BOTW comes out, frame rate is meh

>BOTW comes out, frame rate is meh
>everyone shitpost about it
>Nintendo totally fixes frame rate on switch via patch
>noone even mentions it
Truly we are all in Sonyga/v/

I sense a "It's only okay when Nintendo does it!" thread coming along.

>fixes it
>game still runs like shit


Maybe they should try fixing the non-existent content, the repeat puzzles, the shit combat, the retarded AI, the shit music, and make an actual game that isnt just empty space and waiting on a stamina bar to traverse it.

Why would it only be okay when Nintendo fixes their games? It's something every dev should do

Lmao sonybros are still buttblasted

>game still runs like shit
It actually doesnt and you'd know that if you had it. I played for 5 straight hours yesterday not a single frame drop

I own the game, faggot.

>Sony's online is shut
>Everyone shitposts about
>Take steps to improve it
>Nobody mentions it

Really gets the noodle cooking

Ask me how I know you haven't played the game.

>Has frame-rate issues to begin with
>They don't even actually fix it
>Game is still an extremely flawed release not worthy of the Zelda title

Shame they couldn't patch actual dungeons in.

I'm really glad Sony improved their online user

Yep, I know. But doesn't mean you aren't buttblasted about it and have to seek to validate your shit opinion in every semi-related thread, sonybro

>They don't even actually fix it
But they did... Unfortunately cemu doesn't get the patch

>game still runs like shit
>he's actually lying on the internet

Whew talk about Burch tier.

Let me guess, because he doesn't subscribe to the shitty hivemind?

I'm glad.

I see OP's post, but all I can read is "Yahaha"

They actually did improve the frame rate, watch digital foundary. The problem areas (which averaged 25) are now averaging 29. On switch, of course

On WiiU? I'm playing it on that and haven't seen any improvements on my end, pretty embarrassing if they've fixed one console and not the other, the game costs $60 on both platforms.

How am I a Sony fan for disliking a mediocre game again?
You seem to be the only buttblasted one that can't aceept any criticism for your cult game that is more brand than quality.

Want a picture or what?

Nah, you are merely buttblasted that people think the game is good. I am not the one spamming my opinion everywhere seeking validation.

Yeah fag, go for it. Don't forget to timestamp it.

>he owns a Wii U
>still bought the game

Where did I imply I'm buttblasted over people thinking it's good? I don't really care what fanboys like you think.

How am I spamming, lmao. These mental gymnastics.

Sounds like a sonyhomo to me

Then why did you post it in this thread, if not to seek someone who agrees with you? Man drop the pretense, admit that you are mad that this Zelda is not yet another OOT clone

So a game running as it should be is news now?

>keeps calling others out for the shit tactics he employs
Liberal sonygaffer spotted

so the game runs at 60fps now
breddy good

my wiiu copy is patched and it still freezes when you try knocking moblins off a mountain

What about the Wii U?

Read the post again, the switch version has stable frame rate not the wiiu

Nope, Wiiu plebs getting BTFO again and again

Because the game still runs like shit and has drops.

Game is actually the worst game I played this year actually.

Should have called the console the Shitch.

>he fell for the windows 10 meme

But what you posted had nothing to do with drops

Just admit that you are desperate for people to agree with you, as most enjoy the game

A Surface Pro 4 works best with 10; that being said detracting and attacking me on other matters is fucking hilarious and childish, but expected of Nintendo shills.

>implying I give a shit about a few drops in fps

Game is great, just like dark souls 1 was. I don't care if it goes to 20fps every now and then.

Read it again.

>says the W10 shill, while attacking someone and playing the vicitm
How much do they pay you, pajeet?

>the non-existent content
U wot
>the repeat puzzles
Only a few puzzles are repeated, most are generally different
>shit combat
>shit music
Again objective
>empty world
So much objectiveness
>internet explorer
Jesus Christ fucking normalfag

>Wii U version
fucking idiot

Nintendo is for babies
This is an 18+ site.

Uh huh. Says the person supporting a shitty tablet.

No content, the game has nothing but korok seeds and shrines that play really fleeting and fast. Nothing is well designed except set pieces, where most puzzles converge into the same ideas. Nothing new develops post tutorials because they never give you more tools or levels, just hearts and stamina you never need, and a master sword that still breaks. Its just poor design and falls victim to what a lot of open world games do.

Yeah, it objectively has shit music, empty world, and combat, agreed.

>my opinion is fact
>says the one who has the Wii U and bought games for it
Lmao go back to shilling W10

>Hiding the edges of the game case so no one knows its a Wii u copy.

Nice try fggt.

why you don't talk about the superior version on cemu

What makes you think the Switch isnt just another Wii U lmao

I like how you seek to attack me on an OS instead of what were actually talking about because you need to label me. Here let me try, I bet your a retarded, antisocial, ugly fuck that uses Nintendo as a coping platform to make up for your lack of belonging by cheering for the underdog. Anything hit?