1080ti is in stock. Whats your excuse

1080ti is in stock. Whats your excuse

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gonna wait till september and get the best 1080ti bundled with Destiny 2

Cool, what games need this now though?

PC has.no game

I already have it

My overclocked 980ti beats any stock 1080 and can run any game I have at 4k ultra settings. So I feel no need at the moment to spend $700+ dollars on a 1080.

wildlands is one, that fucking trash game is so heavy not a single ti can run it consistently at 60fps

I just got a rx480 and it runs literally everything just fine.
If there were games I wanted to play it couldn't run maybe I'd upgrade but not to nasty ass nvidia

Literally just bought a 1080 two months ago

Don't need the upgrade. I only play games that run perfectly well on my 970

poorfag with no job
Will probably get it if I ever build a new computer or whatever the newest best graphics card is since I plan on 144hz.

Is it in stock in Australia?

>People actually buy nVidia graphics cards
>People actually spend more than $2000 on graphics cards

I know hardware is just as much as hobby as the games themselves and it's pretty much just automotive ricing but with computer hardware but if you're not earning like $50'000 a year at least and are buying $700 GPUs you need to off yourself.

I'm poor as fuck.

because i'm still on 1080p and not the 4k meme.
also games are so badly optimized it doesnt even matter, just use engine hacks

I will keep my r9 270x for now, a bad port from ubisoft is not enough to make me want to get into pc gaming again.

Titan Xp

why would someone spend $750+ on a gpu when you can buy a fucking new samsung s8?

I already have one OP, you silly bitch!

I didnt fall for the graphic card jew

I'm saving for the Scorpio, which will be much more powerful


nintendo master race

Of course it is

nice photoshop

>Spend more than 2000
That's 779

4k resolution games and monitors with high refresh rate

Whats even the point of buying a recent phone for so much? Even an s5 is still good enough,

Don't need one

>1080 ti
>2133mhz ram

>3GB 1080
rip in peace money

I just bought a GTX 1060 6gig.

Wildlands run at 50-60 FPS on ultra.

third of the price also.

>1. already have a gtx 1080
>2. neither card averages above 40 fps at 4k
>3. 1000 will be rebranded 2000 with minor improvements this year
>4. volta will BTFO current cards by a long shot next year

>Not Titan Xp

LOL @ poorfags

For people who have 4k displays, this card is amazing. You'd be surprised how much detail is lost in a 1080p image.

Pretty abysmal idle temps on your Kaby Lake.

t. 29c

What is the minimum PSU required for 'big card' like this?

I don't want to spend $800 on a video card. Plus my 980 is still doing just fine.

After the GTX 970 I'm sure as hell not going to buy another nvidia card anytime soon.

Luckily I got mine at a good price and with some AAA game.

I just hope there's going to be a good 300~400€ Vega card.

>Titan Z

What an abomination.

Waiting til the next series or maybe the one after that. It's only been 2 years since my last new card.

Literally no games on PC require it.

That's some really fucking gross roof texture LOD top-right of the character's head.

My 780 Ti is still rocking.

its delid lake what did you expect?

You'd be surprised how much money is lost in a wallet on buying 4k screens and top end GPUs to barely reach stable 60fps too.


>shitposts about the frequency
>not about the shit timings

Fucking pleb, you disgust me.

The temp reporting is dodgy and it's overclocked to 4950

Literally just bought a Titan XP two months ago

RAM timings have never mattered

Because I already bought it and will be replacing my CPU/MOBO/RAM in 4 weeks. Pic related.

cant wait to play the latest unfinished fps open world survival games with crafting in glorious 60fps and 4K

I have GTX 980 and I don't see a point of 1080 or even Ti and Titan version of it in 2017.

There's literally no good games to play that would require such hardware.
I don't give a shit about Battlefield on 4K.

looks like he might have bough expensive ram but did not know about xmp

I'm waiting for 2070.

Watch dogs 2 and wildlands can't be maxed at 4k.

Shit linux drivers.

i dont waste money on things i don't need

already have one


These draw nearly 300W so depending on your other components you'd need at least 500W but 600W is what nVidia recommends. 250W absolute minimum

I'm not retarded.

i already own a 1080 gtx i had at a fair price.

>spending the equivalent of 2 and a half PS4's just to play Hearthstone at 8400fps

Why would I?


works fine here

If you're spending $2000+ on a system you may as well learn how to sort out your shit properly.

I don't need that shit lol and the price will drop when the release the 1080tti version 2.345 in 12 hours
I don't understand why people buy hardware right when it comes out when the price drops pretty quick. Whats the point are you running VR games while mining bitcoins?
200-300 dollar card can run anything smooth as shit

That's not a bad price. Hell I see 1080s at $500 now, I'd pick it up if I wasn't still happy with my 970 meme card.

i already have a gtx 1070

>posting OSX screenshot
>posting someone else's OSX screenshot


Smooth as shit not at 165hz or 1440 or 4k

>waiting for 2000 series
>not waiting for 3000 series
lmao fucking cuck

>Implying a 290X won't do 1440p like a champ

I'm getting the strange feeling that you're not kidding when you say that so let me just say that I think a $750+ phone strikes me as even less of a good purchase than a $750+ graphics card. I have no idea why people spend so much money on phones with like 4k resolution and 3ghz octacore processor and 8 gigs of ram when all they ever do is check facebook and play angry bids, which any 100 bucks device could do the same.

At least with graphics cards you *know* the thing is gonna be outdated in a bit, you'll need maybe 300 bucks to get something which runs stuff well today, and any additional money is at least spend on an attempt to "future proof", if only for a short while, but with the phone it's like, people still do the same stuff with those phones that they did 5 years ago just their 5 inch screen has a resolution so overinflated that an ant could no longer see pixels on it

You're right, but for the people who can afford it, it makes a good gaming experience even better. It's also great for people who want a higher refresh rate than 60. That card can probably crank out 1440p 120hz no problem.

I have a gtx970 and there is literally no reason to even have one that modern.


Jesus fucking christ I hate this goddamn shithole

Neither does frequency for gaming 99% of the time.

>800 bux for a GPU
>to play League, indie games and console ports

I'll wait for the 1180ti.

>PC gaming is cheap they said
This thing costs twice the amount of a current gen console and you'll probably have to replace it with an equally expensive one next generation


Yeah, not spending 800 bucks for a slight upgrade over a GTX 1080 and waiting for the next technological advancement instead! HAHA, WHAT A KEK! This board is 18+.

>2560x1440 144Hz

This. Feels bad, man.

What is
>watch gogs 2

kys poorfag


What should I choose, 7700 + 1070 or Ryzen + Vega?

a streamer i watch destiny got a 1080ti yesterday and now he gets 100+ fps in playerunknown battlegrounds compared to 65 with 980 sli. he said it was worth it

Going by this logic all you need is an i3 and a gtx 660. Calm down there autismo.

>Jesus fucking christ I hate this goddamn shithole

So leave?

>ubisoft garbage


we don't know shit about vega. So just wait till you really want to play a game that requires that much power.

I have a 1080 and didn't fall for the 4k meme.

>moving the goalpost

I want to build a PC which will last for 4-5 years. i7 is great at the moment but I wonder if Ryzen is better investment in the future.

that's literally true though

no, my argument remains the same, besides Doom, there hasnt been a single good 3rd party multiplat in the last 3 years that hasnt been instantly forgettable garbage, playing them in 60fps and 4K wont make them any better