How do you go from this

How do you go from this......


what were they thinking?

...To this?

motherfucker looks like hank hill in the thumbnail

>mainline SMT is stuck with these new shit designs while spinoffs keep the good Kaneko designs.
For what purpose?

to sabotage smt so Persona can reign supreme

smt then

SMT now

>looks like a demon because red

I despise a bug chunk of the old SMT designs like the humanoid angels and titty Satan.

The new designs are dog shit too but I hate the old ones. At least they look good in 3D in P5

This is a top tier redesign, fuck off. Much better than "le man with wings = angel" meme. Its much more terrifying and impressive than his old one.

That's orange, my colorblind friend.

based kaneko left and now we get punished with this final fantasy tier monster design


How do you go from this...

That guy at the bottom under the elephant looking back reminds me of that demon on the doom cover

New demon designs are top tier, sorry if they trigger you nocturne kiddos but it's time to enter the new era of SMT

to this
What were they thinking?

This is a pretty cool design though. Certainly more interesting than man with a funny skin color and wings. Metatron is the only angel with a cool design.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but the original angels in the mythology don't resemble humans at all.

>being this much of a shill

Yep. There's a reason why in the Bible, their very first words to a human are "don't be afraid."

some people just have shit taste man. it can't be helped.

>Ow, The Edge: the character deisgn

Don't get me wrong, I love most of Kaneko's designs. But the archangels are not ones I'd consider good at all, they're too simplistic for the mighty beings that they are and which are supposed to not look nowhere near humans.
>different opinion = shills
Fuck off.

Rings within rings, so many eyes, burning wings...
Thats all youre given. And shit these niggas dont have any of that either.

Metatron is still the single greatest design Kaneko ever produced, it is literally perfect. They better not ever try to make a fucking redesign for him

They're supposed to look very bizarre and strange. And the new designs look just like that.

I know you're baiting, but puns

What are angels like? Are they automatons or do they have free will? What do they do all day?

*blocks your path*

When the angels went to warn Lot about the forthcoming destruction to Sodom and Gomorrah, the angels took the shape of men.
Really attractive men, apparently. The people of the city wanted to have sex with them

But angels are men with wings retard.

They never specified which angels though, they could be low class ones. The closer they are to god, the more different they look from men. Hence why the 4 archangels are so bizarre.

The lowest rank and archangels are. It gets weird after that.

Are you by chance the same guy who wouldn't shut the fuck up saying IV was trash in last night's SMT thread?

Oh yeah sure, all angels look the same. Then by your logic the Throne design by Kaneko of Devil Summoners and so on of a man in a wheel is an horrible design.

they have free will, otherwise the dumb shit in pic related would never happen.

I also have to say that Seraph's design from SMT IV is great. And the way they sound so robotic just goes to show how they are manifestations of god's will at such a high rank.

But I'm playing Law, he literally can't.

It's literally the seven deadly sins
>On a war chariot, aka wraith
>Harvester aka gluttony
>sits on it aka sloth
>Grabby hands is envy and greed
>Golden chariot is Pride
>do I have to tell you what lust is

Looks pretty good to me, angels aren't technically humanoid to begin with.

Lots of the SMTIVA redesigns are awesome, too. Odin is god-tier

Thankfully, Mastema is already perfect and didn't need a redesign

To this?

But Mara is a buddhist demon, not a Christian one, so the 7 deadly sins dont apply

Nevermind then

It's not even a working dick anyways

No, angels are just very powerful being with no free will according to old judaism. Forget the Christianity and new Judaism were angels can suddenly revolt.

Angels are robots in that sense. A more robotic look for design is perfect. They are supposed to be weapons of mass destruction as well. So they can't look like 80s delinquents.

The angels in SMT take human shapes of beautiful people as well, see SMT IV.

it's looks good, at least it's an original take on angels.

Angels take many forms in abrahamic religions.

The archangel Michael is first seen in the hebrew bible in the book of Daniel and described as man

>The closer they are to god, the more different they look from men
and yet God made men in his image?

What did he mean by this?

And yet, God doesn't even have an appearance. You could say that all angels have a human appearance but the closer they are to god, the less tangible and harder to understand that they are, hence giving humans a very weird perception of their appearance.
I dunno, I don't think you should assume that god made angels in his image as well and even if he did, that they should be perceived as such.


Why does every retard interpret this line literally? I don't think any religious scholar believes that the phrase is meant to mean that God created men to look like him

Your not wrong some angels had capes that looked like they were constantly dripping blood and another with wings made out of eye balls but Michael the arch angel just looked like a dude, no wings or anything

Then what does it mean faggot?

>Why does every retard interpret this line literally?

