What can be done to save the franchise?

What can be done to save the franchise?

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stop lying

bring back a lot of the old RP elements Medieval had and actually make it feel like I'm developing my faction and telling a story along with a rise and fall dynamic so I can't just blob easily.

Also, spy and other unit cutscenes

Just release Arena already holy shit.

Having Spy and Assassin minigames would be dope.

I want another naval focused TW

I wish someone happy with catering to autists like Matrix Games would make a total war.

>implying TW was ever more profitable

Don't expect shit until they're done with the Warhammer trilogy, though.

Shogun 3. Please.

i remember in med2 that you could assassinate every general, king and prince in a faction then make their empire collapse and go neutral. that was always pretty neat

butthurt historicfag spotted.
This is now fantasy realm, get rekt

>bring back a lot of the old RP elements Medieval had and actually make it feel like I'm developing my faction and telling a story along with a rise and fall dynamic so I can't just blob easily.

I have no idea why they dropped so many features from Medieval when they just to 3D and what little they returned was done in half-assed form. Giving out titles and effectively elevating any unit you wanted was such a nice thing.


actually work on improving the game by making it more fun and interesting by adding actually meaningful diplomacy, government management and city building, and improve sea combat a lot and release a new game using said features featuring the 16-20th century

Something new and fresh for the Total War series for a start.

Personally I'd love to see a global map, with all countries playable much like Europa Universalis 4 with comparable levels of diplomacy, combined with CK2 role play character elements like they had in the older TW games, alongside the Total war real time battles. That'd be a brilliant game.

I think the worst thing about Total War is that the ai plays an entirely different game to the player. Not only are half of the mechanics implemented specifically for the ai but it then goes and completely ignores the other half because CA's programmers are hilariously incompetent and/or lazy. I get that ais cannot compete with people and thus need a little help, but it's so obnoxious in Total War how it is not bound by the same systems as you and will go out of its way to fuck you over simply because you are the player.

Medieval 3

>m-muh medieval 3!!!

The franchise has never been better in term of economy and contents

eat shit, history fags

Kill all historyfags

Fuck off

>What can be done to save the franchise?
Scrap all future historical titles altogether and go full fantasy.

kill all gud goy aka warhammerfags

they'll eat their own shit if it has warhammer written oin it

Make more Warhammer.

>role play character elements like they had in the older TW games

Like what? I played Shogun and Rome, Medieval is the only older TW game I didn't play but I don't remember anything like that.

But there is nothing wrong with it. Warhammer is good and autistic histofags will get their new historical game in few years.

>Bring back family tree and character you actually have a relationship with. The roleplaying stuff in warhammer was fine but i will stop caring if it is just a bunch of random characters.
>Make diplomacy actually interesting
>Screw me over with dlc if you want but i lose all interest when the base games don't even include blood. At least try to make me aroused before you try to get me begging for more.

>Move the series into real time
>Bring back RP features from older titles
>Make diplomacy actually good
>New engine

to make it actually good: some historical accuracy instead of all factions being straight out of hollywood, and an ai that actually acts like it is interested in empire building instead of just sending single armies to take one town that they will die in the next turn.

To make money: turn the games into autistic unit porn like they did for warhammer. Maybe make one set in china, with gatling crossbows, and the main characters from Red Cliff to make tactics irrelevant by killing hundreds of enemy soldiers with their kung-fu.

Honestly a working supply system is all a new entry needs.

Attila added that GOAT family tree system that fit well into the game amd wasn't too overly complicated and performed as a nice minigame when your empire was having a downtime.

More focused mini campaigns would also be nice provided it's done in periods which are good from a total war perspective.

gas the childish and immature fantasyfags that only play to see midgets throw hammers at gremlins whilst random and colourful effects happen

>all these people whining about muh RP aspects
>no one played attila which added actual CK2 lite family tree shit into the game.

Fucking this. The braindead Warhammer fags will no doubt tell us how they have no issues paying full price for a dlc expansion, while Total War's most hardcore true fans get shafted again as they pump out more and more arcadey or now pure fantasy titles. Good job, CA. If you were looking for the most efficient way to anger your loyal customer base even more, you've found it. It wasn't this juvenile fantasy arcade nonsense that made the TW series a success. Warhammer is worse than any TW title in terms of game depth and campaign options. Battles are ridiculously fast - arcadey and sieges are a joke. It's not looking good if they will follow this formula when making the next historical title, at this point the TW franchise might as well be considered dead. It's so fantasy-centred now it's completely lost all its appeal, but apparently CA only cares about money now. Who the fuck thought deviating from what made the Total War good was a good idea?

>some historical accuracy instead of all factions being straight out of hollywood
This is what fans have been asking for years but then that piece of shit monstrosity Warhammer happened. Expect CA to shit on historical accuracy even more in future games they only care about money now.

