What makes Tharja so sexy?

What makes Tharja so sexy?

Her hair.

I like her voice.

her long, slutty legs


The full-body stockings.

The outfit, the personality, and the dark magic

THIS. Also her feet, but that's personal preference

The only correct answer

Stockings are probably the greatest thing humans have ever made.

My my. What we have here?

Her stocking feet are pretty nice.

if i was forced to nut on one fig before i die it would probably be this one

Bodystocking + nice legs = Hitting off the assfags, thighfags, and footfags all at once

I'm an assfag and a legfag and I've gotta say I would let her have sex with me.

>Long hair
>Good looking face
>Obsessive personality
>Stocking body suit

Basically, she was designed from the ground up to be a waifu


well, fuck me, i'd rather kms

>Basically, she was designed from the ground up to be a waifu

Am I the only Panne fag?

She's a dumb racist. Why would anybody want her?

Everything. She was made to give you two perfect daughters.

Oh for fuck's sake

6 please 6 6 6 6 6

6, because dubs are impossible fuck you mods I want Kiryu to sing with me.

Yes you dumb rabbitfucking race traitor

>veiny ape

No thanks

Panne was great. I had her and two bunny monster children.

Tharja is my waifu
And I love her very much

Get in line faggot.

The fact that she was an old ugly witch who stole a beautiful young woman's body

Body is kinda hot, but too bad her face ruins it

You don't need to be that mean to him.

No cure for shit taste

Fuck off

Who edited that pic?

I did. It's just something I did when I was bored.


I really want to fuck a dragon

Footfags need to be gassed

That's kinda funny desu

Used goods


Says the bane poster

Leggins and stocking are always fine.

From the first moment of Fire Emblem Awakening i was in love with Tharja, she is the perfect embodiment of everything i love in a women, from a looks standpoint and even down to her personality. She’s a very obsessive woman which is exactly what i like in a woman. Ever since the games US release, iv’e never looked back on any other fictional women that i had used to admire but never really considered a Waifu. So i can say with pride that Tharja is my one and only Waifu, and she is absolutely perfect. I even celebrated my anniversary with her in game this year, i love her that much.


Please don't shitpost with CIA



So she was designed to be perfect?

How would it feel to ejaculate inside Tharja?

Foot fags. are coming. for your butt.

Like ejaculating through a body stocking.

Waaaaaah, I don't like fetish, boo hoo hoo!

I've seen those videos.


the fact she is a knock-off eska.
which means eska is better.

Is Tharja the kind of girl who falls in love with you but only wants you to put it in her butt because she doesn't want to lose her v-card until a special time but really wants your dick in her?

>he doesn't watch JAV

i bet tharja would love to get DP'd

No, she only wants you to put it in her butt because she does anal exclusively and the more taboo it is, the more excitement she gets.

Awakening - April 2012

Korra Season 2 - September 2013


>Awakening's Japanese release date: April 19, 2012
>Eska's first appearance: July 19, 2013


she got a bum

Is she the type of girl who would give you a prostate massage?


With her high heels most likely.

f-fuck you, the nips must have seen concept art and stolen it!

That's crazy innovative. also hot.


No, you have wonderful taste.

unf, the best part of eska is you get her trap brother for free.
would you rather fuck eska's dominatrix pussy or her brother's submissive trap boipucci?


canine pussy?

I doubt you'd be able to have one without being forced to have the other

Easiest choice of my life.

Is that Loss?

>tfw i have a janine the dragonnes from bad dragon
feels good to fuck a dragon pussy, desu

Big smelly feet!



Remove thyself.

I'd hit that 3D Tharja, several times. Nonstop.

>being german
>leben ist leiden

>boob mole


I'd hit her too.

With a crowbar.

Is she the "canon" wife?

Needs a cum edit.

I wish I could jerk off again without feeling like utter garbage

Start going to the gym. Post workout faps are the best I've ever had.

shits expensive I need that money for drugs

ohy my god more

But fapping is a drug user

The Fap Drug has never been more deadly. Say nope to Fap Drug user.



Do you like dick sucking lips?


>tfw my hard drive died and I lost my 5 year old Tharja folder


This nigga gets it.