Ninety dollars?!

ninety dollars?!

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You have got to be shitting me.

Why are you surprised? Every accessory for this thing is overpriced as shit.

Nintendo must be making a shitton of money on both the systems and all the extra shit people are buying. I mean, the pro controller I like $70 and it's worth probably around $40.

what's the dock for?

I'm sure China will release their own knockoff dock for 5 dollars sooner or later.

Can't help but think of this

Bending your Switch and scratching its screen.

Those crafty Chinese bastards.

TV output.

whats the picture supposed to be?

looks like someone cut the circuit board in half, considering there seems to be points to attach the rest of it to

Damn it, you beat me to it.

th-that hasn't happened, has it?

Actually it's because of USB C, that shit ain't cheap.

>Super niche peripheral gets a heavy markup

Wow this has totally never happened before!

What? It doesn't even have any green leds like my Razerâ„¢ keyboard.

six thousand four hundred dollars?!

how's that rock you've been living in?

Why would you need to buy another one? Unless you lose it or break it. It should always stay by your tv anyway.

>mfw nintedorks will be purchasing an overpriced TV-output that destroys their beloved overpriced tablet

>B-but others have done it!
>N-Nintendo loves me, they care! Shut up REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

What's that supposed to prove?
It's just the dock, the console is not in there. The board is small, but the case needs to be bigger in order to actually house the console.

If you have multiple Tvs.

>other companies do it
>it's fine
>Nintendo does it
>It's wrong
>It's wrong to bring up the fact that companies have done it before and no one cares

Fucking frogposters

Don't forget to pair it up with your battery pack joy cons.... which already have 20 hours battery life per charge.

You mean earth ?

OP didn't watch the the direct.

The second dock is for when you want to take your switch to another room without unpluging the current one and/or for replacing the old one if you go full retard and manage to break it on purpose, like Cnet broke the back end stand of the Switch on purpose.

That you're paying $90 for literally a plastic square with air inside.


Reported for console wars

The dock I understand. But this is the weirdest and most unnecessary shit.

When would you ever need more than 20h of battery time?

That's the inside of a Nintendo switch dock. Never wonder why it feels so light and cheap?


I will wait for somebody else to make a chargeable extension.

But if that's all they need in it then what's the problem?

>dock costs 60 dollars.
>cable sold separately
>30 dollars.


hey those are qt tho

For shit posting purposes.

the price.

>other companies do it
>it's fine
Nobody said that, faggot.

yeah that's fair

You're paying for quality though, it looks empty but Nintendo designed it that way its a good deal.

>>cables sold separately


Standalone comes with

1. Powercord
2. HMDI cord
3. USB type C jack in

also you need to take into consideration of how much it cost to develop the plastic holding the hardware

how much cost to making, packaging, shipping and maybe some shit more?
I am engineer and I hate when retardeds say thing like these.

>The parts of the iphone cost $60 and they sale it at $400! So unfair!!!!!!

only benefit i see is providing better grip in handheld mode. Otherwise this is Nintendo shilling harder than ever.

Shit I meant it came with 4 USB outlets

Hello darkness my old friend.

it has happened only to like 2 or 3 people, but it has spread over the internet quickly like a raging australian bush fire, it's completely blown out of proportions

Pretty sure the console's making,packaging,shipping and maybe some shit more cost more than the piece of plastic.
and it already came with the consoles when u buy it.

so, after deducting the price.
you literally pay half the price of the console for piece of plastic and AC adapter.

just face the reality.
Nintendo is scamming money off you retarded diehard fans.
It makes business sense to do so.
But it doesn't make sense for you retarded to continue being retarded.

I've got a switch and I like it, but this is bullshit. It should be like $60 AT MOST

>The dock will be sold for $59.99 USD, but it does not come with an AC adapter. That accessory can be purchased for an additional $29.99 USD.

Jesus Christ thats so fucking Jewtendo.

>When would you ever need more than 20h of battery time?
This, especially when you charge your joy cons anyway right there with the switch if you put it into the dock

they should work out a solution for the main battery of the switch first before anything else, that is my major problem with this console

Yeah and you're paying for NINTENDO. QUALITY. This isn't some cheap iphone knock off like has been posted in the thread but quality nitendo plastic, its likely more durable than normal plastic, and so what there is empty space? Did you want it smaller? It wouldn't work as a dock, maybe you wanted them to fill it full of useless weights? There is no pleasing you people. It looks like a solid, well designed dock and I for one can't wait to get my hands on it.

