MMO, RTS, Strategy, classic RPG

>MMO, RTS, Strategy, classic RPG
>mfw the best genres on PC are dead

Other urls found in this thread:

>Developers still release games in all 4 of those genres
>Still dead somehow

user you're a retard.

It's true though. The PC used to differ from console in its games as well as genres. Now its as different as consoles are to each other. Different IPs, but that's about it.

All of those are boring autist genres

What a shocker

Generation Z cant' handle the complex gameplay and want mindless slasher games and movie-games.

It's all getting dumbed down - movies, games, music, consumer's culture. And why? Because marketing needs more people to buy the product and more people are definitely more stupid.


anyone know the date of when it'll come out? It's gonna have that same trainwreck fun, i just know it

>genres that are only popular on PC are now dead
>genres typically found on consoles still are popular as ever, even on PC
Really makes you think.
PC gaming died a long time ago

kill yourself you underage cunt

Probably because they're shitty casual genre's for autistic fat fucks who need to pause the game every second and can't think for themselves.

they're literally the least casual genres, are you retarded?

So you never actually played them and you're just trying to appear superior to people that play games that require you to have actual physical and mental ability like every other wannabe autistic child that comes here looking for e credit. Hang yourself

Don't worry, eventually Blizzard will make Warcraft IV.

Blizzard is still around? I thought everyone left by now and it's just Activision parading around with the brand name?

I mean really, who is left?

You think RTS', strategy, classic RPG and MMOs are "the most casual genres"? Are you genuinely being serious? Because they are the foundations of PC gaming and some of the deepest games you can play.

> play games that require you to have actual physical and mental ability
Oh I see... "casual" to you just means games without a pro gaymur twitch faggot fanbase. KYS

No, they are not.
Only in one month we have steel division, dow 3, major updates on eu 4 and stellaris,

But this is the best game ever.

Who needs to read text in video games, go read a book instead.

nigga literally half of bloodbornes lore comes from reading the items text you actual retard


Spotted deepest vaati's shill.

jibun wo what
自分を WHAT
WHERE DA VERB that shit better be an abbreviation or im coming for your nads

It's a meme you oddball

You never seen code geass or what?

After blizzard killed it with WoW yeah i don't see many developers chasing this unless its called pokemon
Grey goo tried and failed, i think the problem with this genre is moba sucking all the would be players away
Civ is still around, as is vicky, endless legend, endless space 2 coming, stellaris while problematic has some merit
>classic RPG
can only think of underrail and from what i saw its perhaps light on story..
tis a sad time, not for the right here and now but into the future, if this is all we have

oh, no i have not, i avoid anime with no source material since watching NGE

Nina was the biggest fucking cunt in Code Geass

watch it it's good

Well I understand, I'd never butcher japanese like that but thank you for your concern

>jibun wo what

>Nina was the biggest fucking cunt in Code Geass

Nunally was annoying as fuck.

RPG has been dead for a while

thanks, i finally understand now 冥土の土産

You're forgetting basically every single FPS is only worth playing on PC with a mouse and keyboard.
The converters you can by for consoles are considered cheating by those players
Every single cross platform test between PC and consoles has had to be scrapped, despite the aim assist given to consoles.