You faggots ruined my life

You faggots ruined my life

>browse Sup Forums
>constant tranny spam
>start jerking it to tranny porn
>consider getting a tranny hooker
>an user who lives in my city told me where I can find some
>go and get me a hot and well hung tranny
>go to hotel and fuck
>I record it with my phone for future fapping
>was feeling adventurous and sucked her dick a little
>fast forward a few weeks
>get into fight with sister
>go bathroom but forget to take my phone with me
>she takes my phone and goes through it
>finds the video
>edits it down to just the dick sucking part and sends it to all my friends and family
>friends roast me
>parents basically disown me
>everyone thinks I'm a fag

You fuckers brainwashed me into fucking trannies and ruined my life. I hate you all so very much.

>it's Sup Forums's fault i sucked a dick

lamo at your life, faggot

no one cares

>everyone thinks I'm a fag
You ARE a fag.

stop coming here when you get muted in r9k

fake, but extremely gay

Shouldn't have sucked >her dick then fag. At least you're not the guy from r9k who paid a tranny $150 to basically get raped.

Fuck you

Fuck you too

Fucking trannies is not gay

>keeping the pictures
Never leave evidence of fifthy acts.

>edits it down to just the dick sucking part and sends it to all my friends and family

I can believe OP sucking dicks.
But a girl knowing how to edit videos? Bullshit.

>Fucking trannies is not gay
You know what is gay? You.

>suck a dick
>not a fag

Your sister did you a favor. Proved to the world OP is a fag.

>Fell for the tranny meme
MAGA by killing yourself you degenrate faggot!

do you have a screencap of that?

>Fucking trannies is not gay
>I sucked his dick, but I'm still not gay

I'd disown you too.

Where's the video games?

Most phones can edit pictures and videos pretty easily.

Nah, sorry.

Right here *unzips dick*


Bicurious here. What's sucking dick like? Is it fun? What's it taste like?

I have been on this site nine years, never once have I felt compelled to suck another man's dick. And I've seen some shit on here.

You're gay.

>What's it taste like?
A dick.

>never once have I felt compelled to suck another man's dick

found the redditor

Youre fault for filming,litterally the worst jdea you could possibly have in that situation


lmao I've been seeing these gays post their porn folders for years and nothing, you just have a weak mind or were always a faggot

It's current year, if your parents can't accept you for the faggot you are, they are cisgendered bigot shitlords and don't deserve you

hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha if it´s true, you made my day. fag.

I wish I was gay, would make life a lot easier.

I hope you're baiting

If it's clean probably just skin

I can't find it and rounds starting sorry user


Jesus christ, stop getting mad and suck some dick or something.

I've been coming here since 2004(?) and not once have I jerked ot to trannies, opened a trap pic and suddenly been aroused from overexposure or anything like that.

You're just sexually retarded, "gay".

are you me?

It's not Sup Forums's fault that you're a fanook, OP.

>was feeling adventurous and sucked HIS dick a little
>everyone thinks I'm a fag



Rape your sister and record as revenge

This isn't video games, and it's not the boards fault you're so easily influenced

I'm in a similar boat to OP. I was "experimenting" out of college, and all the fucking tranny/cd/mental illness shit I saw on Sup Forums made me want to try it out. I didn't want to go the rest of my life wondering "what if" right?

So I luck out and get these 2-person tranny hookers who work together and specialize in newcomers. Honestly it was a fucking blast. I found out that sucking a dick felt exactly what sucking a dick would be like (although they're shockingly soft, something you don't really realize until you touch one other than yours). Wasn't my thing though, not a fan.

Tried getting fucked too, which was ok, but hurt and didn't feel all that great. The trannies were super accommodating and gentle, working with you for whatever you were comfortable with. I came out of there convinced that it wasn't for me, but I'm glad I had the experience all the same.

6/10, wouldn't repeat.

Your sister's s piece of shit man.

