What is Sup Forums opinion on these guys?

What is Sup Forums opinion on these guys?

literally who

I want to fuck those

The last time I touched comp was early gen V but I always thought their rules were fine.

Lugia is the hottest pokemon next to reshiram.

Lucario is a sex demon though

It's Smogon, a competitive Pokemon website.

Sadly I used to lurk in the groups on this website throughout middle school and did a lot of cringe shit, so I guess fuck OP for reminding me.

They're alright but I prefer playing VGC.

Lugia's feet are the best

they're obviously biased towards certain pokemon
unfortunately, nobody who host a site like this won't be autistic enough to bend the rules to his preferences

Literally zoned out of competitive in general because I didn't feel like keeping up with all the new shit and it seems like tiers got fucked hard.
I didn't even finish Sun because of how boring it was.

smogon a shit

A complete joke, just like the mere idea of pokemon being a competitive game in any shape or form

endgame is really good though, online works pretty damn well

Last I checked UU had much more variety than OU, is it still mostly the same?

I remember enjoying the first two islands but the third becoming a huge drag, I'll probably come back to it later because it's Pokémon anyway.

At first I found them annoying because people swore by it, but then I realized it was nice to have many formats so all Pokémon could compete sometime. I did play Showdown since it was quick and easy to get into, but Sun/Moon got me sick of the games in general. Haven't gotten to play any form of competitive because of that.

Tl;dr: It's really fun but if you think it's more official than VGC you're a retard, unless you're offering to set up a giant cash tournament.

When I saw Pokemon 2000 as a kid, I had a big crush on Lugia.

Lugia is total cutie.



they never hit stall hard enough

This. I used to enjoy smogon before they became autistic as fuck with their rules and pokemon bannings. It used to be relatively balanced during Gen 4 and people used it's ranks and BL to play a fair game of pokemon. Now it's "We can't figure out how to beat this fringe strategy so we'll have to ban it"

I now follow VGC way more than I used to and do Doubles as my main comp type. I've had the pleasure of arguing with people over why VGC is a more healthy format than Smogon (which isn't saying too much)

What does Kofing have to do with this?



too much vore, not enough regular lewds with minor emphasis on the feet

They should just ban Stealth Rock already.

Smogon is the German name of Koffing, and Smogon is full of Nazis who want to gas everyone who isn't playing by their rules.

Now now, there are also Derpers.

Sure, those are always at the bottom of the ladder, but still.

17 years later, I still feel like Lugia should be part-Dragon Type.

Dragon/Water would be what I type it as.


have you thanked your healthy meta yet Sup Forums?

ruined how I perceive pokemon

I'm a filthy casual who just uses their favorites and memesets on Free Battle Battle Spot so I don't really give a shit

>using Smogon
>when Showderp exists