Yooka Laylee FIXED




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huh, so that's what he said

i'd actually enjoy some game more if they had a character that is essentially a Sup Forums thread simulator

I have a friend comparing this to Mighty No.9. Is he right?



>a character that is essentially a Sup Forums thread simulator

I'd play it.

It's a Kickstarter blunder that triggered Sup Forums, so I guess the two are similar in some ways.

Someone is going to mod it now. I have no doubt that it'll happen.

waiting for the dlc that turns yooka into a girl. i mean what were they thinking of making a green cis patriotically male for their kickstatestarter indie game, its 2017.

But nothing he said was wrong.

>they didn't even use the "gene pool" lines

cmon man you're leaving out gold!

No. Mighty number 9 failed beause the Kickstarter was run by a bunch of nontrustworthy people who just wanted to make some money

Multiple delays
Mass blocking criticizers (you can debate Playtonic did this but they only locked threads about refunds. No actual unwarented bans)
The worst marketing anyone has ever seen
Endless promises that would never be fulfilled, including sequels, a TV show, etc. Essentially they were looking too far ahead instead of focusing on their current project

And much more. Yooka Laylee is just a disappointing game and nothing else. At the VERY LEAST they delivered or are delivering on everything promised in the Kickstarter. There are still a couple stretch goals that are on their way though

But it's intellectually dishonest to point out that wealthy black people commit more crimes than poor white people, when wealthy white people commit more crimes than both groups.

Reminder that Jim is just a guy building his personality by picking up Sup Forums/ED memes and opinions to pretend to be cool and edgy

haha nice video, my redpilled brother! *upvotes*
fuck SJWs lol!

haha well meme'd, very clever! Make like you're not from reddit so smart!!! ECKES DEE


are these the "controversial" statements jontron made? are you fucking kidding me its fucking nothing

he also talked about keeping the gene pool pure

whats controversial about that? mixed race kids always suffer from identity issues

Source? At least he backed up what he said with this on Twitter



He just wanted the romanticized vision of classic american culture to not be pushed into obscurity by international cultures being offended by it

Reminder that Jim was apart of " the chan™ " for a long while before he started making meme vids.

How come there's LITERALLY no Laylee porn?

>when wealthy white people commit more crimes than both groups.


I thought there was already a version with tronjon still in it?

Yooka Laylee is only as disappointing as it is because people bigged it up to be Rare 2.0 working on a spiritual successor to Banjo and Kazooie.

>Mod it
It'd be amazing if we ever get to Repaint YL.

MN9 was way worse. Sup Forums just likes to exaggerate this one because they want another MN9 2.0

>Yooka Laylee didn't have 3 consecutive kickstarters after the main one to scam more money.
>The DLC goal was made way after and by petition. Also it is going to be worked on after the game came out.
>No kickstarter for a different game while the first game wasn't even out.
>The game i nowhere near as glitchy.

I understand people in Sup Forums love a good trainwreck, but one has to see things from a reasonable perspective.


Because the game is that awful.

there's also the pollacks out to get the horrible "libcucks" for not using jontrons grunts in the game.

Are you implying libcucks aren't horrible? Shit opinion discarded.

To be fair, all that shit kind of came out of left field. How publicised it got seems kind of like Playtronic intentionally used it to try drum up interest in the game.

Thanks for make my post usless by focusing on the politics bullshit, user.

My point was that it doesn't matter. Comparing it to MN9 is fucking stupid cause MN9 was way way worse.

Not everything has to be about your dumb JonTron argument.

This, most likely.



>go to prison

Wait, why did Yooka have Shovel Knight's voice in the very beginning?

Hey tumblr dyke. Scrubbed the fish smell out of your cunt this morning?


You're not really asian, you're not really white.
Is this a difficult concept to grasp?

>not leaving the stench to ferment so you can use it to assert dominance over men and the added benefit of deterring natural predators
t. virgin

Yes. Yes it is.

Is this an American thing?

It's a human thing. You wouldn't understand.

>haha politics amiright?
Fuck every person on the planet who brings politics into games, including the devs themselves. You have one job, deliver a good game with mechanics that dont suck ass. I dont gove a damn about your stupid political tribalism, I just want a good game.

Nice retort.
Procede with your gene purification procedure or whatever.

"political views" was a euphemism for Jon going full Sup Forums in public and them not wanting the game being associated it, which is completely understandable. The way they handled it was abysmally poor, however.

Remember operation nuke-a-laylee you cucks. We DON'T talk about this sjw trash. We DON'T give them attention. This way we can kill these shitty devs for being cucks and kicking our lad out for speaking the TRUTH

>Sup Forums says businesses should be private with no regulations
>Sup Forums froths at the mouth when a private company exerts their power

you should be free to do what you want, as long as you agree with them

Fuck of false flagging nigger, the game is shit on its own and you know it.

Is it falseflagging when GG literally said this on 8ch? No. Maybe you need to stop associating with people you secretly find cringy

just america. home of racemixed mongrels and they are all fucked in the head crying about oppression 24/7

lmao, Sup Forums utterly BTFO

literally who?

That place still exists?


They're stronger than ever. They singlehandedly elected Trump and got him to bomb Syria to teach the sjwhales a lesson

are these the original voice files of his rant?