What part of "the housing needs to be bigger than the board" are you having trouble understanding?
Would it be better if they filled the empty space with metal weights like cheap headphones?

>Every accessory for this thing is overpriced as shit.

No, its just you being ignorant

>Design a grip
>Hey why not add a charging feature to this grip
Its basically a better version of a simple grip.

Why they didn't do it for the console itself is beyond me.

Nintendo fans will defend this

>it might be full of empty space
>but it's NINTENDO empty space
>I would give everything I have just to bask in that empty space for five minutes

I hope you're baiting for (you)s

>quality nitendo plastic

I didn't know accessories were the same thing as the console itself. Wowee! I sure wish I could be so fucking blinded by fanboyism that I too one day would lose my literacy!

>tfw have no joy-con issues
>tfw screen is perfect
>no bending even after full days of playing in the dock since launch
>Switch is beautiful and feels premium as fuck, pro controller is one of the best controllers I ever held

Gotta say, feels pretty good lads.

please see

before you go full retard again

you can see some examples on that video

What would you suggest they fill the empty space with? Taking into account that the dock needs to be a certain size, and the board is very small.

Nintendo gives you warranty and post-sale attention. Don't you use it? Good! They make a good piece of plastic.

Adidas, Fiat, even Wallmart and everybody is scamming you with their (maybe) good products.
You can find cheaper options, you know? Maybe they aren't too good, but hey, they are almost at cost price.

I like when people wants to get something paying less, but not with stupid arguments.

why do you care what people spend their money on

>trying to justify the switch's retarded price with the iphone's retarded price
Wow you sure showed us.

>There are actually lazy fucks who will buy this
I mean I can literally move my dock from my living room to my bedroom with 0 efforts but I can't really see a viable reason to buy this shit unless your dock is broken or you are just lazy richfag who doesn't know what to with his money anymore. I can tolerate this if they included the cables,etc. but with that $60, I can literally get laid by using it to pay for hooker.

Something to stabilise and upgrade performance when docked.

You know, like they originally lied about.

Damn, this kid... I forgot that I am in Sup Forums.

Why do you care enough to question those who care. By your own logic, shut your mouth.

Same here, I was really careful with putting it in the dock but after a few days I just started putting it in normally and I haven't gotten a single scratch! And I got pretty lucky with the joycon issue, not that I play it outside of the grip but when I did I didn't experience any issues.

I never noticed any scratches either, but just for peace of mind I ended up buying a tempered glass screen protector. It's so thin you wouldn't even notice it if you don't know, but it's nice to have I guess.

>By your own logic
>It's a question with zero context.
You need to get off the internet for a while.

It is permissible when nintendo does it

You mean the board? That's how it's capable of running games at higher resolutions when docked, it provides power so the components can run at higher clocks.

nothin personnel

They also outright said it's going to be a limited stock too

>The dock will be sold for $59.99 USD, but it does not come with an AC adapter. That accessory can be purchased for an additional $29.99 USD.

>Buy a 150 dollar phone
>has a 1080p screen
>has gorilla glass
>has WiFi and 4g capabilities
>can emulate everything PSP and before just great
>has an Internet browser
It's amazing. For half the price of a switch I get a fucking phone that can outperform it and play the only worthwhile Nintendo games on kek

But the console already comes with a dock

>No buttons

Too bad there's nothing to play on it.

>can buy any USB or Bluetooth controller I want and use it with it
Sure was hard spending 20 dollars on a controller :^)

buying a button adapter is still cheaper

Can you play Zelda BOTW in it?

but does it have Zelda BOTW?


How old is the thing again? Give it more time and we'll se where your premium hardware ends up.

Sounds like a finicky, ergonomic nightmare

Let me know when your $150 chink shit phone can play BotW

Name a single USB-C to HDMI converter with 3 USB ports that doesn't cost $60.

what phone is it? That seems cheap, I wanna get one.

switch is chinkshit

>I-I-It'll fall apart, just you see!

Or you can not be a ham-fisted retard. My PSP is like 10 years old and is still in great shape

But the PSP is well made.

Shit... got me there.

>tfw PC+Androidfag
>mfw use PC to emulate BoTW and play more games that is better in every aspect than Switch
>mfw can use my Phone to play on the go without looking like a manchild.
This is why we always have you in checkmate.

>can you pay $400 for a single game?

There's stuff made in China that has to follow to company's quality standards
>literally anything produced by a non chink company

Then there're are products produced by chink companies that don't have QC at all because it's cheaper

Ulefone or other chinese phone with malware