothing of value? Is there a trophy or something for opening all Palace chests?

Kek has been around longer on the internet in general than on Sup Forums you stupid newfag. It just used to be used exclusively elsewhere, and then it found its way here, just like a lot of goofy memes.

>Anonymous, I'm not talking about the stiffness of a line, I'm talking about a rigid translation.
Oh, okay. But isn't that a good thing?

I'd prefer a translation that's as closest to the japanese as possible, even if it sounds weird to say it like that in english. You'll get used to it, and it will be more accurate in the long run.

Didn't hear much of a shitstorm when Deus Ex references 4chin.

That looks like that could have some interesting results.

I'm pretty sure I remember a moment early on when someone's response to the Phantom Thieves poll is "Isn't that that famous hacker?"


>Oh, okay. But isn't that a good thing?

I'm not really looking to argue but the counterargument to that is "If a japanese person reading a line wouldn't see an unusual strange bit of phrasing, delivering an english reader a strange unusual phrase conveys an inaccurate experience."

Like I said though to be honest I don't care at all because it's a vidya translation, not some holy religious text. If you guys like that kind of experience and will pay for it, who am I say that they're doing it wrong? It certainly doesn't bother me because I played it literally months ago.

Most of the people that I've seen pissed off are just vidya/pop-culture translators that get paid shit to put a lot more effort into their translations. Which kinda sucks, but then again that's their problem for getting into vidya/pop-culture translation. If you want to actually make money you should be doing technical/patent/tourism translation.

> as if a small group of Sup Forumsirgins is key to any demographic

>no red shadow

I think it's VICD-352, but it seems it's not out yet (release date is on May 1).

>I'm not really looking to argue but the counterargument to that is "If a japanese person reading a line wouldn't see an unusual strange bit of phrasing, delivering an english reader a strange unusual phrase conveys an inaccurate experience."
But “usual” and “unusual” are just functions of how the line compares to the rest of the game. If everybody talks like that, then it becomes normal again - and the weirdos are the ones who stand out despite it.

In Yusuke's case, I did get the impression that he talks like a weirdo, but I didn't get the impression for the rest of the cast. (Basically, I got the feeling that he always likes to use “big words” and grandiose artistic/poetic descriptions of things, rather than normal conversational tone)

Are you saying that he talks completely normally in japanese?

guys, tempest slash or myriad blades on yusuke?

>literally a laugh has a difference between inoffensive and being shoehorned in
>literally memes, in Japanese it belongs to culture but in the west it doesnt.

>In Yusuke's case, I did get the impression that he talks like a weirdo, but I didn't get the impression for the rest of the cast.

In this case that part of the line is not particularly unusual speech in japanese. It's actually the part after that line that's a bit flowery.