CA found its "open world formula" by making fantasy with a lot of races and shallow gameplay. Warhammer is a good game but a bad strategy one.

>hardcore history fags
oh please.
Total war was always hollywood history whose main draw was big huge battles.

>Something new and fresh for the Total War series for a start.
uh like it is happening now? Warhammer is new and fresh in total war

I don't think it needs saving as Warhammer is easily the best TW game so far and is generally fantastic. Sales also reflect that, since it's the fastest selling TW of all time. The franchise is not in any kind of trouble.

As far as fixing things go, it's the usual stuff that's been plaguing the franchise since the very beginning. Even though it's Total WAR some more effort put into diplomacy and economic management would be nice. AI as well - it's really unsatisfying when you ruin a faction, leave them with one settlement and notice that in a few turns they can shit out an endgame army anyway. Also make the AI more inclined the engage in field battles even when the auto resolve bar isn't 80% in their favor, because sieges can be a chore when they're literally all you play for like 100 turns.

People still care about it after Rome 2?

well the AI went less cranky since rome 2 and did less of the
>accept or we will attack
>Please do not attack


your tears are delicious, i played TW games since they started making them and the only good historical ones are Shogun 1 and 2.
Everything else was mediocre.
Transition to fantasy is way better.

lol no it's not it's a completely disregard for what people liked in the franchise. What people really wanted was a new Medieval but with a new engine, accurate and realistic combat and enough innovation to the campaign, with depth similar to Europa Universalis, not this arcade fantasy rubbish.

Branch it into "mainstream" warhammer and more complex historical one

>shallow gameplay
The gameplay is the best in the series. That's why people actually PLAY Warhammer instead of shit history titles.

What Warhammer has is unmatched mechanical and functional variety, which, in turn, creates unmatched tactical depth in battles. Everything else is completely irrelevant, as battles are the only reason anyone plays TW games.

>whose main draw was big huge battles
Wrong, retard. Total War's main draw was always recreating old empires as much as accurately and realistic as possible but that's completely gone now that they've ruined the franchise with fantasy shit.

>tfw someone actually believes that

>Warhammer is easily the best TW game so far

>new Medieval
Neah. Medieval 2 was shit.

I'm sorry you're retarded but the facts are facts.

>recreating old empires as much as accurately and realistic as possible
>total war
Damn, you are autistic as fuck.

>shit history titles
Found the uncultured swine. Get back to your WoW if you don't like history.

>2 DLCs deposited on your account

Babby's first Total War was Warhammer, I see.

It was first Rome actually. And no, it was not accurate at all.

>armies full of flaming pigs and screaming axewielding women and berserkers.
>have to cull your cities every 4 years because otherwise they will chimp out.

Throw all the DLCs in an Expansion Pack.

yes, I remember when cities were regularly killed so that sanitation could be managed, armies were compromised of wardogs and flaming piglets and people flew 20 feet into the air when hit by a cavalry unit.

Is the campaign map going to be completely revamped to be immersive, intriguing, and strategic?
Or is it still going to be a streamlined and simplified console game?
I loved watching the soldiers fight eachother in rome.
There is no time for that anymore. Only clicking and arcade battles now.
What a hilarious way to waste money.

So what will it change?

there's a slowmo button and like 50 mods on the workshop that slow down battles
rome 1 had pretty quick battles that you forget.

>I loved watching the soldiers fight eachother in rome.
They still fight eachother. Maybe you just being nostalgic?

Yes, and under the excuse of "Epik Combat", "HUGE monsters" and "LEGENDARY lords and heroes" more and more features are getting gutted

>Naval combat
>Family trees to which to grow attached to
>Siege battles that are not utter shit
>non-bullshit DLC practices, bundling horrible minicampaigns with the factions to jack up the price
>Some decent combat that does not end with heroes killing eachother by shieldbashing the air and projecting shockwaves

>>Make diplomacy actually good

Is there any game with 'good' diplomacy.

Paradoxshit I guess.

actually no.
Paradox gets around it by making the game a bunch of numbers which is at least transparent.
>family trees in warhammer
For what purpose.

>rome 1 had pretty quick battles that you forget.

Not really, although back then slow "pace" came from retarded pathfinding and unwieldy formations.

rome 1 had much better pathfinding than med2.
>inb4 your units being retarded add flavor to the game
Naval combat got removed because CA doesn't have the Man o' War IP.
Attila added a pretty great Family tree and office system to the game that people pretend don't exist.

>some decent combat
which has been the same in every total war ever except CA didn't add overly complex mocapped animations that destroyed everyone's computer.

Fantasy objectively saved the series.

History retards just bitch and complain about everything and delude themselves into thinking that a studio can spend £30 million making a AAA game exclusively designed for 400 autists on TWcenter.

