Monster Hunter Stories

Are you ready to play this, Sup Forums?

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Monster hunter is fucking shit

Holy shit what is this?

>tfw no mhstories on vita

erryday until you like it

>can't ride the objectively best monster in the series, who isn't even in the fucking game at all

im never touching a 3ds ever again. I'm so sick of SHITp quality so never

Already did. Played up to what was probably around 60% of the story and then stopped for no specific reason.

mfw we will never have an english monster hunter mmo in pc

the supers that i've seen are cute. they've made even the annoying ones like Basarios and Gravios look fun.

Please take care of the monster eggs!

>even the annoying ones
The realization that monster hunter is a game that's more annoying than actually fun was the best thing that happened to me.

Yes I love Brachy-San!

I'm still having fun though user, and anyway you won't have to deal with the gameplay you loathe so munch since it's turn-based.

Haven't really been keeping up since I thought we never would get it. How is it for an actual game? Guessing fairly simple but is there enough there to enjoy?

lol nope since I don't like monster hunter


>loathe so munch
You got a slightly wrong idea.

Regardless, I've already played stories. Combat system is pretty braindead. As far as turn based is concerned there are much better games out there, and the story is what you would expect from a saturday morning cartoon or something.
Really the only point to enjoy in this game is the setting/universe if you enjoy monster hunter, which I do to an extend, so to me it was an alright game.


>turn based

Yeah, no. I'm not gonna play the retarded spin-off game just because I like the main series.

Should've announced thi game instead of Generations, maybe Gendditors wouldn't shit up the MH community.