But how to we get them to Pokémon go to the polls?

But how to we get them to Pokémon go to the polls?

Other urls found in this thread:


By fucking dabbing.

She didn't even get the line out properly. It was like, "how do we get them to go make them go pokemon go to the polls.

With that kind of charisma how could this daughter of Moloch not win??

Would anything be different right now if she won Sup Forums?

half the planet would be a nuclear wasteland
the other half would finally come to its senses though, take away womens rights and lock them up like our ancestors used to

Every day I wake up I thank God that I'm in the Trump timeline. Clinton was the strongest example I've ever seen for evidence of lizardpeople operating in our government. Her pandering was so blatantly hamhanded it was as if some alien species binge watched mtv and Twitter posts for a month before making first contact.
>speaks in horribly fake southern accent when visiting the South
>Pokemon go
And I'm sure there's plenty more. The mainstream media lapped it up like the cute little soros puppets they are though, can you imagine the absolute shitstorm that would have exploded nationwide if Trump had told some black guy that he always carries hot sauce with him in his bag?

Still won the popular vote desu

Thank god it does not work that way.

No, the outcome would be the same they wanted ww3, we are just doing it in a different style

The young voters should have got off their asses and won her a few more states, but seeing as they all decided to stay home election day they are getting what they deserve.

>football game ended 21-3
>but the losing team r-ran more yards!
Pathetic desu


mm so glad i turned 18 right before the election to vote for our president

It's not fair! It was HER turn! How could she lose to drumpf? SHE EVEN HAD THE DANKEST MEMES!


Less people voted for Trump than Hillary

>half the planet would be a nuclear wasteland
Why? Because she wanted to bomb Syria and start a war? Hmm...

Shut the fuck up. No one cares what some mouthbreathing liberal has to say about anything. Ever.

That's always my favorite response to post on Reddit too!

>mexicans and niggers

The electoral vote is what matter in America not the popular vote. I suggest you learn that should you want change.

She wanted to bomb Russia.

>yfw i was 23 and voted Trump

And he still won.

No, because she wanted to deliberately provoke Russia and start a world war, retard.

First, you meant to type fewer. Second, California liberals don't count as people.

it's a good thing our election system isn't about who got the most votes then

I, for one, can't wait for 2020 so she runs and gets crushed even harder

Pokemon go to fucking jail.

Things wouldn't be as tense. More push for new energy technology. More push better pre k education, college. Better overall.

We would have bombed all of Syria four months ago. So a four months happy delusion that the machine wouldn't need feeding was earned.

let's not forget that this woman is literally a cuckqueen

We really need to change the system. It doesn't seem fair that a bunch of mountain folk get to fuck over the whole country with their meme president.

>I don't care what the rules for the chess game are, I have more pieces on the table!

>No, because she wanted to deliberately provoke Russia and start a world war, retard.

Thank god we dodged that bullet then...


>it isn't fair that all of the farmers subsidizing my life in San Francisco with food and water get to have a voice too!

>implying the Jeb surge ain't coming

>War in syria cause she would have gotten emotional over the kids
>Constitution changed cause muh kids getting killed by guns
>More shit skins let in driving down wages, and making fat cats richer

Yeah they do. Like half the country is Democrat, a bunch within that circle identify as liberal. It makes no sense to say no one cares when its obvious people do.

>100k votes in three states mattered more than 3 million everywhere else
>not a broken system
Shouldn't you be too busy fucking your sister-cousin to shitpost, Cletus?

>changing the Constitution

You don't know anything about government, do you?

>Less people voted for Trump than Hillary

>Flipped 4 former blue states
>Flipped THIS pic related
>3 states recounted, and Dems lots hundreds of thousands of votes while Trump gained votes
>Not even counting the most corrupt state, California

I don't know how it is possible for one person to flip so many former blue states and NOT get the popular vote. Something fishy as fuck went down.


>it's fair that their voice counts over ten times as much as a californian!
If the people can be trusted to vote for the president, the electoral college has no reason to exist.

Ah another politics meme thread.
Instead of arguing, post something game related.

>it was fine when my nigger won with it

It was actually painful how she attempted to be "hip with the kids"

Atleast Trump never tried to hide that he was a wealthy businessman who didn't give a shit about non wealthy whitemen.

Im still shocked our 2 candidates were such obviously horrible people.

Because they are literally a huge minority yet get to dictate huge swaths of legislation. They keep holding the whole country back because they still wish it was the 50s.

Obama got the popular vote too dipshit

Check the margin's of victory. It was an incredibly close race.

>The Falcons ran more yards than the Patriots, they're the REAL superbowl winners!

You lose interest in that once you turn it into a meme.
Sadly, that was all the elections were to people.

>You don't know anything about government, do you?

I can tell you love talking shit without knowing anything. All the changes to the constitution started with Presidential appeal. Congress didn't just all decide one day they were going to add to it, fuck face.

It's a fair counter point to the swathes of disgusting brown immigrants and """AMERICANS""" having a voice in our election.


>im just gonna be a racist ass with no arguments
You people are the fucking worst m8. More people want progress, they want better technology, they want better education. You fuckers would throw everything that makes this country great away just for a chance at irl shitposting.