>guy who relies heavily on scripted jokes can't debate for shit

>no outrage except some fringe posts on neogaf
>company pulls pc stunt to virtue signal removing their biggest advertiser (who did it for free) work retroactively
>words their statements as if backers would be on board with their decision
>giant backlash from backers and jons fanbase
>refuses to address the backlash
>has publisher mods delete posts
>said mods also made fun of backers on social media insulting the people who paid their bills for the last two years
>ends up losing thousands of preorders on steam
>ruined reputation as some creepy 1984 censorship company before the first game even hit the store
>the people they tried to pander to by virtue signaling dont buy their game and the reviewers pan the game

Your friend is just spouting the opinions of an e-celeb.

There's not even a real point of comparison.
MN9 was a juggernaut which got way more money than it should have, it wanted to become a brand even before it had anything tangible to show for it, and ended up flopping after constant delays and lies.
Y-L had a much more modest kickstarter campaign, and just wanted to be the spiritual sequel to Banjo games.

What? People are only defined by races?
I thought they were individuals defined by their personality, life experiences, family and their society.

I'd play this

That would have made for a WAY more interesting game.

>Basic tribalist concept
>Somehow a literal hitler
Such is life on Sup Forums.

Why is all the Sup Forums edits so unfunny? One would think that their supreme intellect also would make them witty

Never said they were.

Not worth going to 8ch anymore since they deleted /hebe/

And? Genetics matter.

Do you want inbred retard babies?

>What? People are only defined by races?
In groups, yes. Race is a biological fact, everyone prefers to be with people like them. Some people like to mix it up, and good for them, but the vast majority of people always choose to segregate. Churches, lunch tables, clubs, neighborhoods, schools, probably companies too if it was legal.

How much of that is just from people like you encouraging people to only identify with people that look like them and not something inherent within the mixed race person?

Alt righters are so fucking hilarious. They say that there must be racial redistribution because 'tribalism' - meanwhile they are pushing tribalism themselves and creating social conditions that make deportations and race war inevitable or necessary.

Sub 100 IQ Leftists and alt righters need to be rounded up into one arena and get shot. That's the only gene pool cleansing and purification that's needed.

kek, this is hilarious.

But it just seems like the guy is still just a nerd with no real knowledge or experience about economy, politics or sociology who simply took the Sup Forums pill to attentionwhore and fit in.

This only makes me see the whole shitstorm around defending/ostracizing this e-celeb as even more ridiculous.

Mixed race children have a huge chip on their shoulders because they're mongrels with no home. Half white half asians are notoriously insecure over their heritage, and don't get me started on half white half black kids.

Not an argument.

I'd rather be Half-white half black, than Full black.

How about no black?

>alt righters are dumb because they say tribalism is real and then everyone acts tribalistic
got em
Also, it's incredibly racist to say we should purge people with sub 100 IQs. Shame on you.

sounds like complete horseshit

No, no you wouldn't.
t. Mulatto with identity issues

How BLEACHED can you get as a black man before you stop claiming the gov'mint is against you and that all of you problems are caused by out side racist forces?

The answer is never

>white people see you as nonwhite
>nonwhite people you see as white
>don't know which heritage is yours

Not hard to figure out m8


And what argument?
It just seems like the e-celeb is totally oblivious to the world and can only repeat the general Sup Forums mentality.

>uhh... umm... I guess some mexicans aren't criminals, but they're bad because some them are
>i-it's in the statistics ya know!
>and l-like... you know... uhmm... blacks are bad and stuff because race breeding is gross

That only sounds like uneducated Sup Forums gibberish. Hence why people trying to crucify him as if he committed a heresy, or Sup Forums defending him as if he was a savior, now looks completely ridiculous to me.

I doubt he said "slavery was good"

Interesting, 3 things he didn't say. Do you know what an argument is?

>Sup Forums is now left winged
what happened?

Destiny literally said because it was economically beneficial, slavery was a good thing. He's a neoliberal. You see that cheap iphone of yours? It's the product of slave labor.

Now here's a video of one of Destiny's "arguments":


You know what paraphrasing is?

And why are you so touchy either way? Does it hurt you that others don't see your e-drama as serious business?

Sup Forums has always been moderate, left/right wingers are just teenagers and shitposters who derail threads

the real intellectual dishonesty here is that people take what he said and don't realize that he is correct in saying that by percentage of total population of the race, rich blacks are more likely to commit crime (b-but that's only blacks that are arrested and blacks are more likely to be arrested because all cops are r-r-raaacist) than poor white people, they might commit crime at a near equal rate or even slightly less than rich white, however, you're comparing a race with 12% of the population (black) to 60% of the population (white)

Neogaf, reddit, tumblr. Take your pick.
>inb4 boogeyman
No just take a look at how awful Sup Forums is.

>remove jontron for being racist against basketballs
>have a mammy refrigerator character

Really causes the contents of the skull to work overtime

>identify with people that look like them and not something inherent within the mixed race person?

That's your instincts telling you something is fucked up. Like when you look at a real life retard and know what they're like. Sure, some mix breed people work out alright, some other breeds don't and those that don't are the ones triggering people's instincts that some shit is wrong.

Look faggot, you can try to turn of your biological reactions through sheer force of will, but that doesn't stop them from occurring.

>racial redistribution because 'tribalism' - meanwhile they are pushing tribalism themselves and creating social conditions that make deportations and race war inevitable or necessary.

You have no idea what you're saying and with this phrase here, you used alt-right to mean something entirely else than what it is. Alt-right people are aggressively conservative.

>Sub 100 IQ Leftists and alt righters need to be rounded up into one arena and get shot.

You would be in that line cause all I see is a liberal that hates others for not being like them in thought.

I'm half black, half white. You're full of shit, and are in no place to speak for the largely personal and unique views and experiences of every human that comes from mixed races.

It's actually pretty great.

lol lel lul lil lal