What are some games that make you think honestly about yourself?

What are some games that make you think honestly about yourself?

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>Let's see, seems like alienation of an entire group of people tends to leave them easily susceptible to picking up socially unacceptable ideas
>Gosh, what a problem this is, how should we solve it?
>I know, let's insult and belittle them
>Trump elected president

I can certainly think of one group of people that should be doing some soul searching right now, and they ain't on Sup Forums.

>it's other people's responsibility to make sure you don't become a nazi

If they don't want you to be a nazi, then yes, it is.

This is some really superficial analysis. pol is full of fucking retards but lonely internet nerds aren't the reason for the rise of Trump.

>says we're angry because we've been alienated and mocked by society
>refers to us as losers with nerdy hobbies with the same breath

The fuck is this? Why is that text over some kind of art gallery or museum? What's happening?

>I'll just keep shitting on these alienated guys, that will surely make them see my way of thinking
>btw islam and organized crime doesent do the same thing, just online nazis

what did he mean by this

At least on pol the nazis call themselves nazis. Everywhere else they call themselves "social justice warriors".

>hey guise! what are some games about Sup Forums stuff?
Reccomedations go to Bitch.

I smell leafs in this thread, i know you are here canacucks.


And that video has what to do with my question?

its HWNDU season 5, video is season 3

The irony is so thick I'm choking on it.

every low quality shitposter is a leaf

Man Shia got trolled something fierce

thats a lot of text

When it comes to spoonfedding. No one beats the Sup Forumsermin scum.

SEASON 1 youtube.com/watch?v=_p4h3jwJob0

SEASON 3 youtube.com/watch?v=vw9zyxm860Q

SEASON 4 youtube.com/watch?v=3aZuj_SDqDo

>it's other people's responsibility to make sure you don't become a nazi
Yes that's how it works. If you don't want to take on that responsibility than you have no business to complain when you get assfucked by their voting power.

It's not just Sup Forums, and it's not just Sup Forums. It's the entire generation. Oh sure, Sup Forums are the ones waving the actual factual swastika around like it actually fucking means anything, but it seems like just about everyone under the age of 30 is keenly interested in bringing about change not through political reform, not through established rules and systems, but through social pressures and changing key norms in society.
So instead of protesting outside a government building, petitioning representatives, or even just organizing groups to spread word about an issue, everyone just picks someone to socially brutalize on twitter in a vigilante mob of hundreds of thousands that can't possibly be prosecuted.

Perhaps it's because they feel like any attempt to affect change through politics is inherently doomed to fail.