Resident Evil

New Vendetta screenshots, you faggots. Also more info on some characters

Pic related is not-Bane

>Diego is Arias' bodyguard. He is a giant and always wears a mask to hide his ugly transformed face.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Maria is a supporter of Arias, with blonde hair & slender build.

>Like Diego, Maria's body has been enhanced and holds only faint traces of emotion, of which she shows only to Diego.

>Glenn Arias: ex-military weapons dealer/international felon. Envisions terrorist attack in NY using a New Virus. He's a calm, theoretical businessman & founder of "Agua Co," a manufacturer of drinking water & other materials.

Aaand i think that's it. Hope we get a new trailer soon.

even ingame cutscenes and wes anderson flicks are better than these full leight animation movies

>ingame cutscenes
i actually agree

>paul anderson movies
jesus christ no

I'm too old and jaded to find this "cool"

She will be nowayfag by Leon

Leon was pretty receptive to Angela or whatever her name was in the first movie. The gag shorts even made jokes about them fucking and getting married(and Claire being jealous).

They even talked about how when writing Leon and Ada's interactions in Damnation, they wrote them as if they secretly met and went on dates between missions for their respective factions.

If anything, Leon is just chivalrous and professional towards women where it might be more complicated than an easy fling(e.g. the President's daughter).

Why is he so big

I've been thinking of watching Degeneration and Damnation, is there any continuity between the two? I might not watch Degeneration because on netflix it's only in like Italian in Portugese for some reason and the other websites it's on seem kind of shitty

>watching on netflix

Those are fine:

Degeneration takes place after RE4, Damnation takes place after RE5.

Tell me about Diego! Why does he wear the mask?

Is Edonia really that bifg of a shithole in real life?

For a second I thought this was a batman title.

Based Leon has fucked every girl on the franchise

How can Chris even compete? Even his little sister's pussy got absolutely destroyed by Leon "Chad" Kennedy probably

If I pulled that off, would he die?

>Ada, wait!
*grappling hooks away*


I could never figure out which strain of plagas was in Damnation. Glad I finally got to see T-virus creatures being controlled by plagas, though.

>theoretical businessman

>wants to spread a virus
>sells drinking water

>Bane's name is "Antonio Diego"
>RE Bane's name is "Diego"

Will the water filter salesman make a cameo?

>Alex Jones in the Resident Evil universe
Shit would be great

>*grappling hooks away*


I wonder what's the next step of his masterplan

I don't know what this is on account of being dull

>he doesn't know about Alex Jones

He's just some paranoid crank that sells water filters to good goys.

>Ethan was a system engineer before RE7

How does that make you feel?

Source is the RE7 guidebook, released in Japan.

getting caught I would assume

>when brainwashed Jill gives you the succ

A reasonable background, if we assume Ethan is in his early-mid 20s just like most RE characters at the time of their introduction. This gives him a year or two of work experience and four to six years of university education

that also means he wasn't a Umbrella scientist

Someone needs to make an edit of the I Wanna Fuck that Rabbit post

Set from my Galaxy S7 using speech to text

He's an Umbrella engineer

He's a big guy

It would be extremely painful

for you.

Glad...Ethan confirmed for /ourguy/

>huge dork...never did sports growing up
>nerd job as sistem engineer
>go to hell and back to save his wife...i friggin 6/10 at best by RE standards

Pretty gud IMO

>He didn't fly so good

You forgot the obnoxious and dumb-founded commentary of chris.

>He's a merchant of death.

it's a hint towards him being HUNK

>this guy somehow managed to take on Jack on multiple occasions

Everything for a pussy famalan

>Mia's dirty, ugly, stinky pussy

Hers is still better than the dirty, stinky, ugly pussies of the old hags in RE

At least RE girls have a tight virgin pussy other than Ada

Ada is a whore

Any new pics of best girl?

Link ? I can't find them.

And Jill, since she got ravaged by Nemesis.

Delet this


>not sluts

Top kek, only Claire is pure.

>Rebecca, the only one to get her life straight and get a real job is a slut

>Claire who literally throws her pussy at Leon and had a boy toy named Steve isnt a slut

Explain yourself

Leon rejected her and Steve died. She is 100% pure.

is that why she's is 40 years old and still can't settle down with a man?

She chose to be pure user, a lifetime of fighting zombies and Umbrella scum has taken its toll on her.

She will find love one day.

Is this movie going to be straight to dvd or what?


I think it'll be screened for one day only, and only in select cinemas.



>see thread
>Think it's DLC for RE7 or something
>google it
>Turns out it's some animated movie

>not knowing how to download streaming

>downloading streams

Lara pls go

>he wanted it to be about Texas Chainsaw Massacre 7
>doesn't know how to feel about a new movie with Becky in it

It's like you didn't enjoy the original RE games.

