Stop saying Japanese games are superior than Western games

Stop saying Japanese games are superior than Western games.

I will when it stops being true.

stop posting on indonesian sandal weaving boards and play video games

>varg posters cropping out his receding hairline

>Goldbox games
>Betrayal at Krondor
>Ultima IV-VII
>Gothic 1-2
>Vampire the Masquerade Bloodlines
>Planescape Torment
>Dwarf Fortress
>Jagged Alliance 2
>Age of Empires 2
>Heroes of Might & Magic 2-3

There are some neat japanese games, some of them even intersecting (or inspired by) these games. You could go with Front Mission 3, Fire Emblem, or Final Fantasy Tactics for S/TRPG, for example. Classic dungeon crawlers are pretty much dead in the West (except for the occasional MM X or Grimoire lol or whatever).

But overall western games are more diverse, and often achieve more depth, be it writing or gameplay. However, it has been less so in the post-XBox era.

>But overall western games are more diverse, and often achieve more depth, be it writing or gameplay. However, it has been less so in the post-XBox era.

I think when people say "Japanese games are better than western games" they're almost exclusively talking about AA to AAA games.

You're right that western games are more diverse, but I would say this only really applies on an indie level. When it comes to the high profile stuff between east and west japs win by a landslide.

They are
Fuck off

I still don't get this meme

It's actually true now

2017 the year Japan saved the video games

Sup Forums make the most lazy, shittiest memes ever

Western Civilization is degenerate. Japan is the last bastion of pure white culture left.

Depends on the game, mario is good but the rpgs with the crazy hair are bad.

You can't compare these kinds of games of which many require the precision of a keyboard and mouse to a country with such a low PC marketshare.
All they have is the controller or portables, which do not allow for the depth you speak of.

>let's bring Sup Forums into this for no fucking reason

>"Japanese games are better than western games!"
>post my Steam profile with basically exclusively Japanese games
>get shit on, told I have no taste, called a weeaboo, ironic, etc.
What gives?
">Sup Forums is one person" is not an argument.

Sup Forums spams this bearded idiot all across Sup Forums

>inplying we're not all just one person with mutiply personalities constantly shitposting to ourselves

>called a weeaboo
thats not anything special, come off it
you sneeze near a moeblob and you'll be called that, its lost all meaning and is just them shouting 'stop liking what i dont like'

Reddit replied to you.

>more depth
Name one Western game of any genre that's mechanically deeper than this

>its lost all meaning and is just them shouting 'stop liking what i dont like'
That's the point I'm trying to make. A lot of Sup Forums doesn't hold the opinion OP asserted.

Go back to réddit.

Stop vargposting

Well, that's a strawman.. I think. Let me explain.

Firstly: some games included in the list are great *despite* their gameplay, such as Bloddlines or Planescape Torment - they are great at writing and story, which is definitely achievable regardless of your input device. I am yet to play an JRPG with decent writing (I also know some Japanese, so translation is not at fault here).

Secondly, there are some great japanese games like Rune Factory series which has a certain depth and is underexplored on PC. That is achieved despite the restrictions of NDS controls, don't you agree? Moreover, games like Labyrinth of Touhou are pretty damn sweet (and are on PC natively).

I liked the game, and often recommend it to someone who is put off by negative reviews. But user, did you even look at my list? Are you sure you know what "Aurora" is, for instance?

I will when western games stop being inferior.

Anyone who isn't a cuck will move to japan, the last white nation.

>move to a country that's about to be nuked

He said Japan, not Best Korea

>Wanting to nuke pure whites

>japan, the last white nation.
Holy fuck weeabooos are delusional

Because you are
Fucking disgusting

I didn't even post my profile

>glorious Japanese games are so much better than cucked western games!
>I unironically enjoy watching moeshit and waifu bait!
>b-but I am not a weeaboo I swear you don't know what that means!!

Top kek

Kill all weebshits

Nice try.
>inb4 "i wanna live on easy mode waah"
You're the reason why the white race is dying.

my side won
your side lost





Sup Forums rightfully thinks of video games (all of them) as degenerate, so you are wrong.

To, Varg. Not than. To.


after you, nigga


Pleas prove me that Western games are better than Japanese games.

near tomato pretty much proved completely that japs are superior to westerners at making video games

western hemisphere btfo

Literally any strategy game

i wonder why the east was last year when the west was delivering goty material like doom, dishonored and titanfall.
yeah.. i guess dark souls 3 happened

Your weebshitness is the only factor making japanese games better in your heads. All of you watch anime and all of you refuse to see how shitty all the 27 parts of your favourite weebshit game are.