Does this even mean something nowadays?

Does this even mean something nowadays?
Since the introduction of DLC, nintendo will sell you incomplete games or just games that dont even work correctly like BotW

Other urls found in this thread:

So how does BotW not work correctly?

It needed a patch to fix shit

Forgot the link
Doesn't even list the changes by the way

Star Fox assault
Star Fox Zero
Metroid Federation Force
Metroid Other M
Mario Tennis Wii u


The seal of quality just means that Nintendo has allowed this game to be published on their system. It's from back when companies would just make games for the system without going through the console developer first. Usually, those games were utter shit, so to protect their brand, Nintendo added the seal for companies that followed their arbitrary rules.

It did? Seemed to work fine for me whenI played it day one.

Aside from framerate issues, did zelda have any bugs or glitches?

It just meant the game was officially published by Nintendo, it had nothing to do with how good a game is

Name me 3 games in the past 5 years that haven't had day one patches. I'll wait

All that means now is "we made sure this won't make your system blow up". Quality be damned.

>Kirby Planet Robotbot
>Mario and Luigi Dream Team
>Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX

Seal of Quality just meant the game would be functional. Back before Nintendo revived the entire industry stores were full of literally broken console games.

When the seal was created back then games couldn't be patched so a lot of buggy games were released, nintendo seals reinforces that the game was tested and working as intended.

And now they are selling games that need to be patched, really nice

only found a bow scope bug

It is still playable out of the box...

There is literally nothing wrong with patching.

It doesn't even say "of quality" anymore
It's just the official nintendo seal now

Go check your games...

What exactly did the patch fix that was broken and didn't let you play the game before it was out?

Did it ever?

> P-p-powerglove

Yeah, fuck that shit

Why should I pay for games that need patches?


There is objectively nothing wrong with patching games
before day one patch
>test game, release it, miss a few bugs because testing takes forever
>those bugs stay in the game forever, unless fans make a patch or the game has some way to get updates
>release game, miss some bugs due to oversight
>patch them ASAP if it's a decent company
>now can spend less time/money stress testing the game
Plus, most of these games are still playable out of the box

Just when you think Sup Forums can't get any dumber

not an argument

No internet, means no patch
Someone without internet will have a game incomplete and with bugs
And dont forget the paid DLC that should be on the game for free

>Someone without internet
>Can buy 250-300$ console
>Can afford 60$ game
>Can't afford internet

nintendo is for babies

>having internet in the middle of the Amazon
>having internet in a deserted island in the middle of the ocean
>having internet in middle of the Sahara

>DLC has been around since 2006
>only a problem when nintendo starts doing it

Games needed to be patched back in the day, too. There's a reason why some ROMs you download have several different versions of them. It's because back then, when something needed to be changed, they had to release another cart to fix it.

>people didn't complain when Microsoft and Sony did it

I hear ya, OP. Back in the good ol' days, the seal of quality meant a game was tantamount to perfection.