All history fags fit into one of these categories

>bitch about how you want a history game
>90% of you then bitch and threaten to pirate it because it wasn't the exact historical period/setting you wanted

>haven't actually enjoyed any of the games since Medieval 2
>still here 11 years later trying to dictate the direction of series you don't even play

>autistic enough to complain about lack of depth in the campaign mechanics
>too stupid to just go off and play the GSG Paradox type games that you basically describe as what you want
>end up in an eternal limbo of just shitposting Total War

You should all considere yourselves lucky that the money from Warhammer is letting have a new team to make a big budget historical game. Attila had the most depth in loads of areas such as faction politics, family tree etc and you all just review bombed and shit all over it.


hey come on now, attila was a step in the right direction on the campaign map
>seasons that change with the gameplay and force you to adapt on a long term basis
>hordes that can hopefully in the future be used for a MUCH more complex supply line system.
>army morale was a nice touch that wasn't explored too much.
>abandoning provinces if you are overstretched.
>great family tree and office system.

It's a shame Ancient empires is never coming out at this rate.

>For what purpose.
Are you fucking retarded? How can you claim removing family trees is not a stripped feature and CA being lazy?

WW2: Total War

Because it doesn't fit in the context of the game? In the same way that Empire and Napoleon has territory trading which isn't in the later games

You should also add Mount&Blade like one unit control in combat, and that game would be 11/10

because sadly too few people played attila

because warhammer isn't a game about managing your royal clan's little spawn that will become a king after 200 years. Cutting out bloat that adds nothing to the setting or the gameplay is not a bad idea.

>tfw you need to get Grimgor a wife

>doesn't fit in the context of the game

Warhammer doesn't take place over the span of decades, you worthless mongoloid. What the fuck would be the point?

Not really. TW didn't need saving. Warhammer was just a tremendous financial success and god knows where CA aka SEGA is going from now with the series. Maybe it's licensed games with odd historical title here and there? It's a mystery.

There is no aging.

The only thing Warhammer has going for it is faction diversity. Otherwise CAI & BAI is average at best and the campaign map is shit. Atilla introduced GOAT mechanics like faction politics, migration and being able to watch your troops murder peasants and burn settlements down.

>muh sales
Warhammer faggots are so starved they'll happily throw $100+ at CA for game and paid DLC, it does not mean it was a good game.

enjoy having a supercomputer to run that shit.
>entire setting is frozen at 1 point in time with the same characters for like 4 editions and pretty much nothing known for an in depth explanation of what makes the factions tick

>lets add pointless stuff to the game so that autists can roleplay over it, while conveniently forgetting that the previous installment of the game had the best family tree system in total war.

Attila was also received negatively because all those features like peasants and burning towns down caused poorfag computers to run the game terribly.

more DLC

>Attila getting some love in the thread

I'm not sure how much sales corroborate this, but I'm fairly sure just a minority of players played Attila which is a damn shame. Such a good game that Creative Assembly basically used to prototype things they would later use in Warhammer. Stuff like horde-based factions, etc.

The fact that it shits all over the TW games before it is what means it's a good game. The sales are just a natural after-effect of that and also means the franchise is not in need of saving.

>Naval combat got removed because CA doesn't have the Man o' War IP.
More like CA were too lazy and greedy to bother adding something that would give them less profit. Not an excuse to not have naval battles.

I have played every total war except shogun 1.
Attila was perhaps the first time CA decided to experiment more with the campaign map mechanics and how the game works.

Total warhammer is a great game, but attila is far more in depth. I suppose that makes sense because warhammer is pretty sparse on the noncombat part.

>everyone hating on naval battles and no one plays them
>have to pay extra money and put in work for a feature that people will stop using.

And yes you little dipshit, CA is selling a product, they are interested in profits.

A lot of people don't know the game exist and still go "ROME 2 NEVER AGAIN CA"

>the fact that it shits all over the TW games before
[citation needed]

>>everyone hating on naval battles
Says who. Fucking retard. Stop defending CA and their shitty jewish practices.

The Imjin war could be cool, got Korea, China and Japan. Turtle Ships OP pls nerf

Warhammer proved that people are over the Rome 2 thing. And Attila has a good reputation anywhere. The reason people don't play it is because they're uninterested in the time period.

>says who

>veteran admiral : 2.7% people completed.

Neah, asians is not a real people. Why would anyone care about their history?

it would also generate immense butthurt in all three countries and chinks have been reviewbombing total war since warhammer came out.

liked shogun 2 and attila. everything else is meh.

Let Russian modding autists into CA's programming and development team.

Europa Barborum is fucking fantastic and for me is the true Rome II, CA should be able to make something at least on par with that.

EB2 also took 9 years and half the scripts are broken

And CA recruits good modders already.