So I'm playing Secret of Mana with my friend Senate over ZSNES...

So I'm playing Secret of Mana with my friend Senate over ZSNES. We just got to The Empire (more than halfway through the game), and he's still wearing his fucking power wrist. It has 4 defense, as opposed to the ~20 defense from the armor avialable to us right now (this makes a lot of difference in the world of mana), but he keeps it anyways because it has +5 STR which he is convinced is more important than any amount of defense (it's not).

So while we were in the shop at The Empire, he gave up control of his character for a moment to go AFK, so I popped into his inventory and unequipped his power wrist so I could sell it and buy a Golem Ring instead. He noticed soon after he returned that his power wrist was missing, and became irate.

So now we're on our way to "potatos" (he means Potos Village) to buy back his power wrist. What he doesn't know is that he can buy it at the shop we just left in The Empire.

lol you so crazy

Nice blog. How do I subscribe?

Who was in the wrong here?

Let the guy use his dumb accessory. I haven't played the game, but if he dies, what happens? Just let him stay dead while you play.

reeeeee filters

>stale pasta

Quality thread

I'm just gonna be the first one to say that OP is just a copypasta off some old ass image, but I wonder how many anons will actually realize and how many will still respond seriously

Fuck you user I wanted to be the first to say its pasta

>not keeping quiet and seeing how many newfags there are on this board

Well I wanted to be the first one to fuck your mom's asshole but that ship sailed long ago.


Since the cats out of the bag already, I just wanted to say that unlike these jerkoffs, I liked seeing this again.

>going back to potatos to get my fuking power wrist

always made me lol

I still think the funniest thing about this is that you can't buy back things you sell to vendors in SoM.

>over t3h intowebz
I unironically miss this

>persong over t3h intowebz?
come the fuck on. I'm 11 years late but that's not proper Sup Forums behavior.

>and became irate
How irate was he?

jesus christ it's a lion

Does anyone wants to play Secret of Mana with me?

The worst part of being on Sup Forums way back when is that I only remember the shitty imported memes like shoop da woop and pool's closed. Thank you for remembering a good one.

that first reply is fucking infuriating. why the fuck do people post when they are clearly incapable of reading something from start to finish


>reading something from start to finish

Stopped reading there.

I was playing Seiken Densetsu 3 on ZSNES earlier today then suddenly my wife's 5-year-old daughter kept pestering me she wanted to play with me? What do I do? I know very well she's going to suicide herself on purpose if I let her play because she's just crazy, but if she refuses she will crash into my 3000$ gaming PC, making me lose all my Atelier Sophie savedata since it doesn't have cloud enabled yet. Fuck you Koei Tecmo.

Is she hot?

user please, if you met my wife's daughter you'd stop being a lolicon in less than 5 minutes.