>Not Enjoying RE7
>thinking the movie will be closed of classic RE
>Think your opinions of old games are relevant

Well thanks to show you dont know shit about old RE

Enjoy your michal bay explosionfest movie with best girl showing for 10 minutes tops

I bet you haven't even watched the other two cgi movies.

Of course I least degeneration show best couple surviving a hard situation and danmation resembles more RE4 than anything.

I really hope vendetta dont becomes a shitfest like RE6 but I am afraid by the info we have so far.

>Generic soldier sidekicks for no reason
>Fucking anime henchmans for the villain
>Three skyscrapers being pierced explosionshit

Best girl deserves better

They have said that Vendetta will take inspiration from RE1 (which is why they'll have the mansion and etc) and also anime like Psycho Pass for some reason. I think it might be decent if they do it well

Also Leon/Chris might have some great banter

One day Leon might take her out of the 20-year friendzone. On that day we'll finally get our promised Leon/Chris/Claire/Jill game.


The dream team.

Capcom pls.

They even teased us on that pic. Fucking cunts, why didn't they do it in RE6?

This. Though i think he just threw a BONEr to Claire anyways since its the only thing she lives for.

they are just waiting for the right moment

its gonna be a VR exclusive title

>enjoying outlast 2: re edition
>thinks movie is gonna be some action flick
>doesn't think playing old re affects the validity of your opinion.

Nu/v/eddit, everybody.

>when it shows inside the mansion and its similar to RE1 mansion

I'm even more hyped

I'm hyped for Leon and Chris's bromance. Hopefully they fuck in front of Claire


>Still going for debunked buzzwords
>thinking the movie wont gonna be action oriented
>after the friggin trailer showing up more action than anything

Aparently having a mansion with the same atmosphere isn anough for you people since RE7 have that...but its ok for the Vendetta even tough its obviously will be the shortest part of the movie.

you are not only being full reddit but outright retarded.You really think this isnt a action flick with shit like pic related?top kek

Not surprised that RE7 shitposters are full retards.Not surprised at all.

Blair Witch Project 7 is reddit, go over there and join your kind, I'm sure they must love that game.

Fucking LEONfags

Literally self-cucking

ok so ive never played a resident evil game but ive always wondered this
is human society still functioning?
why would a terrorist attack on NY matter if its all zombies? i mean they all look like soldiers so obviously there are functioning militias
or is it just parts of the world infected with civilization being 60% or so unchanged?
is there a psychic superpowered waifu like in the shitty movies and it so who is she?
why wont leon fug claire?
i recently got RE4-7 on steam and im gonna play them after i finish the game im on

Go play it m8

For your questions:


What do you mean?

It was mostly parts of the world, isolated incidents. RE6 went kinda apeshit though, the fucking president became a zombie and everything,

I didn't play REV2, so is Alex Wesker superpowered like Albert is? Anyway, if she isn't, i can't think of none. RE is anime as fuck but not to THAT level

I've been asking that myself since '98. The most correct answer is because he wants Ada's stinky spy pussy that he'll never get

Play RE1-3 first. Seriously. Just pirate them, you can buy REmake on Steam though

Reddit fucking LOVES RE7. Like, they think it's a 11/10 modern masterpiece.

source: i actually visit there once in a while to see if i've missed any news

i like RE7, i was just stating a fact

A virus leak is dangerous because it infects literally everything. You've got zombie rats, crows, even zombie plants. So it's pretty difficult to contain. However human society still functions, and the UN has a military branch dedicated to these outbreaks by 5.
All outbreaks have been pretty localized, and do about as much damage as a small war or rebellion at most.
No, there's no psychic waifu (yet).
Leon's Adasexual and also the worst guy in the series
If you play 7 without playing the earlier games, you'll miss a lot of nods to the earlier games. In encourage you to muster up your autism and at least watch a playthrough.

Leon isn't Adasexual, he's a closet homo. He had sex with Luis, the merchant and the president, but kept all that a secret.


>get fucking told
>Redditor!buzzwords!please dont laugh at me!

Thanks to make my day dumbfuck

Everyone that is not a shitposter with brain tumor can at least admit it a step of the right diretion alter the mess that was RE5/RE6 and the alwful spin-off...even people that didnt like the game(and give reasons for that) admit that.

But hey is good to have retards likeandTo have some laughs

I wouldn't mind games like 5/6 to be spinoffs. They had some potential.

I actually like the REvelations games because of that too...spin-offs with more action starring the old cast.

I just really want the clunkness and atmosphere the old ones have...RE7 gives me that.

On and when i mean awfull spin offs,i was talking about ORC/Umbrella Corps

I will never understand how Umbrella Corps is fucking canon