How did we go from this...
How did we go from this
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LMAO what the fuck is this? Looks like some f2p game
Thanks women
No sir, what you're witnessing right there is a paid AAA game made by Ubisoft.
I heard dlc ops were outsourced
Exactly why they're shit.
Look at pic related, it's authentic ubisoft concept art
Now compare it to my other pic (hooded emo on the left), they're supposed to be the same character, yet look at the difference.
LOL ubisoft pushing out the 3/10 trash as usual then
Who the fuck plays this SJW baby's first game garbage?
how to spot an idiot
Yes, goyim, no SJW here!
Such beautiful and strong operators like are natural in the world! They're a sign of diversity in these trying times!
time to grow up kid
Those aren't that bad, what was worse is one of the writters inserting a fucking moor in the spanish operators because she's a kebab too.
Considering the company is french, that's like putting salt on a wound.
That was actually a nice chance to put a cameo in his last name
Al Hassar means sieger in arabic
Who the fuck still buys Ubi's trash?
I almost got this game when it came out... now I'm definitely not going to get it.
Stop trying to fit in.
They could've used that on any of the french operators, since France is actually full of kebab, unlike Spain.
Doc is algerian
Kateb is arabic for writer
cav is fine tho
Someone get Doc in here
>even though 3/4 of the roster are white males people still unironically think seige is SJW because there are 8 females (5 of them are DLC)
Hibana does have a shit design tho
Best girl
>He posts the worst DLC characters
>Edge mcedge, in both character appearance, voice lines and bio
kys and stay kys
Cav would be 10/10 with no face paint
(in terms of appearance), The only good DLC ops are buck, blackbeard and capitao
That isn't operator as fuck at all
Echo is Terrorwave as fuck
>Hair is waaay out of regs
>no body armor, just a bunch of mag pouches strapped to his belt
>shitty blue jacket instead of something ARCTERYX or TAD
Didn't you know Spain was invaded by the arabs a long time ago?
Is this some new meme where people call Siege SJW?
His kneepads qualify him as a 3 armor OP.
How i just realized this i will never know.
Superior japanese operators folded over 1000 times
If only in game habanero was as beautiful as that fan-art hibana
Spicy Jap is cute!
Hell no. That fucking eyepatch is retarded
Again, not as bad as making a spaniard a moor, trust me. Then again, there are 3 other french-french operators.
And? kebab was removed like no serbs have ever done. Spain best kebab remover.
Why are you so butt blasted exactly?
a fuckton moors still exist in spain today
OP is probably some faggot who couldnt troll the general anymore so he decided to go with Sup Forums
Less than in Germany and France atm.
>female BOPE
remember when this image made sense?
OP didn't complain about SJWs, he complained about garbage character design
Caveira looks Edgy McEdge and Habanero looks like something that'd come out of a cyberpunk korean MMO
t. OP
through a really big fuckin hole
man FUCK post dust line siege, shit's unbalanced as fuck
seems like ubisoft just follows this cycle:
>Add OP character (Hibana, BB,Capitao)
>Milk him
>Nerf him to the ground
Meanwhile Kapkan, IQ,Blitz and Tachanka are STILL useless
Kapkan is useful to slow down rushers, if you're smart about your EDD placement
Blitz is also a really good anti roamer, his only problem is his hitbox and shields being fucking broken in general (getting shot through it all the time)
nigga what
dustline was terrible
Red Crow was good balance
One of the Hong Kong operators have something to do with barbed wire
They nerfed barbed wire on the test server and the leaks reported something with caltrops
Iq and Kaplan have both been buffed.
Good balance my ass, fucked blackbeard to the ground, introduced hibana who is still semi-OP right now even after nerfing her
Who are we kidding here? anyone who isn't half blind can see kapkan's traps from a mile away even when running, i can confirm that since i main cap and i come running i see them easily, And all good kapkan spots are well known by now.
Frags aren't enough buff, her gadget is still useless, and kapkan's laser still sticks out like a whore in a church
>Gotta do a black ops mission
>Hold on, gotta put on my make-up.....
Blackbeard is still good you fucking mong
>sticks out like a whore in a church
If only
Ya pretty much this. And it's bullshit because most people don't want to pay real money for new operators. New ops come out, faggots who bought both season passes get them 2 weeks early completely take advantagw of their OP weapons and gadgets pre nerf, and that's it. Reg players are left getting their shit pushed in while they scramble to get 25k renown while working/going to school/ having a family etc. would be really nice to see a game take that kind of shit into consideration for balance. Ubi acts like "all micro transactions don't actually affect in game play" which is a load of horse shit. If you blindly bought both dlcs and spent over $120 on a game that should have never been more that 60 with all dlc and all operates available you are a piece of shit and it's pieces of shit like you that ruined the internet, video games, cable tv, and social media.
hes mediocre at best now, his shield can barely even tank one shot now and most of the time people will just ignore the shield entirely
he was good when his shield had 850 hp
Literally get gud
No he's fucking shit
as soon as you pop up your side of the shield exposes you, not only the enemy sees it first and destroys it, but it gets you killed since the enemy knows you're there
>le git gud
you can't defend this garbage balancing?
>big booty
you half blind or what?
>Counter terror op
good post
IQ is useful to find a pulse/Yokai drone/black eyes.
It went to shit once they started to get too deep into characterization. I'd rather have more generic looking operators, instead it's all retarded non-matching outfits and pink guns.
so are my drones
The problem with counter picks is that you don't know what ops the enemy team has, it's a hit and miss, if the enemy doesn't happen to have pulse or echo, Congratz you made a useless pick
like pre-buff glaz on plane, it's gambling if the enemy team will pick meeting room or luggage hold
>hooded "assassin" girl #38484080
fuck's sake
Oh please, don't comment yet until you've checked her bio
>th-there's a reason why the design is generic!
fuck off
>They nerfed barbed wire
How so?
I use barbed wire all the time so I'm concerned.
No i'm saying you should read her bio because it's even more laughable than her appearance m8
People can't design women without trying to show their bodies or skin.
You can very clearly see that he's wearing a plate carrier. this?
They tried that with original the Twitch model, and they still screwed it up, then made it even worse when they tried to fix it.
fock off m8
you guys do make valid points. i guess she could use some more buffs.
Twitch is best girl