Are you ready for it?
AMD Raedon 5xx Series
ayymd rebrandeon strikes again
You can tell it's confidential because it's shit quality and in black and white.
Master thieves.
I just bought a 8GB RX480 like 4 months ago. Did I fuck up?
Why should I bother if I have a 390X?
>Buying AMD
For what purpose
But I just got a 480!
they're rebrands not new chips so relax
just a typical stopgap before their next gen
where the hell is the high-end?
couldnt give two shits about 580 and lower, just bring the 1070 and 1080 equivalent so they drop in price a bit
You're both good, it's just rebranded and priced slightly cheaper
Notice how they're comparing the cards to the 3** series(which were just rebranded 2** series cards themselves)
didnt they have the 390, 390x and fury?
why shit out a rebrand when they have to release this gen equivalent?
adoption rate
>rx 480 1.05%
>gtx 1080 1.61%
great job amd, cant even sell more mid-end than nvidia overpriced high-end
whats this?
You shouldn't. Vega is never ever at this point and polaris is just budget beating nvidia low end. Your 390x is still good.
Vega never ever. AMD can't into high end dx12.
>high end dx12
Technologically inferior to Vulkan, why waste time?
Mesa RadeonSI and RadV are the future of AMD drivers, and they're already routinely faster than the official drivers from AMD themselves.
Which one if I want to make my Nvidia bros jelly?
So what games are you gonna play on it? Are there any modern games to make use?
Yeah DotA 2 and Overwatch
Didn't think so
>5x higher performance than IGP
as in integrated graphics processor? wow how will nvidia ever recover??
Total Warhammer. It literally runs better on AMD shit.
>5XX is just a rebrand of the 4XX
Fucking WOW, whatever momentum AMD had with their Ryzen CPU just grinded to a halt because their GPU is still shit
But AMD has still the best price for the power
Ready for what? It's just a rebrand
Wake me up when Vega hits.
fuck, I may actually have to spring for one of these. I got the 3gb GTX 1060 and I'm hearing that the low VRAM is going to fuck me over very soon
why the hell did you got the 3gb one?
Vega can't be too far off, AMD have been publishing patches for the Linux kernel to support it for a while now and those open code releases usually aren't that far ahead of the hardware.
Ignorance. Didn't do my homework on VRAM, just looked at some reviews/benchmarks and decided the difference in performance was small enough
even my gtx 960 has more vram
>not comparing the latest to previous gen
>comparing to nvidia's previous gen
wtf? im all for market competition, but this is just stupid.
What power?
>I got the 3gb GTX 1060
How stupid is you
I don't need a gpu but I think I do need a cpu. I'm not sure what goes best with the 390.
From what I can tell lurking Sup Forums, their spevs are pretty shit.
R5 1600 is the current price/performance king.
You'll need a new motherboard and fast RAM though.
>We are losing to Nvidia, what do we do?
>Rebrand the 480
The 5XX series isn't Vega
but AMD has still the best price/performance rating
How does this compare to the 480? Pictures AMD releases are always useless.
It's a rebrand so you can except 10~% increase in performance at best on the rx 580
I've checked compared to various benchmarks out there. This card will give you an average of 5 fps more than the RX480. Price will be a factor if this card is good or not.
now I'm wondering if I should get 1060 now or wait for RX 570
These fast refreshes is the reason why it's stupid to buy an high-end card. Everything above $300 is a waste. If you have the cash then by all means buy those cards but it's not worth it.
>Am I ready for 4XX series to drop price to their lowest and get the best price/performance out tere?
Not much of an increase compared to 480. Only like 10% like previous user mentioned. Best wait for 600 series to come out before replacing gpu
>Comparing them to the 300 series
>Comparing them to NVIDIA's 900 series
Does AMD have any self respect at all?
>3gb VRAM
>Actually buying anything bellow a 1070 if you're going NVIDIA
You fucked up my man.
>3gb GTX 1060
This what gets you from following the advice of YT faggots but if you can wait until Q4 2017, then wait.
>Our board is better than the ones from two generations ago.
