Flash Sale


UNCHARTED The Nathan Drake Collection $7.99

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Anybody looking to get in on some hot Dead Rising action should do themselves a favor and just get 1 and ignore the triple pack.
Apparently the ports of 2 and OTR are broken anyways

its nothing

It's decent. Just because it doesn't have your shitty weeb games on it doesn't mean it's "nothing".

Should i get metro redux?

Jesus, why is Marvel Ultimate Alliance so pricy considering its age?

Outside of maybe Ape Escape anything I might want I already have, so eh.

I'm seeing some games i would actually want to get but i have little time for these games, so I'll just wait for the next sale.

Metro redux is alright, it is also 2 games in one.

seriously kys yourself my man

It's 2017 and there's no PSN in my country.

I'll prolly get
LEGO HP 1-7, Ape Escape 2 and Uncharted

Not too bad a deal

Okage Shadow King is amazing

I never want to play any of the Uncharteds or Last of Us ever again, but if you've never played them before this is a pretty good deal.

So? You can make an account in any region


I've been thinking about Deadpool for a while. Is it worth 20 bucks?

That's inconvenient, there's literally no reason not to add PSN to the Baltics.

Is Dark Cloud really good?

The reason is that it's not worth it

Hell no, the Transformers game is objectively superior but still overpriced at $24

Would Deadpool be worth like $15?

Then why's there PSN in such shitholes like Guatemala or Romania?


I bet it's more civilized than, say, Detroit, for example.

>kill yourself yourself

That's not saying much.

lol no. Stop letting bullshit tv convenience you otherwise.

thoughts on crypt of necrodancer ps4?

Detroit is getting better though

why can't I see shit? am I getting memed?

Why else would that user say Guatemala is a shithole, other than by what American pop culture says about countries south of the border? According to our boy Trump, all there are are mexicans, jungles, drugs, and rape/murder. In most cases, you'd be right. But there are also fairly well-off countries here.

I'm not even guatemalan, but I'm just saying that guy needs to read a bit more before talking shit.

But we ARE in Sup Forums after all....

Do RE5 and RE6 on PS4 come with all the DLC?
I pretty much just want them for the Mercenary mode.

>Shiren finally on sale
>still 16 bucks

Yeah same! Wtf is going on. They keep showing me the same 3 shitty movies.

>tfw you wish the sale was just a bit better

Nothing for me to buy. Are the record of agarest war games complete trash?

Think I'm just gonna pick up Tomb raider.

He could have got someone else to do it for him

Is the last of us remastered worth 8 bucks if I have the OG? I still havent played Left Behind DLC. Is DMC HD worth 5 bucks and the time I'd spend playing them?

DMC HD collection for under 10 bucks is nice

Wish I still had my PS3

Was Rayman 3 good? I remember getting an ad in the mail but I didn't have a ps2 at the time.

Left Behind was complete shit. It's the dlc I regret buying the most. Just youtube it. DMC is worth it.

Should I buy TLOU?


What is worth playing? I already played all the Uncharteds and Last of us.

If you never played it before then definitely yes.

sounds about right. Not exactly the best, but not exactly a shithole.

>still no Okami for ps4

Yes it's fucking good.

Kind of want the Agarest collection even if it's undoubtedly shit.

Should i?

Should I buy Dishonored, bros ? i already play it, except the DLC

Expect fun, but not too much. If you're not a Brit, brace yourself for shitty accents too.

I'm 31. Will this still be fun to me?


For $6 it's a great deal, Daud's levels are excellent.

Gee thanks Sony!


Are Siren and Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 good games my dudes?

How often is Yakuza 0 on sale?
I want to play it but already have a backlog.

I want Nioh to go on sale so bad.

It is. In Europe at least. Easter sale.

I am waiting for this too. I think Europe had a sale a couple of weeks ago.

yes coziest game i ever played

Yakuza is on sale right now, I'm just wondering if I should get it now or wait until I've finished other games and it might be lower.

Why is it on sale for them. Does that mean it will go on sale for us soon or something.


thinking about getting
>prince of persia trilogy for $10
>beyond good and evil for $2

worth it?

Is Easter at a different time of the month for you? Or maybe it hasn't started. Today is the first day of Easter in Sweden.

Yeah there's a lot of shit to go through. Wish they filtered DLCs to a different tab. Maybe possible.

why are PS4 sales so shit?
I've owned my PS4 for almost 6 months now and I still only own Bloodborne because the sales are literally always just PC games.

>Digital console games when not on sale cost more than their physical counterpart, and often more than their PC verison
>When on sale, the prices are on par with them
Amazing "sales".

because up until a few months ago it had nogaemz, and recently released games don't go on sale.

I like all of those. Back when Ubisoft made or published quality games. Unsure how the HDs perform.

Sands of Time and Beyond Good and Evil were both free on Uplay before christmas. Missed those? I've heard good things about the latter though so might be worth, especially if it's $2.

GR HD + 2, UC1-3 HD +4, Last of Us HD and Ratchet & Clank were on sale a couple weeks ago. Nioh and Yakuza 0 are on sale now, at least in Sweden. Also

>Hitman trilogy

Easter is in 2 days for me.

How's the Ultimate Alliance games on PS4? Do they have the DLC characters?

Can I get anyone's opinion on these games?
>Tomb Raider Definitive Edition
>Grim Fandango
>Dead Rising
>Crypt of the Necrodancer
>Wolfenstein the New Order

rip in peace motherfucker

Fuck, I just bought DR2 from my Walmart for 20 a few days ago.

Because console gamers can get discs and actually own their games.

Yeah it's pretty good.

Are the new Wolfenstein games actually any good/fun?

they are all fine games
I suggest you buy wolfenstein

>Tomb Raider Definitive Edition

who said that? they're fine, if anything dead rising 1 is the one having a framerate pause everytime you hit a zombie.

It's fucking nothing!


Desd Rising
Dark Cloud 1 & 2
Wild Arms 3

Set for a while

DR1 is a classic game to me, and many others. But a lot of people hate it and are frustrated by it.

>The Nathan Drake Collection

Was this really necessary? They may as well have called it UNCHARTED: The every game in existence except for that one on that handheld nobody owned and the one we haven't released yet collection. They call it "The Nathan Drake Collection" and it's missing two fucking Nathan Drake games.

What does this mean though, I see a lot of """""good""""" countries that aren't a dark blue hue, however they're not ok with homosexuality and shit.

How well does Rise of Kisai and Mark of Kri play on the PS4? Are they true hd remakes?

there's psn here but I have a US account anyway, buying codes through amazon is way easier and most of the time games are cheaper due to currency conversion

Wait for Easter sale

its a "is this country a shithole?" list

Is Gaucamemee worth $5? I want a co-op game.

For $5 sure. It's a pretty fun side scroller.

This IS the easter sale.

Yes. Memes aside, one of the better metroidvanias of the past 10 years, if fairly simple.

Easter is this weekend so this is the Easter Sale.

Grim Fandango was in my extended backlog for ~15 years and I only just played it when it came to PS+ last year, and I didn't like it at all. Its troubles come mostly from finding the specific, hard to see spot to use something, rather than figuring out HOW to use something like most of the good Lucas Arts adventure games.

>MISSED CHARGES!!!!!!!!!11!

I want KoF XIV and Malicious Fallen

>Dishonored DE
>Tomb Raider DE
>TLoU Remastered (never played)

Y/N? Was hoping to get most of these physical, but these deals are a bit better than I've been able to find for new physical copies.

If it doesn't say easter sale, it isn't easter sale. Some people seem to not have it yet. Could be a local thing.

Well this fucking sucked