Oh, not another false alarm... every time I try to work light something goes wrong

>Oh, not another false alarm... every time I try to work light something goes wrong.

sounds like a real workhorse, he should get some rest.


I guess Rewind is the closest thing we'll get.

who was in the wrong here?

As if it will ever be finished.

Timesplitters is still my 10/10 although i think ts2 mp was better but fp has better story coop than 2

It looks shocking , have you actually seen what the grenade launcher from ts2 looks like? And the double barrel looks like ass too , im talking about rewind here btw

yea ts3's MP maps sucked

the storys are close. i like that ts2's is actually challenging

FP is slower paced and too easy

I prefer coop in fp as it has a storyline more sort of, plus i thought the levels in 3 were amaxing first time compared to ts1 and ts2 since they werent empty spaces with nothing but the odd npc to kill, liked the bosses more in ts2 though

TS4 beta testing was shit idk what you people want so bad

There was no beta testing stop shitposting bro , you cant fool anyone who actually follows this game , get fucked

>he hates ts3's mp maps
Assault on Mars Prison was GOAT. debate me.

yes there was you fucking imbecile if you actually open your eyes once in your life it was fucking horse shit like the shit im about to smear in your eyes for being so retarded

That mars for assualt was sick really and i take it back about that and the dam map for ts3 seen as they are the only ones any good in ts3 , ts3 subway as well was good tbf

Prove it then , being this salty and still no proof hahahaha

free radical was for caving and making cortez a retard just because the publisher told them to

heres a screenshot i took of the first cutscene where you were saved by the monkey, who reveals himself to be john monkey, which basically threw the entire storyline out of fucking wack and you had to play as him carrying you around and it just turns out to basically be a point and click shooter and it was fucking retarded, kind of like how you are, you cross eyed bimbo nebelhandgranate fuck

What was your favourite character in the series, Sup Forums? Mine was the insect mutant. I remember being very excited about unlocking him when I was a kid. he looked really cool

Rewind isn't coming

The dev leader is woefully unqualified and the team is in constant fluctuation because it's so disorganised

Why are you being this aggressive lol? I called your shitpost out because you are fucking annoying, maybe stop being a tard claiming false bullshit like every other shitposting nigger

it was decent. but most were mediocre or bad. temple and bunker for example are terrible. vr is a shitfest

I liked subway and disco the best

I really enjoyed Future Perfect when I was a kid, but I tried playing it on an emulator and I hate using a controller now.

If there ever is a TS4 I'd hope it releases for PC.

also Vin Diesel

are you even checking your facts you spic bastard slope head bean eater?????? clearly if you had an IQ more than fucking 3 you'd know the beta was horse shit because of its stupid bugs, shitty story line, and unpolished HUD which made everything look like it was being played on a terminal from fucking fallout. maybe next time instead of calling people NIGGER XDDD and TART!!!! LOL! you can actually stretch out your flab ridden fingers to type in this shit and you'd get some actual results

Halo sucks.

You're trying too hard

And you are still giving him attention.

he refuses to comprehend that there was a beta, that's all

I'm not that other dude

TS3 does have some good ones. Temple, Hotel, Mars Prison, Venice, Disco and Subway hold up nicely.

Vietnam and Zeppelin were unbalanced, sometimes nothing really happened.

Siberia was okay-ish, its basicly the open area map.

TS2 does have better maps but some were weak too like Ufopia, Chasm and Circus.

I really like how Cortez turned out so Im cool with it.

In the end I think 2 was better because the multiplayer is better in 2 and the story mode I like both, 2 feels more like an anthology with varied short stories (and in gameplay is a bit more loose and skill based), while in FP its more focused and has great writting.

Even though TS3 was neglected by EA it still turned out to be an awesome game. That was pretty impressive on free radical's part

>EA put everything on Goldeneye Rogue Agent and ignored Future Perfect
IIRC Rogue Agent got ripped apart by just about everyone on release

you're a fucking weirdo m8

you wanna see crazy??? ill show you crazy

Oh I see. It all makes sense now. You're from the Khallos Internet Defense Force.