I've been out of the loop for a while. Why does Sup Forums say this game will be terrible?
Dawn of War III
Looks like League of Legend/Starcraft 2 graphics
pandering to ASSFAGGOTS
>Why does Sup Forums say this game will be terrible?
Because Sup Forums hate games. There was a beta already and it was good.
basically this, + a skill that allows a terminator to jump 10ft which triggers fluffautists
the game is good though
threadly reminder to hide and report 'dawn of war.png'
>terminator to jump 10ft
This is not a terminator. It's a cyborg in custom terminator armour.
but squads & commander units could always jump/teleport in DoW, why the fuss?
The fuss is because Gabriel Angelos now literally jumps really fucking high, which is irrealistic (or at least not consistent with the rules of the 40k-verse) (yes, the same 40k-verse that runs on rule of cool)
I personally don't care much about a single fucking skill in a whole game. DoW1 and 2 has much, much more lore-rapey stuff (starting with Khorne sorcerors/librarians). Call me when they make female Space Marines or make Tau a melee race or something, there I'll be the first to riot.
>make Tau a melee race
You would not believe...
oh, and because I talk about female Space Marines: there is actually a female Knight pilot in the game. And a lot of people just went 'reeeeee female space marine'... except she's a Knight. And there's nothing in the fluff preventing a Knight from being female. She's more of a Mechanicum ally, to compensate for Marines not having huge walkers (it's forbidden since the Horus Heresy)
> irrealistic
If you're talking about Farsight, I'm pretty okay with this
Probably not good for 2 hour casual compstomps.
Lorefags are pissed off, because they always are.
The most complaints I've been hearing are because of the pace of the battles, which is fucked because of defensive emplacements (hence the comparisons to MOBA's) and the cartoony artstyle, which breaks from previous DoW stuff.
>tfw Farsight will be one of tau's elite and add melee doctrine to Crisis suits
>dow 2 units
uh huh
pic related
well, units aren't very reactive when compared to SC2 - or DoW3
My only issue with the game is its visuals. I'm too accustomed to hyper-realistic graphics of DoW 2 that 3 looks like a child cartoon.
first screens were a bit too cartonny indeed, but they tuned it down to acceptable levels now imo. I guess textures/light weren't definitive at the time.
Does anyone have good gameplay videos? By 'good' I mean 'played by a guy who has already plays an RTS in his life and knows he have to cap points in this game'. Here's what I have so far:
on twitch:
videos/134503343 (francophone)
tanks actually need to turn, normal units often gets stuck in thinks like special attack animations and things like that.
Starcraft everything responds to every click instantly.
It's not meant to be an insult, just an observation.
Not the absolute greatest player on earth, but I enjoyed this guy's games.
thanks user-senpai, I'll give it a go later
have 40k art
>no art