>>changing the Constitution

If Hillary Clinton became the 46th president of the United States, she would have appointed a supreme court justice who then would have ruled against gun rights.

In 2008 the Supreme Court ruled that the 2nd amendment grants individuals an unalienable right to keep and bear arms. She literally campaigned against this. That ruling was 5-4.

The Supreme Court in 2008 was 1 vote away from ruling the 2nd amendment does NOT grant ANY individual right to keep and bear arms.

Hillary Clinton campaigned to do this, and had the opportunity to put a supreme court justice inside the court.

The Constitution is under direct attack right now. Everyone attacking it, including HRC, are traitors.

>If the people can be trusted to vote for the president,

Let's be honest: Hillary wouldn't do shit for the rust belt like Trump is(n't) either. So Electorial College or not, our generation would still be fucked because neither one has appealing policies.

Honestly, I'm glad Trump won. Maybe next time the DNC will listen to the socialist that has been gallivanting a young voter-bloq like Obama had.

No young person (especially the ones hitting their 30's) should like Hillary.

>sports analogy
Wow, you've somehow discovered something even shittier than a good analogy

how do we get them to pokemon go back to Sup Forums?

cry more fgt

except the analogy makes sense retard

Hillary got more votes overall but trump got more votes where it counted

>Socalism is awesome! Just look at Venezue-

>le Sup Forums boogeyman
Not my president

first, San Fransisco gets vaporized by Russian space weapon

>implying the DNC won't not continue to cuck bernie again in 2020

Saddle up for president biden

>literal racism
Are you trying to sound reasonable?

Get fucked. I rather hang with brown folk liberals and immigrants that actualy love this country than your racist ass. You would throw away everything just for your racism. People like you are anti American. Fuck you.


I wonder how much longer Trumpfags are going scapegoat Hillary as a warmongering monster trying to embroil us in international conflict now that Trump is proving to be Bush 3.0

I have never been "triggered" before but damn this came close.

>thread literally nothing to do with videogames
>le boogeyman

>No, because she wanted to deliberately provoke Russia and start a world war, retard.
Good thing Trump won then huh? :D

Hillary would have been an extremely dangerous President, she has no many friends in high places should would have been able to do anything she wanted.
Trump clearly does not have that kind of pull and its clear the House will fight him on everything.

What's the downside?

>where it counted
>one person's vote counting more than another's is okay because of where they live
How is this okay to you?

>It was an incredibly close race.

If all the blue states stayed blue, like when they did with Obama, Hillary would have won and all her projections were accounting for that AND adding up false poll number from other states. That's why everyone was giving her the win.

And sorry, I don't buy this assumption. It wasn't close at all when so many states turned, not to mention this was with all the celebrity hatred, media spinning and that Trump himself isn't generally a nice person.


>It's a good thing the system favors Democrats
As the bigger states get bigger it gets even harder for Republicans to win unless they start appealing to states like California.

Texas of all places even swung to Hillary because it is increasingly becoming more liberal. A better candidate might have had it flip.

you can fuck off to reddit since you're not contributing to this thread then louser

Oh come the fuck on.

Dead people deserve to vote Democrat too because of trans rights or something.

So we fuck up? She should have won

it ends on a cliffhanger with no sequel

>People like you are anti American. Fuck you.

>You americans are anti americans for not letting us do what we want!

Yeah nah, fuck off retard. We're not Europe.

For a concrete example: A few hours before Trump launched a strike on one Syrian airfield as a show of force, Hillary suggested we should bomb the shit out of Syrian airfields (plural).

youre right its such an epic thread im glad youre contributing :)

Bernie is running for senator in 2020. It will be biden or hillary again. And remember the bernie side of the democractic party are not gaining traction no matter what redditors say. That commie traitor senator will never be president.

Look. I agree the system needs a rework. But you have to admit some people's opinions should matter more than others.

Fuck DRUMPF and fuck DRUMPFLETS (white males)

Are we assuming the same seats going to majority republicans but with Hilary instead of Trump as president? They'd fight Hilary far more than they're fighting trump now, which they aren't really doing at all.

Do you want every election to be decided by Californians?

The President needs to be beneficial to people of all states

By ignoring or saging their threads and not giving them the conflict they crave. They only dump their shit here because they like to argue and can't get that inside their hugbox.

>political thread
>dumping on Hillary six months after the election FOR the election
>this is somehow not a Sup Forums thread
You're either stupid or baiting.

Dude you are anti American. People like you are pretty much what America stands against, remember America unlike other countries wad made as an ideal.

>How is this okay to you?

because direct democracy doesn't work

Why are you arguing for direct democracy after this country, before it was founded, realized it was a bad idea and didn't start with it?

Why are you moving the goalposts?

>a figurative cuck prefering unwashed brown nondescript immigrants to his own countrymen

I am so glad that we are going to enjoy 8 years of nationalism and stricter immigration policies. Brown people from xxxxistan being literally nothing of value here

>OH NOOOO! Who will mow our Beverly hills lawns or run our late night 7/11s?

>tfw young voters did go out and vote
>tfw liberals are too autistic to see that generation Z is the most conservative generation since WWII

If the majority of the nation lived in California, then yes.

Better than letting a bunch of racist hicks in literally who states have like four times as much value as anyone else

Hillary might as well be Trump's secretary of state