Could mean plenty of things; a common Christian interpretation is that God infused man with his spirit.

>people WILL defend this

Don't make fun of Lucifer's fapping arm.

that he himself impregnated

I hope Mastema gets more screentime in DSJ. Probably gonna get taken up by that anime girl though.

Doi semi-fixed it in Apocalypse.

Still hope that V goes back to a more classic design. They have the asset from P5 after all.

I read somewhere he seems to be "degrading" with each game. He was some angelic guy in the first two, then became a traditional demon in 3 and Iv and IV:A make him look like a zombie, when he got BLACKED it actually made him look like he's decomposing.

Turning into little girls used up his life energy.

I agree I don't really enjoy this redesign, but there was a clear theme going on here with this Lucifer. It will probably be redesigned again in the next game.
Also, even Kaneko redesigned Lucifer various times.

when in Judaeo christian lore he did start off as a beautiful angel and then gradually turned into a bald black with pregnant left forearm as he fell from grace

Most of the modern cultural depictions of Lucifer/the Devil/etc don't exactly make him look like a fuccboi.

Because any other interpretation makes God a tangential thing, rather than a real entity. You may as well worship the Force from Star Wars. Also the scripture says "let's make man look like us." I think religious scholars get so busy counting angels on the head of a pin that the miss the meaning behind the good word.

because he lost his angel status, he was supposed to be the most beautiful angel until he fell and turned into a 6 titted snake thing, most depictions of him are of a snake or like a gargoyle thing

Satan and lucifer are different in SMT. Satan is Law, Luci is Chaos.

what i want to know is who started the whole red guy with horns and beard look for him

>Satan is Law

He was Law in II, but he doesn't seem to give a fuck anymore in IV:A.

Less than a minute between the first and second post, Ah tell ya h'wat

Satan isn't Lucifer in SMT. Which is correct according to the original Hebrew writings. Satan (helel there, I think) was some kind of prosecutor who took care of evildoers but ultimately worked under God.

i know but they are all supposed to be the devil, satan whatever you want to call him in the Judaeo christian lore they pulled him from

it's a combination of different things, drawing on medieval art, Greek satyrs, probably Hades/Pluto for the pitchfork, etc.

You again? I know exactly who you are you autistic fuck. I remember you from last night's shitfest in the thread over at /vg/. Get the fuck back to r/megaten.

but 720p is high definition user.

720 = HD
1080 = true HD
4k = ultra HD

Angels can probably look like whatever to humans

Redpill be on Satan/Devil/Lucifer, senpai

1080 is actually FULL HD, not "true". That will just make that user say that "but 720p isn't muh true hd so its SD".

Next think you know people are going to be claiming 1080p isn't HD either
People forget that while "high definition" is subjective, these are industry terms with a specific meaning.

>It's the joystick hand

>taking a shit
>decide to check Sup Forums
>make an observation
>kek ensues

I mean, I only use /vg/ for /hbg/ but by all means keep entertaining me, Mr. Victim Complex

Oh that will happen. When the next generation of rich kids come along, they will all have 4k monitors and TVs and will start saying that 720p is archaic while 1080p was SD. Won't be long until normies think 720p = 16-bit.

>Nirasawa died last year

There'll be some new buzzword like Hyper Definition or some shit

I will. It's actually really perfect when you realize he's meant to be the middle line between divinity and humanity, bearing aspects of both but can claim to be neither.

Still looks like shit tho

God, the guest designs were hot garbage.

"Everything must be beautiful!"

gtfo u philocalist diletante motherfucker

Someone drawfag hank as smt2 micheal but with wings made out of clean burning propane i tell ya hwat.
Also his left hand is holding a beer.

Who was that guy who wanted to just fucking fight an angel so he can get some shit blessing?

The word satan simply means adversary and not necessarily refers to a specific being. The story of Lucifer's fall wasn't fully formed until relatively recent and the gnostics had a lot to do with it. It gets much more complicated if you consider the apocriphal stuff but you have weird stuff even in the normal Bible.
Job's story wouldn't be out of place in a Megaten game for example.

Oh God please someone do this.

this. they more than likely don't even use their wings to fly, but wear them so human brains can rationalize that they can fly because of their wings.

>Because any other interpretation makes God a tangential thing, rather than a real entity.
This is the stupidest thing posted on this board today. Congratulations.

Someone looking like humans, occupying physical space, living in the sky makes far less sense (even to ancients) being real than an entity being the creator of everything, who isn't constrained by space and time that isn't physical and thus doesn't have a human appearance.

No, Mara is a demon in Buddhist myth that tried to prevent Buddha from reaching enlightenment by shapeshifting into a giant cock and riding around him in a garish golden chariot to distract him from meditating

That's much better.