Are they for fucking real?
no ty
>buying a polaris refresh
are you fucking retarded ?
I'm still on 550. Never had any reason to upgrade except recently. This is good news to me.
>it's an "AMD rebrands their hardware" episode rerun
>buy R5 1600 rig 3 days ago
>every cheap 480/470 sold out
>pay top dollar for a leftover 480 or wait a week
the wait is killing me lads. i ordered Persona 5 to get over the holidays while waiting to complete my PC, just to have Amazon fuck up my order.
I swear to god if P5 isnt in the mail tomorrow...
>Everyone is waiting for Vega
>Instead they put ressources in a rebrand
Ryzen is such a good release, take example from it instead of wasting everyone's time.
Where the fuck is Vega? I'm trying to give AMD my money and they're making is so difficult.
Which one willl be the successor to the 460?
I'm currently saving up money to get an rx 460 so I'm wondering if I should wait. When are they revealing the new cards?
well you could invest your money in some amd shares
why would you not just get a 1060 or something
>comparing to a 970
>using launch prices from 3 years ago
because the rx ones are better in a term of price
The 570 and 560 are rebranded 480 and 470 cards. The 580 and 550 are "new" cards
i hope it's a fake
The 580 is actually a 480 rebrand.
They're pulling a 290/390 again.
because Nvidia is too lazy to write decent drivers, or anything of worth.
the 1060 gets outperformed heavily by the 480 in a Ryzen system.
what about a 480 in a intel system?
When's pascal refresh?
>nvidia too lazy to write decent drivers
>AMD drivers are notorious for massive CPU overhead, often using 30% of modern CPUs
>10 frames more than a stock 970 meme in OW
>here is our 580 guys buy it pls
fuck off
Right now, since Nvidia is releasing the Titan Xp
so is Ryzen good or not?
you realize that AMD has far, far, far more driver issues than nvidia right
AMD is the one that has issues with games not working on launch. happens repeatedly every year, just happened with something last week, bayonetta i think. NEVER happens on nvidia
so should i get a 1060 with 6gb ram or wait for the rx 580 with 8 gb?
Ryzen 7 is better than i7 at non-gaming software and only slightly behind in games.
Ryzen 5 is as good as i5 in games and even better in non-gaming software.
So the answer is yes.
its too good to be true, in all honesty.
having 6/8 core CPU's at that price is fantastic. i cant wait for next gen PC games.
I'm planning on getting 570, should seasonic 430w be enough to handle it?
>Ryzen 7 is better than i7 at non-gaming software
hahah, you actually talked yourself into believing this
it's not only wrong but ridiculously wrong fyi
>Ryzen 5 is as good as i5 in games and even better in non-gaming software.
should be as good as somethign it costs more than.
R5 is great, but the R7 is worth it only if you need those extra cores. An i7 7700k would be better for games then a R7 1700x.
nty senpai i'll take my single slot gpus.
we're finally back in the future.
why do you think number of cores matters to games?
you realize games usually STILL Take advantage of strong single core performance more than multicore, right?
nvidia's modern Graphics API troubles are not due to bad drivers, but because their hardware does not support their advanced functions
what an illuminating statement from a person who clearly doesnt have the slightest idea what they're tlaking about
what an illuminating statement from a person who called AMD drivers "optimized" when they have 30% CPU overhead.
Neck youself kiddo
>comparing it to the 970
>probably releasing near the 1100-series
>call you out for making a nonsense, meaningless statement
>that means i'm some AMD fanboy
young user, you not knowing what you're talking about does not mean everyone is your "enemy". you just don't know what you're talking about.
ps you don't need to defend nvidia who makes the adequate product.
Is this an OEM refresh? Why the fuck are there marketing slides for it?
>marketing isn't involved in selling products if they are refreshes
Holy shit, guess 1800X will be my next CPU
those are applications specifically designed to make use of multiple cores and hyperthreading
in games, the ryzen performs worse than i5s in many tests, and AMD has come up with all sorts of excuses for this already.
it even lost to an i5 in fucking ahses of the singularity, AMD's game that they pay to have made specifically to highlight their own products.