So Elite Dangerous is 33% off

So Elite Dangerous is 33% off
Why should I not buy it?

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Oh yeah, I completely forgot that existed.

Because it is a huge waste of time

Because FD has royally fucked any newcomers by removing all the best ways to make big money fast meaning you won't become a billionaire with awesome OP ships like everyone else unless you want to grind tedious missions for literal years.

Devs are incompetent and regularly fucks over their game, world is huge and empty, gameplay is a grind

because 90% of the time is just doing the same quest of transporting goods from station to station

the story is non-existant except for a few tidbits in the forum

watch this

then look up in youtube the blackhole

there, you have done everything interesting in this game

This game is soooooo empty it's a joke.

what if I like chilling out in space and love euro truck simulator?

wait Star Citizen

it is kind of like truck simulator, except you don't need to pay attention as 90% time is spent jumping - you can play another game while playing elite.

I just want to point out, every complaint in the thread so far is actually just a facet of open world space sims. What the fuck else did you think you were getting into? This is the same shit as X3, Starpoint Gemini, Vega Strike, and just about every other space sim since Frontier: Elite II

It's literally the franchise that made space trucking popular. What else were you expecting?

No other space sim comes close when it comes to sound design and UI. It's a pretty immersive game, especially if you've got a flight sim headtracker

I actually want this, a space sim
I played X3, evochron mercenary and shit like that, and loved them

I just want to clarify
you go to a point, accept cargo, deliver it to some place, and there is literally nothing to do in the game? (besides gunning down some other players)


You are one of the few that can enjoy one of these games. Mad props for Evochron Mercenary, if you ever want to go back to it Evochron Legends is the best razor-sharp refinement of his flight model and game. You'd probably enjoy Elite Dangerous quite a bit, I know it's eh first time your canopy will get shot off of your cockpit in one of these games.

ye i saw this
too bad the game sucks :////

this so much
if you enjoyed ETS and like space, I feel like this could be a perfect match desu

then you're in for a ride. if you got the money, get a HOTAS and voice attack, it'll be top notch comfy space truck. If you're a rich jew, get VR, i bet it's orgasmic. But yes, i can see why people shit on it, and it deserves to be shit on, still love to chill in space and i personally had a few good times with the community too, not sure about how nice it generally is though

well, there are other types of missions, but if you just want some space trucking you're well set. Just watch for those pirates, maybe hire some protection or get a fast ship. Another note, you are not forced to do a mission to exchange cargo, you can simply buy some goods that are common in a planet for a cheap price and sell them in a system where its rare for a higher price and so on

user, please. We're talking about games that exist, not crowdfunding scams.

this applies to all videogames in general

Except there isn't any system to pay for escort (except the trade tokens where you get a tiny percentage of the trade).

What was that? Thought it was a black hole but transparent?

really? haven't played in a year or so, and never did cargo stuff anyway, i thought you had a way to hire mercs, i took it for granted since it should be obvious. didn't they add something like that with the expansion? like if you have a big enough ship you can bring AI pilots with you?

Sure, last 10gb update made it fun.

it is a black hole, they're not all like this IIRC, but very similar

it's tedious in a comfy way, at times it feels like a second job

pretty much like euro truck simulator

>get VR, i bet it's orgasmic

Wait for 3rd gen Vr, for some reason everyone who play tested it failed to say, "oh by the way people the vision is quite palliated."

you can wing up with other players and they'll get a cut of the trade or you hire players or NPC crewmembers that can pilot your shiplaunched fighters, given your mothership is big enough for a fighter bay module

unfortunately can't wing up with NPC mercenaries, I think that feature would be very easy to implement and would add a little more to almost every gameplay style, like bounty hunting and pirating obviously. but also protection for traders and miners.

Because you have seen everything this game has to offer after 30 seconds of gameplay

>for some reason everyone who play tested it failed to say, "oh by the way people the vision is quite palliated."

You don't notice pixels if you supersample. Just need a beefy GPU for it, like 1080+

Only light going into the black hole's event horizon is blocked by it. Nearby light would just get distorted and redirected, similar to going through a giant lens. All those images you see of black holes as black dots in space are probably inaccurate.

>safely flying within 120 km of a black hole
Now this is the actual ridiculous part of the clip.

I have two titans thankyou.

This game is god like, people need to understand this more.

Why do all the ships resembles pizza Hut roof tops?