>like trannys
>its other people fault
your are a faggot
>hey i'm going to go this "guy only party"
>no i didn't like getting buttfucked its your fault , and neither i did stop it
kill yourself

>Start jerking it to tranny porn

Here, it's your fault. You're gay or bi.
>I'm not gay
>feeling adventurous and sucked her dick

No matter what, I can't have a boner if the "girl" has a dick.

bags of milk and salty coins

>6/10 wouldn't repeat
>above average score

Where are the video games?

again, it was a "positive" experience, in the fact that I didn't get fucking raped like that other op and the trannies actually listened and worked with me to have a good time. I know now that i'm 100% not into dicks though, so while i'd never do it again, I got something worthwhile out of it.

Put a lock code on your phone you fucking idiot. At least do something to make your fucked up porn not show up on your phone so goddamn easy

naaah dude you're a fag you can't look at a dick and think maybe?

>her dick
>""""""""""her"""""""""" dick

never know until you try. I'd rather try it now while I'm young and know for sure, than go my whole life not doing it and find out later that either I actually do like it and deprived myself of something enjoyable, or had regrets.

idk man, I know it sounds (and is) gay af, but at the end of the day I just had to know, you know?

women are so scary

you should fucking a dog in the ass my dude you never know unless you try

I have a sincere question:

I'm not gay, but I find dicks more aesthetically pleasing than pussies. Is something wrong with me?

Girls with dicks isn't gay as long as they really look like girls.



It really is a shame that v is so close to b on a keyboard.

>I'm not gay
>I find dicks more aesthetically pleasing than pussies

Dicks are objectively better looking than vaginas and I'm straight.

How could you not like this dude?

obviously there are limits lol, I didn't break any laws or anything, i'm not into illegal shit. I'm sure plenty of people have the same kinds of urges (doing stuff with traps) that I did. I just acted on them definitively.

>>browse Sup Forums
>>constant tranny spam
>>start jerking it to tranny porn

nigga that's just you

right? I love women, but I think vaginas look fucking disgusting 90% of the time.

Sound gay

hahahaha, suck it faggot

the only reason you're not into illegal shit is because you're told not to be faggot

Objectively correct, as men are superior to women in every way.

this is common for a lot of dudes because we all grew up with winkies, dicks are known territory for us.
this is partially why shemale porn is so well-liked among straight males, because we're comfortable with penis.

That's because you're gay. Vaginas are cute as fuck.

well that, and I'm not personally interested in it. I don't have to fuck a black girl to know that I want nothing to do with them, for example.

>Straight males
>Shemale porn
Whatever helps you sleep at night, fag.

SOME vaginas are cute as fuck.

I would even say very few vaginas are cute as fuck. Most are garbled flaps of roast beef.

Nah it's normal, most pussies look like an Arby's sandwich most of the time.

>touch fire
>get burned
Faggots blown the fuck out
faggots also blown by trannies

studies don't lie, but shitposting is fun isn't it?
i'm bi myself.

>I sucked some dicks and then my family found out!!!
>Its all because I keep going to this place on the internet where no one talks about video games!!!

Nigga no one put a gun to your head and ordered you to start having sex with diseased mentally ill transexuals.

>above average

Was everyone in your school retarded or something?

5 is average
6 is above average

His statement is correct senpai

>because we're comfortable with penis

not really, unless you're gay or bisexual.

Honor kill your sister, also not password protecting your phone, you deserve it

post the video

Not an argument

>I scored 50%, that's average

Not unless you're in a sea of retards

post the video, faggot

this honestly

honestly I would just move out of country or kms if this shit happened to me,

>sucked her dick


Don't worry, we're not much into trans thing anymore.
Now Sup Forums is quite very furry, and if you stay here a day or two more, you will end up in a bathroom with a guy dressed as some sort of radioactive husky and you will end sucking his dick, filmed and exposed to your family etc..

Have fun!